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  • #41005

    In reply to: [Report] _Keemster

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    gods if u would block tpahere in untrusted claims it would prevent “base tours” if u dont want to give anybody trust.


    i have 2 suggestions on how to go about this-

    1. keep ./tpa and ./tpahere disabled for the 5 mins of button access after a siege, so every sieger has to get in themselves, and not nearly as many mass storms.


    2. if you wanted to stop the ./tpahere in untrusted claims, could the devs set up a new command such as ./tptrust, which trusts the player to be teleported into the claim?


    those are my ideas


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    well said alli. it bothers me to see why larger crews choose to ally everyone they can.. a crew as large as the BE, or EE should be more than capable of taking care of themselves. having a few good allies is better than the 50 loose end ones alli mentioned. if an alliance is only one way, you need to reconsider it. if they are leeching off of you, and aren’t helpful in any way, are they worth keeping? why is there so much fear in fighting? when one person shows up for a 1v1, the opposite side tps 5-10 people to fight back. …why? .-. BE actually has a few decent pvpers, they should be able to handle one or 2 lonely pirates w/o the help of half the server.

    fighting and defending used to be fun. nobody has the balls to attack, and everyone is too sh1t scared to come out of their boxes to defend. “oh they’ll raid me and take my stuff!!!” no they wont/cant if you lock the chests.

    people need to stop being so scared of a little conflict, stop making friends with everyone, go out, have some fun! be pirates, like browe, be a headhunter like dagersh once dreamed to be, be a silent assassin like chamberlain, be something other than a cowardice scrub hiding from any form of conflict. doesn’t even matter if youre bad at pvp. practice makes perfect!! wen I joined this server, I sucked at pvp. I practiced. almost daily. I got better. not hard to put some time in to spar with someone.

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

    - Former Leader of CoV -
    - A Proud Member of The Asylum-


    In reply to: [Report] _Keemster

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    Come on Crazy! Stop using your aimbot pony x-ray cat tping hacks. Jesus!


    also, did you name the cat leo after a certain tp trapper people are familiar with? :/

    ~ I'm always right, when I'm not wrong...
    - Vice President of The Thirteen Colonies
    - Master Librarian at Covetown

    Crazy Pirate
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    The screenshots speak for themselves, but I’ll summarise.

    I managed to find a way into keem’s base, I teleported a number of people in, he got looted, and needless to say, he got upset. Pretty much how you’d expect any raid to go on here.

    But, this is keem we’re talking about, and he wasn’t happy. So, he started trying to blackmail me – apparently he has evidence of me /back abusing (I encouraged him to report if that was the case), and he said he wouldn’t report so long as I told him how I got in. I gave a silly answer to a silly question, which he then used to try and blackmail me again. If nothing, he’s consistent[ly an arse].

    Like a pouty child, and I believe he specified 12 years old at this point, he started calling people gay, trying his hardest to use it as an insult, although lith totally shut him down. And to top it all off, he decided to spam chat a little, because when you get raided, why respond to it in a mature, grown up fashion?

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    In reply to: New plugin(s)?

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    what do you mean by “not for personal Gain”? is the entire point of selling a book not for personal gain? and wait, did you just say that the author doesn’t get any cut of the sales? because that’s just ridiculous, somebody could have spent days on a book, and they decide to sell it in the library, but (oh wait) “I don’t get profits from this, oh well, It’s charity. So……” well, i don’t really care, so ok, I’ll just do it the long way.

    I don’t think anyone would want to read your books anyway with that tone attached to it, read my posts, calm down. Im all up for coming to a solution to pay for a copy, the server buys the rights to the book. Nothing is stopping you setting up your own shop, sell for whatever price you want then, No you cannot have a infinite server shop that gives you infinite money, consonantly.

    Here is an example of a well-made book. Disclaimer: it’s mine! ? Having made a number of in-game books, I have to say that it is a major pain in the neck to edit them. It would be great if there were a number of server commands helping with the process, such as: Clearing the entire book and resetting all of its NBT tags (there are a number of issues with /book right now, I can go into detail if anyone is interested). Clearing a specific page. Removing a specific page. Inserting & moving pages around. Replacing parts of a page (something like Find & Replace would be epic for correcting misspelled words). Does anyone know if there are any good plugins that allow this? I know of MassiveBook but it comes with some annoying dependencies.

    Yes! This is the EXACT kind of book I was looking for, you once showed me it, Does the copy & paste function not work on this resource I sent? I thought you could format, add pages and everything and copy and paste directly into a book, this way you can even save copies to the website and go and edit them later? if people cannot use this tool then I will gladly add a better book writing plugin.

