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  • #52251
    • Topics: 8
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    ok so as the ones know that know me I’m usually on almost al the time! Well something came up in life. I got sick again I hurt my back I was also in a car accident that wrote off my 27,000$ drag car and insurance didn’t cover it I then lost my job and yes life was horrible…… but every down has a up…. right…. well after everything that happened I ended up finding myself randomly sparking a connection with my ex of 5-6 years and guys….. we bought a house, she felt so bad for my drag car she bought me a 2008 BMW to build a new totally different car! So after my life became so shitty and I felt like I lost everything I found it being a amazing fresh start! And we both became serious and we doing this 100% this time marriage kids house we gonna do it all and do it right so basically this message is to tell everyone I’m gonna be gone a few months and probably only gonna be on once twice a week til everything gets settled and I have found and realized that my babe comes first before everything so she knows how important mc is to me and she doesn’t want me to stop play actually totally opposite she wants me to play just wants me to be the best I can be in the real world also. So to everyone!!! I love pirate craft! It’s was from the first day I played mc and I found pirate craft it’s been my mindcraft home! I will always play pirate craft and have so many memory’s like the first day when I’m still newb running around some random forest find a base with cysteen and her friends and they throw me armour and weapons and say good luck to then me jump in river sink and die to skelly lmfao I still remember every memory and you all are awesome and just wanna thank everyone for everything and all the memory’s I have and trust me I will be back and will continue to build my castle, I will finish my wall and I will continue to build grow and make new projects and soon I’ll get my yt channels back up and make some sweet videos. Also wanna Thanks gods for a epic server, you allow all this to be possible! I want to thank EVERYONE in the BE and who was BE for everything they have helped me with becomeing a Lord in this amazing crew!! I WILL ALWAYS BE BE UNTIL THERE IS NO MORE BE!! My bases and things are open for access for some and they know who they can allow! May you all have awesome memory’s and amazing time to come. And I’ll see u all when ever I find time to get on but yea sorry for kinda dragging this out lol just wanted to say pirate craft is amazing and I’m moving and won’t be on much lol that could have been so much shorter!! Lmfao

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    Proud Lord Of BE!
    Proud Former Chief of Police for BE!
    Creator,Owner,Builder Of Smok-a-Tropalis
    "No one will hold your hand thru the flames,
    i embraced the flame and then made my home!"

    • Topics: 3
    • Replies: 67
    • Total: 70
    • ★★★

    He isn’t being off topic Astro he is just replying to you. Astro you are being a hypocrite because you have many bans and mutes but are still on the server.

    • Topics: 19
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    I am just replying to your reply. I said that you have done similar the same in the past, which is true. That is not off topic. I do not see what you think is off topic. Again if you look at many of the things in your punishment checker, it will be very similar to what I did that night. I apologized for what I did, to you, and to everyone else. If this is not clear enough for you, look elsewhere.

    - Raven228
    Hey everyone Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

    • Topics: 46
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    I think we get the idea about something that *has already been dealt with.* I suggest you stop taking this off topic if you want this to even be considered. Also, swearing constantly, making threats, being completely innapropriate in chat, and telling people to kill themselves, is way different from what I was doing…

    In case anyone was wondering why raven was banned:

    Raven228 report

    Raven I won’t respond if you keep taking this off topic btw

    Leader of the Narwhal Syndicate
    Former Official Bitchnugget of the Asylum
    King of the Elves, 2016-2017 (Rumoured)

    Crew History:
    United States Empire
    The Asylum
    Phantom Pirates
    The British Empire
    The Coalition
    Dealer's Deck
    House Indoril

    • Topics: 794
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    Heh, I went through the same process, This is why we have a a dedicated forum for it now xD!

    It always amazed me the patience you have with players Blu.

    There are always a few players that ruin it for everyone else.

    Well, Blu top man for getting this far with in-game requests, I cant deal with /msg any more, drives me utterly bonkers!

