Animals and villagers on ships,

Home Forums Server Support Requests & Suggestions Animals and villagers on ships,

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    I think Ships would be so much more useful if I could have animals on ships,

    Imagine the money that you could save, you wouldn’t need to buy eggs, you could also save time trying to transport by land.

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    You can do this. This is known.

    Ask Asterity sometime, she has done this with horses. Iirc she used a gold hoe tool rather than cruise.

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    It is hard, but to be sure and keep them alive you can still transport them in different ways, nether portals, minecarts, or just by walking while using a lead (which i prefer the most)

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    If it’s over seas, I strap them to lead and sail away with them flying behind me. lol.

    Founder of the Coalition

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    for some animals/mobs they can be kept in vanilla boats. but it’s one passenger per boat. cant daisy chain them either. I have tried, sadly it is either a lead or a boat. cant be both ;-;

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

    - Former Leader of CoV -
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    race with friends in vanilla boats with cattle to ur destination, getting stuff done and its fun 😛


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    This has always worked for me, early days we used to have people run trade ships for horses and villagers. Do they fall out or something? tried double thick walled ships?

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