    I have never used /book, its an Essentials basic, so its very basic, a plugin could be swapped for better editing, I still think the web UI is the best way to go if you can copy & paste into books from it, way more freedom then, same for all those bullet points, depending on if the copy & paste works from

    I have previously had book editing plugins on the server, Ive used Massivebooks in the past, there seems to be a ton from a quick google, There’s a few older plugins that probs still work BoomManager, BetterBooks I think I used that back in 1.4!

    ikr ae0 the one thing that minecraft should add in 1.11 is a revamp to all books, be able to edit them like a word document sort of, by using the arrow keys or wasd to move the cursor around and insert things. its a pain in the ass to delete everything u wrote only to fix one word. they should also add in upgradable books, like combine 2 book and quills in a crafting table to make it 100 pages, or do it 3 times to get 200 pages

    Hey man, use the website I refereed earlier on in this thread, and reply to ae0, give it a try, I’ve used it for years but only for generating commands, im always in gm1, I have never tried as a player copy & pasting into it, ive posted it out many times to the forum before, but I don’t think its ever been noticed, it literally solves every issue with books if you edit from a web UI and can save your books for editing later or duplicating.

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    Honestly I think a mode, mean, median, and range of prices would be a very strong representation of prices that way people can see the middle price, average price, most common price, and the range in prices on the island. Adding a fully detailed info list on the island for each item and a very good estimate to base a price off of. This would allow players to make their wares sold for cheaper or more expensive based on how much the price on the item varies and how much stock of the item they have to supply. This would also stop the “economy ruining undercutting” (even though it has about the same effect as reptaria with a stack of gapples. Annoying but can’t do crap) as it would allow people to make an educated price based on other peoples prices and it would allow you to show someone they are selling for lower than they can and still make profit. I think it’s time we get some serious economy going and stop all this bickering. Would make item trade much more bountiful and who knows. Maybe some ships will get into the mix!

    Dear lord was I cringey when I was 14

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    yea i could sell a diamond for $200 per and screw up the calculations lol


    not saying i would do that, but on that topic, buy my diamonds! 😛 lol



    In reply to: New plugin(s)?

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    I fixed my laptop


    see you all soon!

    -a book editing plugin would be greatly appreciated, like ae0 and crackers said, it is hard to do anything and annoying to rewrite

    -I would also love to help build it, @godsdead where do you think it should be locatef at cove? I can build it out of personal funds but some outside help from player donations would be awesome (wink 😀 ) lots and lots of bookshelves

    i will work on some single player designs to share with you guys,

    ~ I'm always right, when I'm not wrong...
    - Vice President of The Thirteen Colonies
    - Master Librarian at Covetown

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    @Chasedillon123 You can use this as one of your historical data points. Also I would be happy to assist in any way necessary.

    War is Peace.
    Freedom is Slavery.
    Ignorance is Strength.


    In reply to: Could you take a look?

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    Our first thought was to show publicly that glitching through walls was impossible and unthinkable, so we could automatically say that M4rt3s couldn’t have done such thing purposedly and he was victim of a bug. Turns out, the glitch is always doable, so we realized M4rt3s was the first to discover it by chance but has been banned immediately. Somebody had to be the first and it couldn’t happen if not in a real siege attack.

    Lies on top of lies, MadMonkey performed the same glitch and got stuck because there was a chest beneath him, both Flea and M4 had saw MadMonkey performing the glitch and decided to perform it after he died hoping he would kill me and win siege.M4 performed the glitch right when I left the room, on top of that, Flea was telling M4 to glitch inside in crew chat, I heard a chest being opened and rushed back inside, stop trying to fabricate your story

    JDM Cars are the best


    In reply to: Could you take a look?

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    I’m just saying, I’ve been on here longer than most, and I had no clue this glitch existed. Obviously I know that some people glitch through doors, trapdoors; half blocks almost, but I never knew that being in a siege made it possible to glitch through solid blocks. When it comes to making this video; a lot of you are being quite rude, but the short and sweet of it is that @godsdead can probably send it to the devs as an example of a glitch in the plugin, and get it fixed. We have a forum dedicated to reporting bugs and glitches, and so that’s what they’ve done, alongside providing some high quality evidence. Finally, I can’t really pretend to know what happened in that siege. I just know that when I mine, I often break blocks by accident, causing lava to gush in my face. When I’m in the nether, I often break the wrong block and end up falling into, you guessed it, more lava. What I’m saying is, when you get into a routine of breaking blocks, you stop ‘thinking’. So when you’re mining straight down through some cobble in a siege, and you break a Stone Brick block, it doesn’t register; you’d just assume it was another block of cobble. Again, I don’t wholly know how it played out, I could be totally wrong on the siege front, but them creating this video is certainly a good thing, no doubt about that.

