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March 20, 2023 at 2:31 pm #82865
In reply to: GIBear Unban/Unlocker
Dear GIBear,
The thing about the pack is that you were able to see your armor’s durability without manually checking. We feel that this gives a powerful advantage in PVP as you are able to know ahead of time before parts of your armor break, without any extra actions.
As for what happened in the locker, you’re right, doing keybinds to complete your digging for you was not the best choice as that is also illegal to do. When I came to visit you in the locker you were just standing on the ship attempting to break the deck repeatedly in one spot, making it look like you were trying to bypass the afk kick. Either way, though, you were doing things to bypass the punishment of being in the locker.
When it comes to the messages that were shared. When sharing anything online, it is important to think about the possible outcomes of your actions, it doesn’t always come down to only what you intend to happen. In this case, I believe that if you had thought about these possible outcomes before sharing, you would have never shared that in the first place and I urge you to consider these possible outcomes before sharing in the future, both on PMC platforms and elsewhere on the internet.
I will not be changing your punishment at this time. However, you are nearing the end of it so, see you soon, and if you have any other questions about if something such as a resource pack is legal, please just ask. It’s always safer to ask before using it, than be left in the locker with questions.
-May the winds be at your back
March 11, 2023 at 3:07 am #82781In reply to: Unban Appeal + Apology
Thank you for your apology, I hope that in the future you will remember to think before speaking. I am reducing your ban by 5 days, meaning you will have one week of it left. I look forward to seeing you on the server again under better circumstances.
-May the winds be at your back
February 19, 2023 at 2:00 pm #82706In reply to: Malta’s unban appeal Mark3
It’s unfortunate you see your appeal as a joke, we don’t see it that way. At this time, the appeal is denied. Good luck to you in your endeavors.
-May the winds be at your back
January 3, 2023 at 1:36 pm #82525In reply to: Malta’s unban appeal Mark2
It was not once, but multiple times you said this quote. Considering the timing of the actual attacks on the server and your messages, you will stay banned at this time.
-May the winds be at your back
December 20, 2022 at 4:36 pm #82402In reply to: Aluminum123 Unban Appeal
Aluminum, thank you for the apologies. I do believe that people can learn from their mistakes and change, and it looks like you have started to take steps in that direction. After communicating with the moderation team, I’m changing your ban to a 3-month temp ban. See you in 3 months!
– Ae0n
-May the winds be at your back
September 16, 2022 at 6:41 pm #81884In reply to: Malta’s unban appeal
Not joking about attacks on the server has always been a thing, and being, a long-term player, I’m sure you were aware of this fact. Given the recent attacks on the server and the timing of your “jokes”, I see no jest associated with your comments.
I put a single one of the times you spoke about an attack on the server into the reason for the ban, as my space is limited. However, this was, in fact, not a one-time occurrence. I do not believe that someone stating this five times in a matter of days means no ill-will towards the server. You will stay banned at this time.
You must be logged in to view attached files.-May the winds be at your back
February 17, 2022 at 5:29 pm #79129Topic: PirateCraft Active Crew List July 2022
in forum PirateCraft GeneralIts been a while since someone has done something like this. The last list that has been made was in 2018 July by Xeron. It can be found >Here<.
This list serves as a reference point, and comparison to the PMC of 3 years 7 months ago O_O im getting old.
Im gonna try to include as many crews as I can (I’m NOT gonna mention every crew in existence or 2 hour old deckhand crews).
Here are the rules / key points (similar to Xeron’s and Paul’s original list)
1. This is based off data from the 17th of February. It is entirely
possible that people have changed crews, come back from inactivity, or founded
new crews in the meantime.
2. “Active Players” count as any players that were active in the
last 30 days.
3. Some crew descriptions from the previous list have been carried forward,
asl ong as they are still relevant and/or the exact same crew.
4. I tried to avoid 1 – 2 man crews and will only be including those that
are worth of mention.
5. The crew names are spelt as they are in-game. including typos and
spacing issues.
6. If I forget any crews feel free to message me on Discord! #Tulips4681 or
beneath this post
7. Honorable mentions are people that are well known and have been active recently.
The List of Active CrewsThe Shadow Realm (SDHW)
Description : From the depths of the darkest shadows (ESE), we are
the power lurking in the darkness.
Leaders : Ae0n, TobySF, LordArth2021
Honorable Mentions : Viper1093, Fatherfrog616, MrLimeWise, MsLimeWise, Crimpybark, Folsky
Type : Recruiting / EconomyRepublic of Promethea (RoP)
Description : I am Promethea. I have the high ground. I support the droid attack on the Wookies. Gonk gonk gonk.
