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  • #42393
    • Topics: 20
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    Stop whining like a 5 year old, you are 16 Designor! SIXTEEN!


    I am 12 and still more mature and logical than you. Jeez. xD


    Proud former leader of The Coalition
    Former member of build team
    ez got banned
    pirate veteran and yeehaw'er

    Crew history:

    "Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." -Thomas Edison

    • Topics: 39
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    Sorry to hear you got raided , whatever your ign name is. It sucks loosing a siege and having everyone tp-in like horse flies on a great piece of …. uhm, lets say “bacon”. It sucks being killed over an over in your own base, maybe move your re-spawn point to a room with no entrances?!
    Its sucks even more when you realize you could have prevented having your stuff stolen. Take it as a hard lesson learned !
    I bet you will place a block on your chests now – even the empty ones, just for good practice.

    Don’t stop playing now, you will get back up on your feet. You will get your stuff back, all by yourself. Hey you started as a decky once before , right ?
    If you need anything , shout a holler I might help ya.


    Proud Member of the Piratecraft history 🙂

    • Topics: 13
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    I would be more upset at the fact I didn’t lock my chests and allowed myself to be raided than me actually being raided. because des, if you had listened and locked your damn chests this wouldn’t have ever happened. also, you don’t need to piss anyone off, or be a bad player to get raided. people raid/attack whomever. theres no rhyme or reason to it sometimes. hell, I go out of my way to kill random people all the time. wanna know why? because I can, and I want to. don’t wanna get raided? well sweetheart… LOCK YOUR CHESTS (if I could increase font size I would)

    the thing is des, raid and siege happens here. I have actually been raided once. I got my stuff back and got my revenge. although when I got raided, it was using illegal methods. there were no illegal methods used in your raid. you’re just butthurt you got raided and youre blaming others for your simple yet fatal mistake. placing a simple stone brick block, or other non siegable block, like hay bales (which is what I use), soul sand, logs, hell, a damn crafting table will stop anyone from accessing that chest other than those you allow to using /trust.

    it is YOUR fault they were able to get in and take your stuff. you didn’t secure your base well enough, leading to you being looted.

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

    - Former Leader of CoV -
    - A Proud Member of The Asylum-

    • Topics: 11
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    Dear Designor,

    Not only is this post clearly not filed in the proper location,                     which would be in the butthurt report form topic, but you neglect             to mention that we kept telling you how he infiltrated your base.               If you want to file a server report, please get your facts correct.

    Thank you for your time.

    Your friend and idol,                                                                                                  ArtificialDemon


    YouTuber and proud former member of the Crusaders.
    "Shoot for the sun. Even if you miss,
    it'll finally be quiet around here."

    • Topics: 13
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    ok hun… you seem to be butthurt you got raided. lemme give you some tips:

    • it was NOT a forbidden fruit that was used to get in, it was a chorus fruit. chorus fruits cannot be used in a siege unless the siege is WON
    • it is NOT a glitch. chorus fruit is a VANILLA item that can teleport a player up to 8 blocks in any RANDOM direction
    • “the fact that attackers can teleport others in a siege should also be removed because 20 people in god vs 1 wearing nothing is completely and utterly ridiculous” sounds to me like youre butthurt people got in and wanted a siege party.
    • “One last thing, the amount of times people can kill people is wrong because my bed was in my base and river killed me as soon as i re spawned and never went to jail and this was after the siege was won” you probably spawned right next to her so she killed you.
    • ” that is all id like to say on the matter because 20 people managed to clear all my stuff in 10 minutes from just teleporting people, i had about 400+ stacks of items including over 20 dubs of cobble.” Ahem…… LOCK YOUR CHESTS =_=
    • “ps jusa you are dead, no invis can hide you” *gets popcorn* this ought to be good.

    thanks for reading this, I just wanna make sure people realize how dumb they are when they cry about being raided and then call hax and glitches on legit raids and kills.

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

    - Former Leader of CoV -
    - A Proud Member of The Asylum-


    In reply to: My report on a glitch!

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    That sounds like you were moving an item teh instant you died, and minecraft just needed to catch up, this doesn’t sound like a server error, just minecraft in general.

    it sounds like it can be abused tho

    Throwing an item on the ground hoping you can grab it again at the split second you are killed instead of it being picked up by the attacker? Cant see the point in even attempting that.

    no, I picked it up in the inventory part and placed it down just as I was about to die.



    In reply to: My report on a glitch!

    • Topics: 6
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    That sounds like you were moving an item teh instant you died, and minecraft just needed to catch up, this doesn’t sound like a server error, just minecraft in general.

    it sounds like it can be abused tho

    Throwing an item on the ground hoping you can grab it again at the split second you are killed instead of it being picked up by the attacker? Cant see the point in even attempting that.

