Reply To: Lost sword due to entity cap limit (I think)
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Are you sure there weren’t any hoppers in the farm where the sword could have gone?
100%. I wasn’t actually in the farm, and I tested repeatedly completely away from hoppers and the items kept disappearing.
Is there any way I can get that sword refunded?
Quoting this from the server rules “Lost goods will not be replenished, do not beg or ask staff.”
Hmm. I was under the impression that meant if you lost items in the normal course of play, like if someone kills you or if you fall in lava. The reason I lost my sword was essentially because of a bug, or at least an unintended consequence of a feature. Items aren’t supposed to just disappear when you drop them. Back to the rule against asking for items to be replenished, would staff really not refund items if, say, the chunk your vault was in got corrupted and all the items were gone? Or if you were fighting someone and had video evidence that they were hacking and killed you, would they not return the items you had on you? Or are those cases more like you report what happened but don’t ask for your stuff back, and the staff will give you your stuff back without you for it? Seems like a pretty ridiculous rule if it means in all situations.
It is understandable that they may not want to refund it given that I don’t have proof that I lost it from this bug and not some other way, though.
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