Leaders : LEG𝙾, Coldat, khaiethan.
Honorable Mentions : CrazyMoneyy, Pjeturr, DeimosWreck, YellowTheMaster
Type : Economy / Build / PvP / Retirement HomeBritish Empire (BE)
Description : The British Empire is a long-standing Empire, with a
tradition rich history. Who are based on a democratic System.
Leaders : BGraph, lazydog11, CrazyPirate1, gildor_stinky, ItsCrazyDave, mdsegebre.
Honorable Mentions : MrMadBurrito, RatRaceRobot, Thederpymaster, Fat_Platapus, PanOfSteel
Type :Recruiting / Economy / Build / PvPValyrian Freehold (VAL)
Description : A crew run by experienced players, based on GoT. Also
the PMC retirement home.
Leaders : Mqstic, Atalantaa, EnderSalt, Solembus13, CreatingWithKass
Honorable Mentions : Bazurka, Taulov, Skyraine, Nado994, claymaester, EisenGraf, PandamoniumPrime, Masondave, _Tywin. malexdog, Janick_, BadBrando, SpikyCactus_,
Type : Economy / BuildCove (Cove)
Description : The overlords!
Leaders : GodsDead
Type : World DominationJunglePirates (JP)
Description : No description
Leaders : JunglePirateDave
Type : Recruiting / EconomyPolish Kingdom (PLK)
Description : The Polish Kingdom is a mostly peaceful crew,
focusing mostly on exploration of the new 1.18 lands.
Leaders : Tujek, Tulipss
Honorable Mentions : toni907
Type : Recruiting / Economy / Build / PvPSinister (Sin)
Description : Seclusion brings madness
Leaders : Frqstie, DeoFiloW1, Espul
Honorable Mentions : oWig, _knoedel, IgnFry
Type : PvPCosaNostra (CSN)
Description : set Ch’ a cousta lon ch’a cousta Viva l’Acusta
Leaders : RoMich02, WaterPool, Murubutu, Caldera23, Armqndo
Honorable Mentions : gepetrus, mikimoosey, Naqvity, CowTheMeek, Minemoppel, Slowmotionturbo, Ismaworkx, Lullaby93, SpiderDeluxe, Vec0203.MinisterMoo.
Type : Economy / Build / PvPLa Familia (Mafia)
Description : and THAT’s how mafia works
Leaders : Simbud, Monkss, Nationalistic, DaddyVolpex, NoSoulz,
Honorable Mentions : Kirn_
Type : Economy / PvP / Retirement HomeChinese Communist Party (CCP)
Description : If you join you get free +15 Social Credit
Leaders : N0tMAD, notgodsdead
Honorable Mentions : FatMatt176
Type : Recruiting / Economy / Build / PvPThe New Empire (TNE)
Description : We are a big autonum Crew, with the will, to build
the biggest, and most beautiful city on the server.
Leaders : ScriptX, Two_Com, IndexOutOfMJ
Honorable Mentions :
Type : Economy / BUILDThe Verussian Republic (VER) (yes it still exists ikr)
Description : A republic for the people – by the people. Verussia
is governed by an elite council, and enforced by the Krimzon Guard.
Leaders : warbluke, KwesiYsell, InventorElric, PortugalJ
Honorable Mentions : JonahHulk10, ExperienceMoore
Type : Recruiting / BuildThe Church (TC)
Description : We The Church Live to Serve you the people of the
Leaders : FatherAnderson, FugalCoast95003
Honorable Mentions : RexStrafes, Kooksuba
Type : BuildRome (SPQR)
Description : SPQR is a Roman themed crew that focuses on building
in Roman style and roleplay.
Leaders : _Augustus_Caesar, duckmasterizzy
Honorable Mentions : missioncarp3127, _Scipio_, CottageSimcoe, TulipGX
Type : Economy / BuildThe Imperial Roman Empire (ROME)
Description : into cosmic’s basement we go
Leaders : CommanderAsher, CosmicKingSimp, Gqldn, Majsay23, Oski8164
Honorable Mentions : MionaTheGreat, lukaim
Type : Economy / BuildThe Papal State (Papal)
Description : If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you
can find them… maybe you can hire Papal.
Leaders : Olveron, DrBipper, _Ninja_8
Honorable Mentions : I_Sell_Hugs, OTheMan, ContDJ, DarkMatter51, Icyvains
Type : Economy / BuildThe Woo (WOO)
Description : No Description
Leaders : IronAR
Type : Economy / Build / PvPPS : Thanks Taulov for fixing all the bugs in this post!
Sincerely Tulips
- Honest, friendly and peaceful Citizen of Piratecraft
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