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  • #31765

    In reply to: Story Time |Thr

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    @astrobolt I’d prefer 3 so this doesn’t go on for a Millenia


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    @Astrobolt2014 yes it is a bit but i believe the only reason i had to explain was because @ultracreeper is trying to “jab” at me

    i find a way or i make a way wether you like it or not

    baron of the travasen land


    In reply to: A Grave of My Own

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    Join TGK.

    /mail send Astrobolt

    For more info

    Leader of the Narwhal Syndicate
    Former Official Bitchnugget of the Asylum
    King of the Elves, 2016-2017 (Rumoured)

    Crew History:
    United States Empire
    The Asylum
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    I’m a little confused why this is still being dragged out, but since @Astrobolt2014 has tagged me:

    1. Obviously, I shouldn’t have to say this, but it looks like im doomed to repeat myself for eternity. Minecraft by design is buggy as hell, there will never, ever be a full-proof way to have a completely impenetrable area in a SURVIVAL server, its 100% up the the player(s) to protect their chests, if they do not, then its their own fault, not the server staff.
    2. The hackers were dealt with near instantly by staff, BUT since I was not online it was not handed properly and items were lost as;
      1. They were banned too soon to retrieve items.
      2. When I got online, there was 5 people raiding the hackers homes, so it was impossible for me to figure out/search for anything, anyone could not have anything and any locking down of the situation has now escalated.
    3. Again this is a survival server, I am sick to death of people complaining they have lost items when they do not lock their chests, as though they are owed something, you have Enderchests, you have the ability to lock chest, you can hide items all over the map.
    4. I cannot understand why on earth anyone would put all their eggs in one basket, It absolutely boggles me why people still continue to put ALL their precious items in one chest, keep it unlocked and then leave it in an open space with all their other items. It makes no logical sense, and to then attack admins when it is stolen!
    5. No matter how much you think you “trust” someone, you will always get stabbed in the back, 80% are too greedy and will backstab you in a heartbeat making up complete horsecrap stories to protect themselves, and create more drama, which gets brought onto the forums…
    6. No. adding a logger is NOT a solution to a problem that does not exist.

    Nobody gets special treatment, we never spawn items.

    we sell custom ships and food brews and can be hired too ship your materials owed by nitrogengaming77/Astrobolt
    • Topics: 5
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    Seriously Astrobolt…. Cyber bullying… Get outside and learn to deal with your conflicts.  Kids are ridiculously soft these days. I feel horrible for the future generations. Kids are going to be escorted into interviews with their parents and if they don’t get jobs they are going to cry. (SMH… If you can’t deal with a little minecraft hardship how are you going to handle losing a job or struggling with real life problems?) Sorry for being rude and to the point. However, let me give you a participation ribbon for your response as you will probably be upset that I disagreed with your comment. The way things are going you will want to be recognized for your awesome response! A for Effort.


    I don’t mean to down play cyber-bullying, however the concept is all relative to someones perspective. What I said above could be considered cyber bullying. Honestly, I think that if you feel your life is threatened or you are worried about your health and safety then we can debate cyber bullying. Having someone take your stuff on minecraft isn’t theft and hopefully we don’t get to the point where that too is illegal. Let’s all take note from this and if someone is pissing you off tell them to bugger off and block them. Trust who you want to trust and assume the risk with allowing people into your areas.


    Topic: to SPACE

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    to day was a great day for pirates server because of the madness or science that happened   with cysteen, artificialdemon, rexstrafes, Cmav, javainvader, astrobolt2014, silver47Ag and me (sorry if i missed anyone) the science was sending people into space (or over a boa) The highest launch in my opinion goes to silver who cleared the boat by a good ten blocks and for accuracy champion a lot of people made it on but i didn’t see them all so the only people that i saw that made it onto the top of the mast were me and csyteen (if you made it on please tell me in the)  there were only 3 deaths good job team (if you have any photos or screenshots please post them on this page)

    i find a way or i make a way wether you like it or not

    baron of the travasen land

    • Topics: 9
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    That was about the time we took it over.




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    This city is now CoV territory…I thought everybody knew this now?


    City of the Pirate Kings!





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    I think this is an old topic @astrobolt2014


    In reply to: War against USE

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    Astrobolts have fun with Chamberlain that’s all I have to say.


    In reply to: War against USE

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    Astrobolt, Solis Is already at war with USE. (I think lol)


    Proud former leader of The Coalition
    Former member of build team
    ez got banned
    pirate veteran and yeehaw'er

    Crew history:

    "Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." -Thomas Edison


    In reply to: War against USE

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    @astrobolt2014 mighty is the prime minister of the BE… watch how and who your speaking to if you want to survive… just a word to the wise .-.


    In reply to: War against USE

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    id have to agree with everyone saying that wars arent like what they were b4, i mean jeez, the BE + EE + VE etc VS 0ut + Lotus was epic as F*** and lasted the whole freaking summer. it was hard not to log onto a siege somewher XD. astrobolt ik you think that this “war” will last it for a long time, but it really wont.



    In reply to: Trade~News Edition: 31

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    Well to respond to that I asked if you ‘needed help’ when I saw the siege, and only made it a news story after you told me what astrobolt had done. When I came the first time it was to help out one side or the other, I thought I had made that clear when I tried to tpa…

    "Nec possum tecum vivere, nec sine te."
    -"I can live neither with you, nor without you."- ~ Uta

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