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  • #8256
    • Topics: 794
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    Brining this topic back alive as I finally figured out how to make custom cannons work!

    So Put your designs in! I have a dedicated area at the cove ready for builders, this might be the best place to build them.


    In reply to: Public appeal

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    A town is more than 1 person living there, that’s the key point you should take away from that very fast response!

    I responded in more detail to fix this issue:

    • Topics: 19
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    In reply to: Duck foot

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    • Topics: 23
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    As a reference to the planned roadproject and the discussion about port royal.

    Even if we have places that are called towns i don’t really think that we have established communities in those towns or traderoutes or anything that would be characteristic for towns in Real Life, despite of the fact that we have some inhabitants.
    Since we are getting more and more people to join the server and it isn’t as empty as it was some moths ago i would like to establish “real” towns or at least settlements.

    One of the problems is that new players don’t know what to do on the server and so they get angry and often leave.
    If we could provide them some advice in some settlements to show them the ways of brewing and sailing we could organize.
    At first we would only have villages but as we grew larger the villages could become real towns populated by many people.

    Furthermore those towns could even produce rare goods in a high amount if they specialise on something.
    Of course many single players have tons of minerals or rare brews but imagine how high our ressource output could be if we had a village of miners and not just one single miner.
    Also this counts for most rather uncommon ressources like cactii or vines that could be produced extremly fast if at every time of the day someone in the settlement could harvest the fields and replant them.

    Now i just want to say that it could be great for our server and i would suggest stopping the roadcontest until we have at least one village running that could be a destination for travellers.

    And if people think that i should do more in this direction: Yes i know i should and i will as soon as i get to rankup to a carpenter i will use my second sethome to establish a small village to give new players advice.

    Thanks for your attention.

    • Topics: 35
    • Replies: 1374
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    followers ,friends ,enemies frenemies and family i most inform you that i won’t log in for a week i’ll explain why bellow :
    to pass my school you need to have 40 hours of community services, so i’m in a clinic with my laptop if i have a break ill join but for the most part my brother will use dr.solid so to any of my friends or enemies ignore him he has my grammar multiplieded by pie.
    unless i say the secret code wich is “this is a fake code” it’s just my bro ok. just wanted to let you guys know @godsdead if you don’t want this forum to interrupt you can close it . i just needed to let you guys know. after the week my inner old lady will distroy the school.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

    • Topics: 10
    • Replies: 228
    • Total: 238
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    Whoever is doing this please stop! We are not done working on the canal, it is not ready to be filled t all so please leave it alone!

    • Topics: 0
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    I’ve spent some time coming up with a few designs. So far I’ve built two types. One is more Organized, and structured, while the other is a bit more organic.

    Here are some pictures of the more structured design:

    The filling of the road can be pretty interchangeable. It’s all a matter of opinion with the wood type. The filling of the road could perhaps change depending on where you are. These are just some more possibilities.

    Here I even tried it with a few log types:

    Of course, different wood types suggest where you may be, or where you’re heading. You know, spruce corresponding to colder climates and such. Not to mention different wood combinations give the road a different tone all together. The Oak and Dark Oak are a bit softer on the eyes than the Oak and Spruce.

    The colored clay in the border of the road could be another indicator of where you are and what road you’re taking!

    The other design I had is plenty more organic, and could possibly be used furthest away from any town city or dock. Here are a few levels of “Structuredness” of the road (More of a path though…):

    Before you call me out on this, yes I know, it uses Coarse Dirt. Unless we set a tag with WorldGuard, this design isn’t really possible until 1.8.

     Here I added some wood for a bit more definition. Think it looks better?

    Here’s it with some border to it. I personally think those stone walls are the Icing on the cake. They really seem to top off the design.

    These are just a few small designs. If any of you think these designs are worth refining, let me know what you think!

    My forum name is “Spades”, but my IGN Is “Frostbite16”. (Just as clarification)

    • Topics: 35
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    i would wish that in the 1.8 we could place that dirt on the ships and make food that way we dont need to stop for anything exept wepons and armour.


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece


    In reply to: Added Polls

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    • Topics: 794
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    @TimHuisman Thats a great idea, but what would it do? I think you should create a [request] topic and let people come up with some ideas Tim for /parlay.

    I can create this and run any command for any plugin on it, you can chain a few things together, set variables per user or make something happen, it could also cost money etc if wanted.


    In reply to: Horses missing?

    • Topics: 794
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    Sorry I have been making horse soup…

    Nah, I have no idea why horses have gone missing, unless they were stolen or killed.

    Mobs are limited to 50 mobs per chunk, thats every 16×16 chunk, make sure its not on top of a spawner that’s underground.

    If I have time when I come online tonight and you are on, I will spawn you 2 horses, nobody uses horses on the map, people teleport too much.

    • Topics: 794
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    @Bensterpc Do not lie, Do not be rude, please stop being arrogant and extreamly unhelpful, there is no reason to try and make a server wide issue all about you.

    This is NOT a place to spam, this is not the place to argue over your HOUR ban for being rude and disgraceful, especially as it was PUBLICLY displayed, I will not tolerate such rudeness.

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
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    Stop spamming the forums.


    In reply to: New Inventories?

    • Topics: 10
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    • Total: 238
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    This issue is being handled and the server looks to be offline for maintenance. For further information I’d suggest checking the ‘Server Lag and Downtime’ topic as updates are being posted there.

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