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  • #48777
    • Topics: 794
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    Hi, my in game name is RiverKitty and I lost my stats for playtime, eggs thrown, and fish caught. This happened about 2 weeks ago, but I didn’t have time to report this in till now. Screenshots: I realize that two of the stats I have lost are not zero, but I have definitely played more than 1 day, and thrown more than one egg. Thanks, River P.S. If you need to know, now I have about 62 days of playtime and 1000-ish eggs thrown.

    Hello River I’m GodsDead, nice to meet you.

    Want to pick a date from 2 weeks ago? Then i’ll import that database and look ya stats up, and set them manually.


    In reply to: Stats reset

    • Topics: 794
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    I have this problem too, I lost my 25/27 days of play time :/

    Everyone that has playtime lost must reply to this thread;

    [bug] Statistics issues !! MUST READ !!


    Nobody will get anything fixed unless they reply to that thread.

    • Topics: 794
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    Lol, love that last sentence. I have question, what is a UUID? Also, since my stats got purged, does that mean I am considered an old member! Lol!

    Unique user id, every player has a uuid. It’s how you tell who’s who even with name changes.

    Stats, This is off topic and completely separate, post in my recent stats issues thread.

    • Topics: 794
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    on a side note – Why is my yeti naked in that picture up top hahaha he needs some pants to cover up them snowballs

    I added the overlay for the armour… I don’t think the belt and boots are going to protect your snowballs very well XD

    Blu Pearson
    • Topics: 43
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    You guys are the best 😀 Thanks for all the support! This community is truly amazing and unique. There is nothing out in the serversphere, that I have seen, quite like it.

    Theres a lot to learn as a noob admin so bear with me as I get it all sorted out. I will do my best to serve this community in a honorable manner and keep it safe, fair and enjoyable for all.

    Unless your a complete dingus whos hell bent on hacking and cheating. Then you will be hammered XD

    on a side note – Why is my yeti naked in that picture up top hahaha he needs some pants to cover up them snowballs

    • Topics: 11
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    Mods and admins don’t usually deal with these kinds of things @driftingsixguns . You will need to get that person out of your town yourself most probably. If the town is your claim, untrust the player you want to evict and he will most probably leave since he won’t be able to access his house. If it’s not your claim, your best bet is to siege the guy until he gives up and leaves.

    Hope this helped, even though it’s a bit off-topic. I might be wrong about my assumption that staff won’t take care of it since I’m not staff myself. If I am wrong, please correct me.

    • Topics: 794
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    We will have to have the shulkerbox chat when it comes to 1.11, I am considering just having them sold like Elytras at the cove for large quantities of money, so there available, but still very hard to get.

    Then we should remove the eggs from being available for donators, otherwise everyone would rather donate than buying them from cove ( thats what i think atleast)

    Shrugs, Ill have to see how popular they are.

    • Topics: 794
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    Created a micro website to search and sort all items for sale on PirateCraft, this will be auto updated once a day at 9am GMT.

    This orders items by cheapest first, you can click the map URL to show you where on the map the sign shops located!

    Featured shops are added manually, I have no plan for these yet, I guess if you are smart enough to make a pull request to the repo with your shop/placeholder image (in the right place) I’ll add it.

    Already we can see all the landlubbers that are undercutting prices by crazy amounts, just look at the people selling diamonds for $5 a pop! Jesus! Someone buy them all out and resell at a higher price!

    I used an existing project and adapted it to look better to get this working, so if anyone knows JavaScript then read on, if you don’t know web design/dev then you can stop reading here! Or maybe read on if you are really good with Excel or playing with data.

    Technical Information for Dev’s/Excel enthusiasts

    This whole project, including the data is open to everyone, the website itself is just static and uses JavaScript to display the JSON dataset, the website is actually hosted on Github pages and the data is hosted on its own Repo that I push to once a day, this means you can pull this data into your own application or program to display the data in a pretty way! Since this Project runs without dependencies its incredibly easy to clone and make changes to it!

    The Repo is found here: (PirateCraft SignShop) if you make pull requests to this, If they are accepted then this will update the website live.


    If you are more interested in the Raw data, these are the two streams that will be updated daily.


    (full fat)

    You can import JSON into excel or whatever you want to generate pretty graphs or do some economy things.

    This is the first time I’m throwing PirateCraft data & Source open, its partly a test to see if anyone wants to help improve piratecraft, The website is written in Javascript and my Javascript is terrible, Which means I can’t really add any new features without help (plz help) Theres a basic feature list on the PCSS repo if you wanted to take a stab at this or have a play 🙂 go nuts.

