Reply To: Requests to remove claims

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Alright, I’ve been looking into the Havanna claim dispute thingy, and based off of the BE owned claims only, I can say that we have made a vote to keep the claims or give them up and the result was clearly to give them away, these are the following claims I’m talking about:

dr_solid, who has claimed half of one of the small forts we’ve built on the island

x 3134 z: -6380

And Zoroax, who has claimed the other half of the first fort and the other fort on the hill.

x 3106 z: -6371

x: 3116 z: -6510

Gandalf is banned, so there is really no reason to keep these claims even though he had built anything on them, which he hasn’t:

x: 3176 z:-6335

x: 3170 z: -6359

x:3188 z: -6353

We do not use ANY of these claims any more and so there is no reason for them to not be deleted, problem is we cannot unclaim them ourselves as some of the players who created the claims are either not active anymore, or banned, as I mentioned above, so the only way they can be removed is with the help of the admins.

The government of BE agrees, that there is no reason for our old forts to stand in the way of newcomers, who wish to build something nice on the server so I therefore ask admins to please delete the claims mentioned above.



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