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  • #66765
    • Topics: 4
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    First off, rome is consistently harassing ISEN, this needs to be resolved, rome was consistently doing ./back after death, or they had a ./set home near  CutlerBecketts city. Rome was trying to prove that they were NOT doing ./back nor doing ./home. I would look on the map right after their death, and boom, about 2 seconds they are back. They would consistently attack, not giving ISEN a break. Rome obviously has a ./sethome near Reynagrl’s base. Her base is on the other side of the map, not near any warps, how do they tp there so quickly, right after harassing CutlerBecketts wall? Why can this just stop? Puffbro, now you look like a real wierdo asking for girls toes when rome is still going to harass ISEN.


    Overall, rome needs to stop harassing players, it ruins the server experience.


    Been traping noobs since 1701


    Why can’t rome stop.



    • Topics: 4
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    Yeah, I have seen them get to one side of the map to the other in a mater of minutes also. Because after they Griefed my island they got over to CutlerBecket’s Base in a matter of 5 minutes and its across the map. I also agree that this Rome stuff needs to stop. I have been trying to get stuff done but they keep attacking me or another crew member. I haven’t been able to get much stuff done while Rome has been in a everlasting war with us. Also, They attacked my other base and killed my 10 emerald mending villager.

    Creator of Tools
    Smith of Armor

    "Kill or be Killed"

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    I agree this has to stop and the fact that Rome members got from one side of the map to the other in a matter of minutes is suspicious to say the least. I understand coming to my wall since Cosmic was visible coming from /warp north, but then to suddenly appear at Reynas base, not to Mention inside of it, was very odd.

    Sincerely CutlerBecket


    • Topics: 2
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    First off, rome is consistently harassing ISEN, this needs to be resolved, rome was consistently doing ./back after death, or they had a ./set home near  <span style=”background-color: #fbfbfb;”><span style=”color: #696b6e; font-family: open sans, helvetica neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;”><span style=”font-size: 15px;”>CutlerBecketts wall. Rome was trying to prove that they were NOT doing ./back nor doing ./home. I would look on the map right after their death, and boom, about 2 seconds they are back. They would consistently attack, not giving ISEN a break. Rome obviously has a ./sethome near </span></span></span><span style=”background-color: #fbfbfb; color: #696b6e; font-family: ‘open sans’, ‘helvetica neue’, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;”>Reynagrl’s base. Her base is on the other side of the map, not near any warps, how do they tp there so quickly, right after harassing CutlerBecketts wall? Why can this just stop? Puffbro, now you look like a real wierdo asking for girls toes when rome is still going to harass ISEN.</span>

    Overall, rome needs to stop harassing players, it ruins the server experience.

    Been traping noobs since 1701

    Why can’t rome stop.


    • Topics: 2
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    First off, rome is consistently harassing ISEN, this needs to be resolved, rome was consistently doing ./back after death, or they had a ./set home near  <span style=”background-color: #fbfbfb;”><span style=”color: #696b6e; font-family: open sans, helvetica neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;”><span style=”font-size: 15px;”>CutlerBecketts wall. Rome was trying to prove that they were NOT doing ./back nor doing ./home. I would look on the map right after their death, and boom, about 2 seconds they are back. They would consistently attack, not giving ISEN a break. Rome obviously has a ./sethome near </span></span></span><span style=”background-color: #fbfbfb; color: #696b6e; font-family: ‘open sans’, ‘helvetica neue’, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;”>Reynagrl’s base. Her base is on the other side of the map, not near any warps, how do they tp there so quickly, right after harassing CutlerBecketts wall? Why can this just stop? Puffbro, now you look like a real wierdo asking for girls toes when rome is still going to harass ISEN.</span>

    Overall, rome needs to stop harassing players, it ruins the server experience.

    Been traping noobs since 1701



    • Topics: 2
    • Replies: 12
    • Total: 14

    First off, rome is consistently harassing ISEN, this needs to be resolved, rome was consistently doing ./back after death, or they had a ./set home near  CutlerBecketts wall. Rome was trying to prove that they were NOT doing ./back nor doing ./home. I would look on the map right after their death, and boom, about 2 seconds they are back. They would consistently attack, not giving ISEN a break. Rome obviously has a ./sethome near Reynagrl’s base. Her base is on the other side of the map, not near any warps, how do they tp there so quickly, right after harassing CutlerBecketts wall? Why can this just stop? Puffbro, now you look like a real wierdo asking for girls toes when rome is still going to harass ISEN.