    From the other day, was on the server maybe half a second? “Hey give me concrete blocks“.

    • Topics: 14
    • Replies: 242
    • Total: 256
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    <span style=”color: #555555; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 22.4px; background-color: #fbfbfb;”>”Recently I had discovered your server and begun to play on it. Once discovering the likeness to other faction servers I enjoyed, I quickly told several of my friends to join and play with me. I also told my brother (ItsSalmon) to join as well.”</span>

    Well, i dont know how you can enjoy playing on a server when I banned you not even a minute after you joined..

    Your “Brother” was using hacks + auto join, he spammed staff chat with his attempts to join after his ban for like 2 hours, right when it stopped you joined the server for the first time. Your story doesn’t add up.

    And also makes it easier if it’s not worth your time.



    In reply to: Report – KT1221

    Crazy Pirate
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    In reply to: [Report] Raven228

    • Topics: 13
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    i do also have a lot of screens of this, Shook_one got on and started to say random insults towards myself and other TAS members online and then as me and silver tryed to talk to him asking why he was so against us and why he was just calling us random insults in chat raven started to become more and more toxic and it bassicly escalated from there.

    This lasted for about 10-20min’s and ended up in raven just being toxic to anyone who told him to stop spamming i know he snapped with wemb aswell as a good few other people who was telling him to watch his language and to not spam chat. I have already sent the screens i have of this to Chailey but if other staff need some i am happy to send it to anyone who needs them.


    In reply to: Koolkactus

    • Topics: 28
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    stop spamming your report thread koolkactus boi

    -Proprietor of Fort Abercrombie

    -Patient #412 of the Asylum

    "I cannot, if I am in the field of glory, be kept out of sight: wherever there is anything to be done, there Providence is sure to direct my steps."
    Horatio Nelson


    In reply to: Koolkactus

    • Topics: 5
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    Hey dude i am sure i am not breaking rules. I never shown hostility towards you(except trying to protect my base during your raid). Never have I attacked you on your island and I don’t ever intend to. I was a quite upset when I was robbed clean but have since got over it. I want to say that after carefully reading the rules they say you cant use sethome to spawn kill. it never says I cant claim land next to someone and build a base. I also offered to move farther away but he said he didn’t care if i did. I would like to live on the island and no rules are stopping me from doing so. I have screen shots of are conversation that i can post if necessary. i would like to state also that i have never killed dpex 81 and he that I lie and that I have. (screen record of that too). I love this server and if the majority thinks that I am braking the rules i will stop as i don’t want to cheat in any way.

    Who is Cooler than the Cactus?!

    • Topics: 2
    • Replies: 4
    • Total: 6


    Hello, players! I’m Monokuma, your new dictator!


    I’ve noticed something about this server. It’s stuck on repeat! Nobody  likes a re-run of an episode, that’s why I stopped paying for cable!


    It’s always one group that rises to the top, followed by some tryhards that only exist to dethrone the other group.


    We need more violence and despair in-between the lines! After all, just two sides can’t make up a shape! That’s why I need YOU to help form the third side of our lovely triangle! Yes, you, the lowly cretin of the server who can’t refrain from shoving the silverware into the power outlets!


    You’re probably asking why you’d want to join me, right? It’s simple! We call it “symbiosis”, which is found in nature all the time! You’re already meatshields, so you’ll be expendable meatshields, armed to the teeth with something capable of bringing the players who would torment you in the past to their knees! You have nothing to lose! In fact, you’ll gain wealth and power by doing as I say!


    What am I getting out of this, you ponder?


    Why, I simply want despair! Entertainment! Death!

    • Stabbling
    • Bludgeoning
    • Decapitating
    • Incinerating
    • Smashing
    • Gutting

    Bonus points if you come up with any better method!


    So what do you say? Do you want to be able to kill those god clad no-life players in a heartbeat? I can promise you that you’ll be more than able to if you join me.

