Buccaneer Ball – A PirateCraft Sport

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    So a couple of years ago, much of the server shared a day with a common interest in a little activity that was created on the fly. Basically a game of soccer, which I call Buccaneer Ball. The small game put two teams of two/three onto a field with goals at the ends, much like that of a soccer arena, with a ball in the center (ironically, I was the ball). The teams would then hit the “ball” with knockback sticks and try to throw the player/ball into the opposite team’s goal.

    I remember that this little sporting event was a lot of fun and non-violent, even given the characters that attended. I’m wondering, could we bring it back and make it PMC’s official sport? I would love to see gatherings of people to watch a player get knocked around with sticks in the name of sport!

    I... I've got nothing... Carry on.

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    I already mentioned this to silver, but it is possible that each team could have their own arena, possibly even with a modification. I already have a concept one, which none of you are allowed to steal, in which there is a crane sign in the middle which rotates the entire arena, but not the goals.


    -Latinfool the Weird

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    If someone builds an arena on creative, I will happily put it up in a save PvP free zone. What was used as the ball a player?

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    What was the ball? Well look no further and wonder no more! You found him.

    I... I've got nothing... Carry on.

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    silver was the ball, he had some kit armor on and a resist beacon with a sea lantern on his head and just sat there while the other people hit him with a stick. was pretty convenient being able to tell the ball to get back in bounds 😛

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

    - Former Leader of CoV -
    - A Proud Member of The Asylum-

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    Silver was the ball … as depicted in this artistic representation , xd

    Proud Member of the Piratecraft history 🙂


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    You actually took a video of that. Well done .-.

    I... I've got nothing... Carry on.

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    if you actually need a ball we have PirateCraft player ;p Then you can play silver! Could even vanish him and put a head on it?

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    Maybe we could bounce around some sort of mob, like a Puffi or something

    Peace for all! Why do we descend into the chaos of our lives when we could live in harmony, without bloodshed, violence, or death? I will protect and defend my crew, my family, and let them enjoy as much peace as my life can offer.

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