    Overall, rome needs to stop harassing players, it ruins the server experience.

    Been traping noobs since 1701



    • Topics: 4
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    This ROME stuff needs to stop. Almost every day since I joined this server back in March I have seen ROME at an ISEN base every day.  I go over to defend and they kill all of us and hangout there for hours. They then will leave and come back in about 2-3 hours to do it all over again. They do this to other crews also and threaten players to hand over things such as your land or like Reynagrl said.  They wont stop till you do give them what they want, and they still have a chance of coming back. I have even looked at the map sometimes and seen them at Vlads, and they will be at Reyna’s 5 mins later.  I cant stand seeing my friends in ISEN getting harassed by Cosmic, Golden and all the other roman members everyday. ROME makes the server not worth playing on. They make players want to quit and is seems it is their ultimate goal to try to get the server down to just themselves and their friends. I think it is about time action is taken against ROME and it should be no little punishment, it needs to be a major punishment.



    P.S. I have even seen some ROME members hacking but I was not recording at the times that I have seen them hacking.


    • Topics: 4
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    I kinda agree about not being able to TP into the claim under seige. Historically, most attacking armies had to set up two defensive rings while conducting a siege. one towards the castle, and one to stop reinforcements/supplies from getting through. Being able to lock down a claim kind of follows that spirit.

    Does it work the otherway? ie. one of the attackers sneaks into the fort then TP’s his squad in. That’ll take a few less Inv pots and chorus fruits, and leaves out the chance of “Decky Pyle” giving away the approach because he needed a touch to light his cigg or something. Personally I’d rather have Decky Pyle stumbling in.

    I think those are separate plug-ins. seige, tp, claim & sethome. Do they talk to each other? If so, might I suggest that sethome’s be in claims. Then we could run around with a stick to see if there were any 9×9 claims from someone setting up an ambush for us for when we log in next.

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    lmao you think I have an alt? Thats just wrong because im not risking an alt since I have a chance of being unbanned. Second you are wrong so stop saying false things I wasnt banned for /home or /back or none of that I got banned for spamming chat while muted so stop spreading false things.

    Pls unban me

    • Topics: 2
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    Mojake, stfu, it’s harassment and you know it! That’s exactly why you got banned. Doing ./home whatever, or ./back to go back and attack, is harassment.

    Stop using alts btw, it’s super obvious that it’s you, because you harass everyone the same way as if you were in your Mojake account.

    Been trapping boomers since 1701

    • Topics: 47
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    Flea you apparently don’t know anything about firework cannons. If you did you wouldn’t have said.

    <span style=”display: inline !important; float: none; background-color: #fbfbfb; color: #696b6e; font-family: open sans,helvetica neue,Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 0.93rem; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px;”>”all you need is a 10×10 claim or higher surrounded by stone walls to be pretty much siege proof.”</span><b></b><i></i><u></u><span style=”text-decoration: line-through;”></span>

    Might wanna think that one over again.

    Water can stop cannons shots. Obsidian can stop cannon shots.

    No matter how high your walls are if people have Elytra they can get in.

    Also if you loose a siege because your 1 block thick walls had cannons shot through it and you died then they can use chorus fruit to get in.

    So basically you have to have a obsidion safe room with water around it or something to survive. Even If that keeps you safe you better have several stacks of food in your inventory because Rome likes to siege people for 5 hours straight since they don’t have a life.

    You apparently haven’t been sieged for 5 hours straight like some of my members have and you apparently haven’t had Firework cannons used on you before and you apparently know nothing about anything about sieges so shut your mouth and leave this to people who have experienced these types of things.

    Sincerely, Someone who doesn’t give a fck anymore!




    • Topics: 10
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    First of all I’d clarify that I’m in no way involved in this situation but I feel like point out a few things since I’m concerned by the current state of the server.

    Don’t just talk trash, do something, and apparently I’m “poor” lol. I don’t understand? If I’m so “poor” why do people like Nationalistic, and Capper, and everyone at ROME, have to pull up on me? If I’m so poor, then what would you get out of me? Wooden tools? Atleast I got a frosty sword and extra armor. I wouldn’t be surprised if the captains set a home in my base, Griffu, zackbackon, cosmictaco. I also would like to say some people on pirate craft have the biggest mouth, Nationalistic, Capper, Morph, PhenixyFlame. I’ve never seen so much negativity before. I mean everyone has issues, but don’t smear it in other peoples faces.

