Adieu piratecraft

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  • #42490
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    i know I already did one of these, but this is the last one for good. Even though I’ve recently came back just about a month ago, I have a few reasons why I’m leaving, and no the war is not one of them. My first reason is that I grow tiresome of piratecraft, always doing the same thing for a long period of time can be mindnumming on a persons mind. Secondly, it’s just more of a chore then actual fun, and lastly, my life currently is just too hectic with school, APclasses, band, and the upcoming exams, my mind just needs a break for a while. So, I’m cutting the rope that still held me here to this server.


    allies, I will dearly miss each and every one of you, some more the. Others

    server, I will miss you as well, just on a lesser scale (even you cysteen)

    now I did have my first and final sea battle with a crew vs crew.

    it was Vern(me) vs TSE. I will post pictures but overall my crew won by tearing the ship apart then having a magazine explosion in the hull (last pic)


    sincerly. J.T.bcbcommish

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    I’ll miss you, I don’t like seeing old men go. As Daniel_Mc_Lachlen said to me “older players deserve a bit of street cred” you’re an older player in my eyes, you’ve helped me through the dumps, I hope I can help you in any way possible.


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    everybody is leaving all of a sudden

    Ω Former Consulate and Emperor of the New Romans Ω
    Vivat Rei Republicae

    ▲ ▲

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    here are the pictures of the battle

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    bcb, it is sad to see you go. when mystic told me you were quitting after I rivaled you I was actually quite upset. I would like to point out and correct, I did NOT declare war on you. I simply added you as a rival.  I was hoping you wouldn’t quit because of the rivalry. but as for other reasons, I suppose everyone has those times. gl in the real world. (I hear the graphics are amazing but the storyline sucks)

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

    - Former Leader of CoV -
    - A Proud Member of The Asylum-

    Crazy Pirate
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    You did a ship battle with 91 levels? That requires some balls.

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    well i did tear that ship apart and burnt the sails with one shot,

    then i put in 15 more shots just for saftey

    also managed to kill the crew on that ship


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    bcbcommish good luck with your schoolwork! its always best to focus on education! Wishing you all the best, Gods.

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    if i do never come back in like Ever. Remember me by my actions and this little snippet of this song



    Start at 3:50-4:40


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    Bye. It was nice knowing you.

    The cause of unintentional trouble.

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    Alright. i got a system set up that allows me to still be on and able to do my stuff. but at the cost of activity

    so i will only be on from time to time

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