Birth of a Crew

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    Playing on this server for almost 3 years now, I have entered a new part of my experience here on PMC… creating a crew. Yes there are crews such as the BE and TAS that are filled to the brim with op and dedicated players, but I am seeking a new kind of audience…rookies.


    Looking to recruit and train new Pirate Craft members into well respected pirates, the Sea Gulls have opened their gates to the public. (note we still are looking for experienced players also :P)

    Upon joining, you will be asked to join one of three groups; the fighters, guards, or gatherers, where you shall rank your way up and get receive a starter pack (aka armor tools and resources).

    We already have a 19.5k Crew Home that’s almost finished with Spawners and Villys!                             (see attachments below)

    If you are interested in joining or becoming allies mail @Raptor250 or @Jammin_Mas to see what your options are. 

    This is all I wanted to say in the First Forum Topic, see you on the high seas!


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    A endermite kicked my ass

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    ProWil (formerly Wilson Manzer),
    General Secretariat of The Papal State
    PirateCraft Veteran, circa 2015.

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    Remember to build a galleon with a big seagull as figurehead!

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    3 years!? .-. That’s mental! I’d ask to join if you like me, but, I have my own lifestyle and can’t wait to clash with your crew 😀


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