    I’ve never bashed you for being “poor”, and even then, if you can’t take such a weak insult on a minecraft server then I suggest you to play something else. Besides that, the whole point of this server is being a pirate, pirates raided and looted so what’s wrong with that? You’re asking why would I raid you if you’re so poor? Well, it’s fun and since /siege is absolutely terrible at the moment as in it won’t let you raid people with some sort of experience on the server because all you need is a 10×10 claim or higher surrounded by stone walls to be pretty much siege proof.

    if possiblw, you should go back through your chat logs and screenshots to find proof of these occurences. if you go through chat logs you can find timestamps of when the sieges occurred, who died, when, and to whom.

    This wouldn’t be evidence as chat longs can be tinkered.

    I personally don’t like how Rome uses harassments and threatening to get what they want. Its not cool when you send messed up messages or threats to players in private chat its bullying on another level

    What’s up with everyone calling eachother “bullies” on minecraft? If someone is stronger than you and you don’t want to perish, get better at the game and fight back lol, or you can always quit the server. When I first joined I used to get raided on the daily by veteran players with better equipment and resources, did I ever cry like a kid on the forums? No, I just made my way to the top by getting better at the game, and that’s what everyone should do instead of giving staffers pointless hassles

    Best worldwide pvper

    Ganking noobs since 1876

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    I am not sure what your policies are for players asking for law installation that are outside of your crew, but I was bored to tears with studying for my final
    exams for Economics and English, so I decided to write this instead.

    This law will restrict all members and citizens of the British Empire from attacking “innocent players” and prevent needless “pirating of goods” from others. This will law will redirect the focus of the British Empire to include the ending of abusive war, killing, and raiding

    Innocent – All players who are not currently at war, are not raiding other players, have no unpunished history of raiding players, and those who are
    defending their homeland from raid. This includes all non-toxic Deckhands and Cadets.

    Toxic – A player may be determined toxic as determined by the British Parliament.

    Raid – An unprovoked attack involving killing, stealing, or some combination of the two.

    Pirating – The act of raiding an innocent player.

    Minor Offense – An offense to this law that results perfectly within the rules of PirateCraft without any toxicity, or minor aid to Pirating of goods.

    Major Offense – All offenses that are not Minor Offenses.

    Members of the British Empire – All players who are in the British Empire crew, are considered Citizens of the British Empire, or are considered
    subordinates of the British Empire. This also includes all members of any province within the British Empire.

    Article I – All members of the British Empire are prevented from Pirating any innocent player.

    Article II – Any member of the British Empire who breaks this law will be subject to punishment as detailed under the Punishments Section.

    Article III – Any player(s) outside of the British Empire who are accused of excessive Pirating, as determined by the British Parliament, are to be subjected
    to the consequences of breaking this law, and are to be stopped by the British Empire’s enforcers of this law.

    Article IV – No player that is a member of the British Empire is allowed to aid, assist, or otherwise help in any way, a player(s) in the act of Pirating.

    The British Royal Army and British Royal Navy are to enforce this law, as detailed.

    Punishments for the violation of this law include, but are not limited to as the British Parliament sees fit, the following.

    * Warning (for first-time minor offenses only)
    * Temporary Suspension from the British Empire
    * Returning of items
    * Manual Labor in service to the British Empire
    * Moderate Fines
    * Confiscation of possessions
    * War Deceleration (only in the case of a crew-wide Pirating Scenario)
    * Execution of the Offending Player.

    I know this is unorthodox, but I just thought why not… Thank you for reading all this!

    Peace for all! Why do we descend into the chaos of our lives when we could live in harmony, without bloodshed, violence, or death? I will protect and defend my crew, my family, and let them enjoy as much peace as my life can offer.

    • Topics: 13
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    “Logged when asked for f3” means that a staff member had called out a player, usually with colored text (also normally red) and asks them to stop what they’re doing, and take a screenshot of their f3(debug) screen and send it to them. Your friend may have tripped the anti cheat and caused a staff to investigate them, resulting in the staff asking for proof if they were cheating. Logging during this process normally results in an instant ban.

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

    - Former Leader of CoV -
    - A Proud Member of The Asylum-

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