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  • #7971
    • Topics: 794
    • Replies: 3344
    • Total: 4138
    • ★★★★★★★★

    Few Pointers as of recent:

    • Shops that use a LOT of item frames, each one of these is an entity, couple that with mobs & other AI will create lagg, at present Im allowing Item frames at the shops, Can other people confirm lagg every single time they visit certain locations? And not just “this one time”.
    • I removed battlearena for the 100th time, It was running at 5000% last night and was creating dramatic lag, the developer has no idea why (Great) So no FFA.
    • The host killed out map for the 6th?/7th? Time, It wont even load now, I found that it hangs for a good 4 mins when booting/shutting down the server.
    • Our scheduler for the host seemed to not be working, but Im thinking it may have been the live map causing timing issues, which ment the server wouldn’t start on time, this is still being investigated.
    • I was busy & out of town at the weekend, and noticed 7 hours downtime due to some form of Java heap memory crash, this is the first time I have seen this Error and its reason is unknown, I rebooted the server a few times and it stopped appearing.

    In reply to: extra spleef arena

    • Topics: 28
    • Replies: 157
    • Total: 185
    • ★★★★

    but heres a question, is it possible to have all 3 floors in a sigle tightly packed block, with one or two blocks missing in the middle. would be interesting if you lost a block uder you but could just jump back to the top layer, or even drop down and find your self in a 4 block deep hole and have to dig out.



    In reply to: Adverising

    • Topics: 16
    • Replies: 347
    • Total: 363
    • ★★★★★

    Anyways, problem solved. Topic closed.

    • Topics: 10
    • Replies: 228
    • Total: 238
    • ★★★★


    You would probably get a faster response from the mods if you wrote your own topic in one of the help forums.

    • Topics: 21
    • Replies: 260
    • Total: 281
    • ★★★★★

    Are you implying that you never used the fora for the only purpose of unloading your emotions onto everyone, Rept? That would be the joke of the year, wouldn’t it be?

    Please stop the unnecessary drama, everyone.

    The Queen
    • Topics: 132
    • Replies: 839
    • Total: 971
    • ★★★★★★

    Don’t worry corn is coming back from vacation and already said he would try to stop the. From attacking

    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

    • Topics: 35
    • Replies: 1374
    • Total: 1409
    • ★★★★★★★

    @machi plz stop right there .you realize that that’s the one that gods propose a few comments back .XD


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece


    In reply to: Custom Plugins?

    • Topics: 16
    • Replies: 103
    • Total: 119
    • ★★★★

    Finished! Thread link:


    Finished Plugin!

    • Topics: 35
    • Replies: 1374
    • Total: 1409
    • ★★★★★★★

    U don’t whant to be that guy. but athen stop this war your plotting .


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

    • Topics: 19
    • Replies: 63
    • Total: 82
    • ★★★

    With the actual configuration (chests not protected without a block on top of them), would the chest shops be auto locked or need a block on them to be protected?
    The space taken for selling a single item will increase with that plugin but if we need to put blocks on those chests too, it’ll be even worse.

    • Topics: 794
    • Replies: 3344
    • Total: 4138
    • ★★★★★★★★

    At present our entire shop system is based on using Essentials trade signs, there is one major issue stopping me from moving from 1.7.10 to 1.8, and that’s all Essentails signs will break, that includes all Shops at the cove as well as every player shop, I know how tedious this is to setup each and every sign, and there is a lot on the server.

    There may be an option to convert these signs, but it means getting the host to do it for us, this could pose tricky since they take a while to respond.

    So we need a backup in-case there is no option to convert these signs.

    Now at present you cant sell a lot of things, so im suggesting we move to chestshops, This will allow you to put things in a chest to sell, as you can see there are lots of extensions that go with this too.

    We will need to make a decision as a community, but I think moving shops over to a proper shop system may be better than what we have now anyway.

    Cast your votes shop owners.


    In reply to: New Chat

    • Topics: 23
    • Replies: 225
    • Total: 248
    • ★★★★

    Yes thanks for the hint i will do this as soon as possible 🙂

    I just never read about any of this in the forum and thought that it would be usefull to start this topic.