    Smokey River
    • Topics: 22
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    If we specifically said every damn rule it could take pages. The idea of the general rules is to use common sense. Like “hey maybe since iron doors protect in a claim, it is not right to bypass them.”
    Law enforcement doesn’t have a rule saying don’t beat the crap out of someone with a fish but you know not to do it.
    If anything done bypasses a KNOWN plugin on the server such as grief prevention (i.e. Claims) then its against the rules. We don’t need to break them down it is impossible for us. I don’t want to have to babysit with a law book in one hand and a hammer in the other.

    Butt-hurt and Complaining


    I solemnly swear I am up to no good.


    -Founder of Crew Savage-
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    *depends on how you want to view my super powers*


    In reply to: Vape, godsy, smokey

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    Yea I just got Stuck in a nether portal trap too, can’t type at all. Little help Anyone?

    stop going into portal traps, same thing for you, inform staff when you are coming online for them to fix it


    In reply to: Rum Party Gone Wrong?

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    Reflecting on it, it was a bad idea. But at least it was good fun. Although I spent the rest of the day trying to stop Agent from inhaling more rum. XD

    How is this a bad idea ???



    In reply to: Rum Party Gone Wrong?

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    Reflecting on it, it was a bad idea. But at least it was good fun. Although I spent the rest of the day trying to stop Agent from inhaling more rum. XD

    We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.
    -Benjamin Franklin


    In reply to: New FNA Foriegn policy

    • Topics: 14
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    you guys need to stop looking at what is litterally happening and think outside the box

    Then what are we supposed to be looking at???

    firstly  @gterwilliger of course the deal isnt tah good,

    And I will keep in mind the next time I want to save .50 cents  on 2 stacks of stone… I will make sure to first join the FNA forum group, then wait for an FNA member to join (is that even a crew? how would i know?), then I will buy 2 stacks stone, do the math, then figure out if I’ve been scammed or not… Seems legit.



    ~ I'm always right, when I'm not wrong...
    - Vice President of The Thirteen Colonies
    - Master Librarian at Covetown


    In reply to: New FNA Foriegn policy

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    jeez guys have you not found out yet this is to promote people to join the FNA? You save a ton of money by joining with this agreement in comparison giving people incentive to join, you guys need to stop looking at what is litterally happening and think outside the box, maybe, just maybe, there’s a little more brains behind this than you may think at first glance.

    firstly @GTerwilliger of course the deal isnt tah good, what i am trying to make is a pocket economy and incentive to join the FNA, fact is in the long run you would be saving money by joining, we aren’t gonna sacrifice vast amounts of money in order to get members.

    @InventorJohn I will say it again, if all you have to do is join a group in order to get better prices on items, people will come, and what i am trying to do here is once they do come, there will be no one to buy from BUT the FNA and some small dealers, because they can GET products cheaper in the group and sell them to non-FNA at a tax, and might I remind you john you agreed with my idea -.-

    this was discussed, most liked it, and part of the deal of joining the alliance is you follow the trade agreement, if we find someone not following it, we ask why they’re even here and they get kicked out, and trust me, i know this will shrink worker’s pockets, but the thing is we have a plan that will work around this, but seeing people’s reactions I am thinking no one ever wants to experiment with new ideas.

    I wanted to see if this could work, ok? Excuse me for trying to bring some new material to the table.,%20First%20Emperor.
    Ω Former Consulate and Emperor of the New Romans Ω
    Vivat Rei Republicae

    ▲ ▲


    In reply to: Details about Ships

    Blu Pearson
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    Yeah what Kanube said. I use this on my private server for the kids and I to make vids on. Theres not a way to do the speed up and down that I have seen in the configs but over all its pretty customizable.

    The reason the speeds are currently set where they are now on the ships here is to allow for some player movement while sailing to load cannons, board ships, and fight. I think godsy had it cranked up in the beginning but dialed it back for more gameplay while sailing. Its kind of a give and take situation.

    Its still hard to do stuff but at any higher speed it would be impossible to do anything while moving. I tried bumping it on my place it is faster but you have to come to a full stop to do anything.

    I believe a guy that goes by the name Barra Yacca on you tube has taken over the development of the plugin. He does a lot of tutorials on his channel but it focusses on the airship aspect but still good to see as most of the set up is the same with the exception of ascending and descending. Hes pretty open to new ideas so you could always suggest the speed adjustment sign to him. Its worth a shot 🙂 I like this idea a lot.


    In reply to: October Report

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    @ae001 But i’m talking about the 14£ high to 3£ low [Buy] prices listed in the top post. talking about players who own shops sell for 3£ diamond to the customer.

    Yeah i have seen the spread sheets before, but the raw data is not of much use.. Items need to be categorised and grouped so the prices are easy to find. I bet it’s a lot of work updating the charts all the time with all the new players coming and going all the time, no?

    Founder of Port Hope

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