Baritone Hack Client Is Really Bad… (Karsoren21 Unban Appeal)

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    Current Username: Karsoren21
    Username when banned: Karsoren21
    UUID: 9af822f9-ed7c-4afc-be28-2bd5b8c40b50
    Banned By: Elo

    Hello, I really don’t think It was understood very well that I absolutely love this server. I know, someone has probably already said that, but I really mean it. Now onto my point, if you don’t know what baritone is, It is a hack that basically automates anything you need it to, whether that is mining, farming, fighting, or just walking in a straight line, it will do it for you; baritone is bad news for servers. I was using the client not to hack on your server but I was just simply surprised that I could actually download a hack and that it actually worked on a server. I promise not to use it and would even be fine if all diamonds were stripped from my base and person. I just wanted to say I only used it for a couple of minutes to test how it worked. I swear not to use such things against your server again and just wanted to be granted access to play on again. (My sister loves playing on my computer just as much as I do as well, hence some of my names in the past. [In the hopes that you all don’t think I’m a creep])

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    and what compelled you to try that on a server you so deeply enjoy and love? really? baritone? hope that hack isn’t back doored, knowing where it came from I wouldn’t be surprised in the slightest. next time you want to try those kind of mods/hacks, try them on a server that actually allows them; not here.

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    All I was trying to say is that was the first, only, and last time I would want to use that client or any hacks in general. I know I exaggerated a little bit but trust me, I am not a cold-hearted person. I just want to be allowed back onto the server regardless if I get my stuff back or not.



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    Yeah no. You had your chance to play legit, you blew it. Feel free to appeal again in a few months, we don’t want cheaters

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