Reply To: Horizon stolen

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Basically what was said above.

It really does suck when you lose a ship you spent hours working on, and someone comes along and just sinks it for the sake of it. It is within the rules though – it’s a pirate server after all. Most of the ‘pvpers’ have little use for ships they steal, or the ships are in an awkward location, so rather than returning the ship, or selling it back to you (which would be the smart thing to do), they sink it.

In future, if you are waiting for a canal to be unblocked, and no admin is online, don’t park it in the admin claim… You’ll just have to leave your ship at home or park it in front of the admin claim and claim it yourself. Also when sailing, consider using invisibility potions.

This isn’t a sailing ship simulator server sadly – there are a lot of pirates about if you can even call them that. Any player that sails a large ship in the open waters will be punished if they are visible from the livemap – involving deaths, loss of the ship, and/or destruction of it.

As mentioned previously, I get around it by using invisibility potions – super useful. Also, sailing when there aren’t too many people on (10-15 or less), and sailing faster using the double helm technique.

Sorry if this isn’t much help, but keep at it. Build a bunch of ships, save schematics of them so that you can rebuild them easier.


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