Your Leader Monokuma Appears!

Home Forums Crew Group Discussion Ultimate Despair Your Leader Monokuma Appears!

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    Hello, players! I’m Monokuma, your new dictator!


    I’ve noticed something about this server. It’s stuck on repeat! Nobody  likes a re-run of an episode, that’s why I stopped paying for cable!


    It’s always one group that rises to the top, followed by some tryhards that only exist to dethrone the other group.


    We need more violence and despair in-between the lines! After all, just two sides can’t make up a shape! That’s why I need YOU to help form the third side of our lovely triangle! Yes, you, the lowly cretin of the server who can’t refrain from shoving the silverware into the power outlets!


    You’re probably asking why you’d want to join me, right? It’s simple! We call it “symbiosis”, which is found in nature all the time! You’re already meatshields, so you’ll be expendable meatshields, armed to the teeth with something capable of bringing the players who would torment you in the past to their knees! You have nothing to lose! In fact, you’ll gain wealth and power by doing as I say!


    What am I getting out of this, you ponder?


    Why, I simply want despair! Entertainment! Death!

    • Stabbling
    • Bludgeoning
    • Decapitating
    • Incinerating
    • Smashing
    • Gutting

    Bonus points if you come up with any better method!


    So what do you say? Do you want to be able to kill those god clad no-life players in a heartbeat? I can promise you that you’ll be more than able to if you join me.

    If anyone is interested, why not send a message on the forums to your old friend Monokuma? If you do, I’ll message you the coordinates to a drop zone for the tools of the trade!


    Hmm? Why can’t I tell you who I am? Fufufu… That would be bad for us. We’ve been on here for a while. Whoops! I’ve said too much! HAHAHAHAHAHA!


    Happy thrills, chills, and kills!

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    boi who are you

    Leader of the Narwhal Syndicate
    Former Official Bitchnugget of the Asylum
    King of the Elves, 2016-2017 (Rumoured)

    Crew History:
    United States Empire
    The Asylum
    Phantom Pirates
    The British Empire
    The Coalition
    Dealer's Deck
    House Indoril

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    Hmm? Why can’t I tell you who I am? Fufufu…

    Lil bunny fu fu hopping through the forest…
    Don’t do drugs kids, you’ll turn out like this.

    ProWil (formerly Wilson Manzer),
    General Secretariat of The Papal State
    PirateCraft Veteran, circa 2015.

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    Looking forward to seeing your band of misfits on the sea!

    It’s brilliant to have a crew formed, solely to bring more fun to the server, rather than increase kdr.

    And I’ve never seen anyone achieve entertainment and death through stabling, although I wish you luck with it.

    We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.
    -Benjamin Franklin

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    PirateCraft be like

    View post on

    -Proprietor of Fort Abercrombie

    -Patient #412 of the Asylum

    "I cannot, if I am in the field of glory, be kept out of sight: wherever there is anything to be done, there Providence is sure to direct my steps."
    Horatio Nelson

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    “And I’ve never seen anyone achieve entertainment and death through stabling, although I wish you luck with it.”

    Simply stabbing someone isn’t enough. You have to do so fashionably! In a way that just shouts “bling!” Thus, Stabbling was born.


    “”>PirateCraft be like”

    Well, when you ask so nicely… My father was a drinker. And a fiend.


    Anyone who joined the group will be sent a message on the forums within the next 24 hours. Each message will contain the coordinates to an unclaimed chest meant only for the recipient of each message! Inside, you’ll find what I promised! Better hurry once you get the message! I’ve heard that a certain nasty someone made their return.

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    The first batch is out! Six of you lucky lasses and lads should check their messages!



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    Lucky you! Looks like there’ll be a supply drop within the next 48 hours!

    I hear this one will be *godly*! Hee hee!


    I also want to clear something up that’s been bothering me. Members of that unstable crew Horsia are not welcome in this group. The same applies to various players who already have too much power! What do I mean by “power”?

    That’s up to me to decide!

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