Law Request for BE

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  • #66445
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    I am not sure what your policies are for players asking for law installation that are outside of your crew, but I was bored to tears with studying for my final
    exams for Economics and English, so I decided to write this instead.

    This law will restrict all members and citizens of the British Empire from attacking “innocent players” and prevent needless “pirating of goods” from others. This will law will redirect the focus of the British Empire to include the ending of abusive war, killing, and raiding

    Innocent – All players who are not currently at war, are not raiding other players, have no unpunished history of raiding players, and those who are
    defending their homeland from raid. This includes all non-toxic Deckhands and Cadets.

    Toxic – A player may be determined toxic as determined by the British Parliament.

    Raid – An unprovoked attack involving killing, stealing, or some combination of the two.

    Pirating – The act of raiding an innocent player.

    Minor Offense – An offense to this law that results perfectly within the rules of PirateCraft without any toxicity, or minor aid to Pirating of goods.

    Major Offense – All offenses that are not Minor Offenses.

    Members of the British Empire – All players who are in the British Empire crew, are considered Citizens of the British Empire, or are considered
    subordinates of the British Empire. This also includes all members of any province within the British Empire.

    Article I – All members of the British Empire are prevented from Pirating any innocent player.

    Article II – Any member of the British Empire who breaks this law will be subject to punishment as detailed under the Punishments Section.

    Article III – Any player(s) outside of the British Empire who are accused of excessive Pirating, as determined by the British Parliament, are to be subjected
    to the consequences of breaking this law, and are to be stopped by the British Empire’s enforcers of this law.

    Article IV – No player that is a member of the British Empire is allowed to aid, assist, or otherwise help in any way, a player(s) in the act of Pirating.

    The British Royal Army and British Royal Navy are to enforce this law, as detailed.

    Punishments for the violation of this law include, but are not limited to as the British Parliament sees fit, the following.

    * Warning (for first-time minor offenses only)
    * Temporary Suspension from the British Empire
    * Returning of items
    * Manual Labor in service to the British Empire
    * Moderate Fines
    * Confiscation of possessions
    * War Deceleration (only in the case of a crew-wide Pirating Scenario)
    * Execution of the Offending Player.

    I know this is unorthodox, but I just thought why not… Thank you for reading all this!

    Peace for all! Why do we descend into the chaos of our lives when we could live in harmony, without bloodshed, violence, or death? I will protect and defend my crew, my family, and let them enjoy as much peace as my life can offer.

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