    If anyone is interested, why not send a message on the forums to your old friend Monokuma? If you do, I’ll message you the coordinates to a drop zone for the tools of the trade!


    Hmm? Why can’t I tell you who I am? Fufufu… That would be bad for us. We’ve been on here for a while. Whoops! I’ve said too much! HAHAHAHAHAHA!


    Happy thrills, chills, and kills!

    • Topics: 794
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    • ★★★★★★★★
    • Topics: 29
    • Replies: 230
    • Total: 259
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    The issue is, in the past I have seen people who weren’t the victims or even involved at all start raising a stink in the chat with those doing the bad stuff but never actually do anything to help out and stop the bad things from continuing. If im getting mugged by a group of people and everyone’s just watching and telling the guys to stop, they arent going to and im still getting beat down and robbed. Im glad they called the cops and recorded some evidence on their cell phone but i still had to endure way more pain and suffering than if they would have stepped in and ran the guys off when they first saw it happening, then called the cops. If you feel bad enough for some one in trouble to report it, then sacrifice yourself to help them get out of trouble while they are experiencing it ? Thats all I have been saying.

    Blu I 100% agree with this, however I did tell them to stop to begin with, I even msged an online staff member on the discord who was afk. I also consulted with the deckhand and advised him/her to make the report themself, however they did not. As for your quote, its a really good one but your claiming I should have taken action myself before making the report, which I did. Im not sure if your meaning to take the matters into my own hands and go into a 1v5 at the time and lose a godset however.

    There is many different forms of action that a person can take to help a situation, and I feel this was the last hope at the time as I see this and the rules clearly state that this is a form of harassment and you have to realize you cannot save every situation ingame by just going to beating up on the other guy.

    • Has other staff dealt with this yet? If not give me all the names of those involved

    I remind you that my answer is Kyshinnn and Ae0 confims aswell.

    Perhaps next time Ill just pm godsdead since all forum reports turn out to be is a pile of garbage replies where people argue…


    A endermite kicked my ass

    • Topics: 29
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    The issue is, in the past I have seen people who weren’t the victims or even involved at all start raising a stink in the chat with those doing the bad stuff but never actually do anything to help out and stop the bad things from continuing. If im getting mugged by a group of people and everyone’s just watching and telling the guys to stop, they arent going to and im still getting beat down and robbed. Im glad they called the cops and recorded some evidence on their cell phone but i still had to endure way more pain and suffering than if they would have stepped in and ran the guys off when they first saw it happening, then called the cops. If you feel bad enough for some one in trouble to report it, then sacrifice yourself to help them get out of trouble while they are experiencing it  Thats all I have been saying.

    Blu I 100% agree with this, however I did tell them to stop to begin with, I even msged an online staff member on the discord who was afk. I also consulted with the deckhand and advised him/her to make the report themself, however they did not. As for your quote, its a really good one but your claiming I should have taken action myself before making the report, which I did. Im not sure if your meaning to take the matters into my own hands and go into a 1v5 at the time and lose a godset however.

    There is many different forms of action that a person can take to help a situation, and I feel this was the last hope at the time as I see this and the rules clearly state that this is a forum of harassment.

    Ok so who was the main one to kill the most because that does fall under harassment

    I remind you all that my answer was Kyshinnn, and its up to staff to see what the punishment is.

    Perhaps next time Ill just pm godsdead himself, as it seems all the forum reports turn out to be is a random compilation of garbage and toxicity…

    A endermite kicked my ass

    • Topics: 44
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    The issue is, in the past I have seen people who weren’t the victims or even involved at all start raising a stink in the chat with those doing the bad stuff but never actually do anything to help out and stop the bad things from continuing. 

    yes, the things we as players are doing to stop these things from continuing is making forum posts reporting these people. This allows them to learn that this isnt the right thing to do when a staff member does something about what they did.


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