    Side Effects

    If you can think of any side effects of ways people will Ruin this for everyone by abusing the raw data and displaying where shops are on the map, please do tell me, because there will be one asshole that has to ruin it for everyone.

    • Topics: 20
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    Either contact an orange+ staff when they are in game and not busy or use the forum exactly for that.

    The forum:


    Proud former leader of The Coalition
    Former member of build team
    ez got banned
    pirate veteran and yeehaw'er

    Crew history:

    "Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." -Thomas Edison

    Here at the Yeti crew we work are hardest to get you top quality products for low prices. In this forum group you will fine the prices & Items of things we sell. To buy anything on here you can Order it by Messaging Galaxy, Kingy, Or Blubeardedyeti In game or on the forums. Items & Prices (All things can be sold in Bulk) Pumpkins: 16 - $4, 64- $15.75 Melons: 16 - $6, 64- $23.75 Iron: 1 Ingot - $1, 1 Iron Block - $8.85, 64 Iron Blocks- 560 Steak: 16 - $10 Pork: 16 - $9 Cooked Fish: 16 - $5 Leather: 5 - $1.5 Slimeballs: 1 - $16 Wool: 16 - $3 (God items will be added at a later time)
    • Topics: 794
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    If everybody had access to getting shulker boxes I don’t think this would be too OP. The fact that all the shulkers in the end have been killed off and the only way to now get the shells needed for the boxes is by eggs is what makes them OP. The only way to get the eggs is to either donate and get them with your donation or buy them off a donator(I don’t think that many donators would want to sell them). This leaves a very large part of the community without them and gives an advantage to the ones who do have them. Personally….if there was a way for non donators to get them I wouldn’t see a problem with it.

    This explains why people asked for Shulker Eggs to be added to the donator item eggs, Talk about pre-planning much!

    great forward thinking! I love the idea of this plugin, I was more worried about making moving items even easier and ships even less useful, one thing that a ship is good for is moving large quantities of items relatively fast, you can pack up an entire base onto a ship and move home. If you can put damn Shulker boxes in an Echest.. you are just teleporting your items across the map… in massive quantities. yeah.. Im totally on board with stopping them being put into Echests.

    • Topics: 11
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    • Total: 70
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    Before I begin, Callie wanted me to include “Bacon” in the first sentence.

    Being able to cram these things into a box within an E-chest defeats the entire raiding aspect of the server, as well as most servers as a whole. What’s stopping me from getting my hands on a few and cramming my entire base into an E-chest? I used to play around with a modpack in SP a few years ago and that’s exactly how I used to play.

    Shulker boxes alone however seem like fair game. Perhaps they could also be made siegable?

    YouTuber and proud former member of the Crusaders.
    "Shoot for the sun. Even if you miss,
    it'll finally be quiet around here."

    • Topics: 66
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    All I am going to say is that the demand that TFN become a pawn of the Elven Empire is wrong, and instead the Elves should either talk to TFN and agree to unite, or put agreements in place to stop possible conflicts to happen again.

    • Topics: 13
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    I dont feel that they are to OP because you can store them in ender chests as all this does is makes this loot not raidable if the player who owns it losses in a seige but this is the same as a chest with stone brick on top of it, using shulker boes is just alot more expensive way to store the items. So all this means is the only OP part of these is a player can store the equivalent of 13 and a half duble chests in one block but its minecraft space isent really a problem. The only thing i can think of that makes this slightly to over powered is that a builder can carry more material with them to a build but once again i dont really feel this is that over powered it has to be removed. There has been alot of changes in minecraft over the past few updates and I feel that if we where to start removeing anything that feels slightly over powered then half of the stuff that comes from the updates woud be lost, like look at elytra’s they let you fly in survival mod. So i think that if shulker boxes can go in ender chests it wont be the end of the world for raiding because all it is, is the same as haveing their chests blocked although this is only my opinion on this.

    • Topics: 39
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    Hm, looks like we have two different opinions on what too OP means:
    One – “all that loot can be stored away safely so no way to raid.”
    Two – “if someone raids they can put ALL the loot away in one sweep – into their shulker boxes inside their echest.”

    I can see pro and cons.
    Finally – I have a place to store all those bones and rotten potatoes. BUT yeah, what if I get raided ?!

    I do think their are over the top, also known as “too OP”.

    Looks like we need a poll or something after the discussion.


    Proud Member of the Piratecraft history 🙂

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