    Alex Lazescu
    • Topics: 17
    • Replies: 329
    • Total: 346
    • ★★★★★

    I like how we’re getting into trading about this. Raven and I started a thread about a Trading Conecpt where players trade “special” goods with NPC Towns, positioned at strategic places around the map.

    ecco running.

    We can merge nationalities into this. Instead of a NPC Town, we use say the British Empire, the Ottoman Empire, the Dutch, etc. , etc.

    The British produce specialty items, such as “British Tea” , “British Coats”, “British Pipes”

    and they buy specialty items from the Ottomans such as “Ottoman Salt” “Ottoman Sugar” “Ottoman Muskets”

    Heres the old trade chart for the NPC Towns:
    Town 1

    Sells A,B,C for $1, $10, $115

    Buys D,E,F, for $2, $15, $110

    Buys G,H,I, for $3, $12, $112

    Town 2

    Sells D,E,F, for $1, $10, $100

    A,B,C, $1, $8, $130

    Buys G,H,I, $5, $8, $104

    Town 3

    Sells G,H,I, for $2, $10, $100

    Buys A,B,C, $2, $14, $108

    Buys D,E,F, for $1, $8, $60

    And now here’s the Chart remastered with this idea:

    Sells Clothes,Wax,Tea for $1, $10, $115

    Buys Sugar,Spice,Incense, for $2, $15, $110

    Buys Timber,Silk,Coffee, for $3, $12, $112


    Sells Sugar,Spice,Incense, for $1, $10, $100

    Buys Clothes,Wax,Tea, $1, $8, $130

    Buys Timber,Silk,Coffee, $5, $8, $104


    Sells Timber,Silk,Coffee, for $2, $10, $100

    Buys Clothes,Wax,Tea, $2, $14, $108

    Buys Sugar,Spice,Incense, for $1, $8, $60

    Retired Pirate 6/25/14 -- 6/15/15

    • Topics: 794
    • Replies: 3344
    • Total: 4138
    • ★★★★★★★★

    @godsdead OK PvP and raiding is acceptable in most places but you have to place some boundery .the Spanish didn’t just let pirates kill will there making ships for the king.

    This is your last chance to stop spamming the forums and chat with utter garbage Dr Solid, If you hadn’t noticed this is a competition where competitors are chosen, you are no longer part of this competition or the next. If you hadnt have noticed this is a SURVIVAL server, I set no rules for PVP on this competition and everyone else has managed fine, people must just want to cut your head off, I wonder why?

    • Topics: 794
    • Replies: 3344
    • Total: 4138
    • ★★★★★★★★

    I have waited about 4 months for the stats developer to fix a small bug thats been driving me crazy.

    /stats now shows the correct broken and placed blocks, before it merged the two together creating havock, I removed it for about 4 months, he pushed a fix not long ago, and its live on the server.

    So all players /rank ing up can now see their block break and block place in-game, While I was at it I added a bunch more stats to the /stats in-game.

    • – Playtime
    • – Move
    • – Block break
    • – Block place
    • – Money
    • – Kill
    • – PVPStreak
    • – PVPTopStreak
    • – Death
    • – On fire
    • – Omnomnom (food eaten)
    • – Items crafted
    • – Tools broken
    • – Xp gained
    • – Teleports
    • – Words said
    • – Fish catched (I know this is “caught” this is the developers bad english and I can’t change it)
    • – Damage taken
    • – Arrows
    • – Eggs thrown
    • – Commands done
    • – Votes
    • – Lastjoin
    • – Lastleave

    We also have options to show:

    • pvp – killed (ID of player) weapon (Not sure how this works yet, I need to test it)
    • Trades – Amount of times traded with villagers
    • Firstjoin – First joined the server, It shows a giant timestamp, so not very user friendly.
    • Shear – playing with sheep
    • Itempickups
    • Itemdrops
    • Bedenter – how many times you have gotten into bed
    • Bucketempty – how many buckets you have emptied
    • Bucketfill – Buckets filled
    • Worldchange – total times worlds changed
    • Times kicked – Times booted off the server


    Now all of these are avalible from the web-stats frontend that I have custom made, at present the LIVE version is at, its not live on the main website yet, as there is a lot I need to code for it to be stable enough to handle the amount of traffic we get without crashing out server.

    If you think we should switch around some of the stats shown in-game please reply. do not ask for something that isnt on the list.

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