    Don’t make false assumptions that can trick people into thinking they know what happened, they dug a cave I had filled with cobblestone which was 2 or 3 blocks high, they didn’t dig straight down while mining cobblestone to be carried away and glitch inside.It’s obvious that he is lying in all of his posts, MadMonkey tried to glitch inside, I killed him as soon as he got in, M4 should have got the message that it was obviously not allowed but decided to try it anyway.The blocks they broke were the only ones that weren’t double layered, which indicates perfectly what they were trying to do.

    JDM Cars are the best


    In reply to: Could you take a look?

    Crazy Pirate
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    I’m just saying, I’ve been on here longer than most, and I had no clue this glitch existed. Obviously I know that some people glitch through doors, trapdoors; half blocks almost, but I never knew that being in a siege made it possible to glitch through solid blocks.

    When it comes to making this video; a lot of you are being quite rude, but the short and sweet of it is that @godsdead can probably send it to the devs as an example of a glitch in the plugin, and get it fixed. We have a forum dedicated to reporting bugs and glitches, and so that’s what they’ve done, alongside providing some high quality evidence.

    Finally, I can’t really pretend to know what happened in that siege. I just know that when  I mine, I often break blocks by accident, causing lava to gush in my face. When I’m in the nether, I often break the wrong block and end up falling into, you guessed it, more lava. What I’m saying is, when you get into a routine of breaking blocks, you stop ‘thinking’. So when you’re mining straight down through some cobble in a siege, and you break a Stone Brick block, it doesn’t register; you’d just assume it was another block of cobble.

    Again, I don’t wholly know how it played out, I could be totally wrong on the siege front, but them creating this video is certainly a good thing, no doubt about that.


    In reply to: Could you take a look?

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    English not being a mother tongue isn’t exactly an excuse, but it’s not like I care.You could have made a post right when you were banned, also stop lying about playing 1/2 hours a day at most.Also 1/2 = 30 minutes, unless you mean 1 to 2 hours which is still not believable.

    You joined this server 5 months ago, let’s say that you are registered on the server for 5 months, (150 days).

    According to your playtime which is 20 DAYS=480 hours of pure playtime, without adding the LOST playtime due to issues with the stats plugin, it equals to more than 3 hours on average per day.Get your facts straight.

    Basic maths statistic knowledge – M4RT3S 1-0.

    JDM Cars are the best


    In reply to: Could you take a look?

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    I agree with Java,

    You can continue your “Journey” on another server, I find it hard to believe that you “wanted to take a peak”. If you actually wanted to take a peak you would have done it from the opening you had made because I had forgot 2 pieces of cobblestone on the ceiling.You stood on top of the block of my ceiling indicating that you wanted more than a “peak”, and you chose that block because the rest of the ceiling was double layered, you also opened chests right when you entered and started looting items.And now, you publicly post about a GLITCH you abused just to make it more public so other people can use it too, *Slow clap*.

    “”He is one of the greatest dreamers that I have with me and I will never believe that he would purposedly take advantage of something external to the game”

    Get this over with already, it’s a game, go dream about something in real life.

    There is no way you didn’t know about the glitch, Mark caught you talking about it during the siege, posted the logs and then proceeded to ban you.

    (Not to mention how many days ago you were banned and you posted it now)

    PS. You wrote the story of your life to make yourself less innocent  by typing a ton of nonsense drama text.It actually makes other people take you less seriously.

    “We wanted to sail ships, explore the depths of the ocean, all of this gone because of a ban,NUUUUUU
    BUHUHUUUUU *Cries in Spanish*

    JDM Cars are the best


    In reply to: New plugin(s)?

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    Here is an example of a well-made book. Disclaimer: it’s mine! 😉

    Having made a number of in-game books, I have to say that it is a major pain in the neck to edit them. It would be great if there were a number of server commands helping with the process, such as:

    • Clearing the entire book and resetting all of its NBT tags (there are a number of issues with /book right now, I can go into detail if anyone is interested).
    • Clearing a specific page.
    • Removing a specific page.
    • Inserting & moving pages around.
    • Replacing parts of a page (something like Find & Replace would be epic for correcting misspelled words).

    Does anyone know if there are any good plugins that allow this? I know of MassiveBook but it comes with some annoying dependencies.

    War is Peace.
    Freedom is Slavery.
    Ignorance is Strength.

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