[Bug] Crew chat duplicating messages

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    Hello, I would like to report a bug. Yesterday I was talking in crew chat in the blue section of /c join. It has always worked well since the recent update but yesterday me and a crewmate found out that our messages weren’t only showed in our private crew, but in global too. When I write something in /c join, for example “Test in crew chat”, this text is sent automatically in both chats, so I come up with a white and a blue sentence. People were complaining, of course, because I don’t always speak in english with my crew. Did this happen to anybody? I hope It’s my fault, maybe I modified some strange settings and we can fix this easily.


    Crew: [Apple] JuiceKings


    Side questions: is there a way to change tag or crew name? Also, whenever I try to change the bulletin, it says I lack of permissions, even though I am the leader. Thank you.

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    For me this has only happened when using /c join and /a join. Try doing /c leave or /a leave and then just put the /c or /a command before anything that you want to have in crew or ally chat.

    Leader of the Narwhal Syndicate
    Former Official Bitchnugget of the Asylum
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    This happens when you simply type /a join or /c join.  /c and /a works fine. If you leave either crew chat or ally chat, then you can also type in public without the bug.



    Founder of Port Hope

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    Thank you for the replies! Doesn’t /a and /c require a message after them? For example /c Hello?
    In this case I would have to write /c every time I want to say something to my crewmates… I use the crew chat quite a lot. The /c join has been working very well until yesterday and it’s still a bug that needs to be fixed, I guess.

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    Thank you for the replies! Doesn’t /a and /c require a message after them? For example /c Hello? In this case I would have to write /c every time I want to say something to my crewmates… I use the crew chat quite a lot. The /c join has been working very well until yesterday and it’s still a bug that needs to be fixed, I guess.

    Hes giving you a way to use it. Obviously its a teeny tiny bit harder to put in 2 extra characters. But obviously I was unaware of this bug until today.

    What I need to know, thats very importatnt is the timing of this. Was this due to my updates last night? http://piratemc.com/2016/06/01/updates-chat-hover-click-events-new-player-menu-chairs-back-back-now-warmup/

    Or has apple just picked a poor time to report this and only noticed now? I need to know if this is an existing previous bug, or if this happened because of the changes last night. They are separate plugins so it should not have anything at all to do with last nights updates. But just in case can I get some more information.

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    I am more scared about forgetting /c and write annoying non-english sentences in global rather than exhaust my fingers for pressing those heavy buttons and write the two letters.
    Yesterday my crew used the chat all day with no issues. I used it too in the evening when suddenly around 22:00 or a little bit later (England time)  I noticed people asking to speak english, and then I noticed the bug. That was the timing, at least for our crew chat.

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    It is definitely a result of the latest update @godsdead . No clue where the problem lies within the content being updated, but crew chat and ally chat has worked fine up until today. I logged on yesterday afternoon (+1) and everything was working fine.

    Founder of Port Hope

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    It is definitely a result of the latest update @godsdead . No clue where the problem lies within the content being updated, but crew chat and ally chat has worked fine up until today. I logged on yesterday afternoon (+1) and everything was working fine.

    Awesome, see with that information I can pinpoint the issue and talk to developers to get it sorted.

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    I have this bug, but it’s the opposite way around, whenever I type in crew chat it is fine, nothing happens, but when I talk in global it comes up in crew chat aswell, people are telling me to /c leave and /a leave, but seriously, I:

    1. Don’t understand why this would help, typing “leave” in my crew chat and ally chat probably won’t change anything.

    2. Don’t understand why this is such a popular thing to reply to it? IT DOESN’T MAKE SENSE!

    This post that I posted on this post about something is probably useles information.............

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    You could try it then post you know… Also it helps because /c leave will toggle off your chat from trying to automatically post in crew chat when you don’t type /c before every message.

    - Think outside the blocks -

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    I have this bug, but it’s the opposite way around, whenever I type in crew chat it is fine, nothing happens, but when I talk in global it comes up in crew chat aswell, people are telling me to /c leave and /a leave, but seriously, I: 1. Don’t understand why this would help, typing “leave” in my crew chat and ally chat probably won’t change anything. 2. Don’t understand why this is such a popular thing to reply to it? IT DOESN’T MAKE SENSE!

    /c leave and /a leave are commands rather than crew/ally chat messages. /c join and /c leave (also /a for both) are used to toggle a feature where you do not have to put /c or /a in front of a crew/ally chat message. While /c join or /a join are toggled on, anything you say without doing /c or /a will appear in both global chat and crew/ally chat. Do /c leave or /a leave to toggle this off.

    Leader of the Narwhal Syndicate
    Former Official Bitchnugget of the Asylum
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