[changelog] Cove wood shop reopen! Massive Missive overhaul!

Home Forums PirateCraft Server Updates [changelog] Cove wood shop reopen! Massive Missive overhaul!

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  • #59720
    • Topics: 794
    • Replies: 3344
    • Total: 4138
    • ★★★★★★★★

    • I re-opened the Cove wood shop
    • I removed Craftsmen from building/breaking at public warps; Cove, Spawn, North, East, South, West.
    • I added Craftsmen to building on the aqueduct and roads and they still can build at the market.
    • Complete overhaul of the Missives:
      • I separated the missives into new groups, some of the most basic messages were assigned to Deckhand and cadet only, you shouldn’t get told you are able to use /sethome now! In total I removed 23 Missives from people Sailor+
      • I added all of buckmaster1993’s new insults these haven’t been updated in 5 years since SuperGL wrote the initial set! https://piratemc.com/topic/missive-insults-as-requested/
      • I reversed the Donator messages, before donators would get messages on things they could do, but this makes no seance as they know these things as they donated! so instead I gave everyone messages about the perks of donating, to hopefully obtain some more Contributors if they know about the perks! These are also in a different color to stand out more, gray tends to bleed into not being read, I may change the older missives to be easier to read in text & color at some point.
      • Removed outdated missives
    • Updated /motd
    • Did a massive clean up and restructure on our discord server https://piratemc.com/topic/discord-re-structure-cleanup/
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