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  • #9639

    In reply to: redstone signs.

    • Topics: 19
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    Lever must be put on the top of a block and not on his side. The block must be an opaque block, not a slab by example.

    • Topics: 19
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    No thanks.
    We’re on a pirate server but if historically, rape was a part of some pirates life, we can’t accept sexually explicit content/behavior/jokes here.

    And even with your “[classified]”, the implied idea is enough to close this topic.

    Please remember there’s young players on the server and some of the heads in your collection may be children ones.


    In reply to: New Logos

    • Topics: 21
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    @Dr.solid  please keep to topic. This thread is about the logo design not trailers, i’m sure there’s already a thread about that within the forums.


    In reply to: New Logos

    • Topics: 35
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    i got one for a trailer (i may make it all animated don’t get your hopes up)

    so there is this Steve waking in planes he looks up and he can see the ottoman empire
    the camera goes flying around my castle (at the top) i’m sitting talking to my pasha’s about tea (pasha’s are basically admirals )
    so this messenger breaks the door’s . *everyone looks at him* he with looking tired from lots of running tells us that were being attack! i go to the balcony *as the camera goes to my back and slowly goes up to she what’s happening *pirate craft appears* as it gets closer *with real working ships and cannons * we finally see athen attacking me with 4 Indiaman’s and a few dhows. we fight some jk’s *pvp server appears in the screen* everyone fighting .and at the end athen and i are fighting the only one’s left once we make are finale attack are swords make a skull witch then an awesome pirate craft logo appears.

    ha-ha yea right you say. well i am studding mine craft animation and there is no way i’ll be doing this before my capital is done but ones i get the hang of it all i’ll show u something as proof.


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
    • Replies: 1997
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    Stop with the drama. Ani spoke briefly about being chief of the navy within the Empire, but this was never made formal. If she wished, she may join and add her town and naval powers to the Empire. Locknload22, I don’t personally know you. If someone else recruited you, they should have been made aware of this attack against Bislo. The easiest solution to this is having Bislo get his justice, if you wish to remain in the Empire. Assisting him in the defence of his town, gathering resources for him, are all ways you can redeem yourself, if Bislo agrees.

    • Topics: 33
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    As far as I am informed, DirectorAnivian is NOT the member of the empire, and does NOT lead any official Naval force, please IGNORE DIRECTOR ANIVIAN’s (Elsa Sterlig’s) Post and follow instructions from original topic post.
    Thank you, I will work with anivian to sort out this sabotage.

    Prime Minister of the British Empire
    Governor of the Province of Canada


    In reply to: unban

    • Topics: 133
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    Punctuation added to aid understanding.

    Hello, my name is quinlink and I was recently banned for “bullying people”, though I honestly don’t know who I bullied. However, I do admit to sieging the shop. There is a story behind this: Let me begin…

    I was online two days previously and working on my house with Maxxyd12 and Mhaat when we got sieged by timpeagler and his crew. After they repeatedly did this, I decided to log off. The next day I joined again and my friends, Maxxyd12 and Mhaat, invited my to their new base. Later Tim got on and said they were coming after us… And sieged us once they got there. Afterwards they invited me into their crew and I told maxxyd12 that I was going to “join” them (but in reality I was going to get our stuff back).

    To gain their trust I had to help them build their ship and make their base. When Tim decided to siege Wogworld’s shop, the Sage (the leader of the crew) yelled at me over skype to go help them, so I did what I naturally had to do to gain their trust. I went to the top of the shop and sieged it with no intention of stealing, all I did was break some glass (which I made more of and gave to the shop owner) before running away and telling them someone was chasing me away.

    I was then going to strike the next day and get my items back from Tim. When I went to log on, I found out that I was banned. The day before I had given Ma_c_hi the head of precedingzombie (one of Tim’s crew) and told him I was not a real member. I made amens to Wogworld and told them both to keep my head on their walls in order to deceive Tim and get our stuff back. If you need to, you can contact maxxyd12 in order to confirm the story or you can message Ma_c_hi or Wogworld.

    So that’s my story and I hope that I can go back and join maxxyd12 and Mhaat, because each time I talk to them over Skype they yell at me to try and get unbanned! This is my best effort.

    Thank you for reading my story.


    In reply to: unban

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
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    I could understand it better if you used something that the English language requires very dearly to make sense; grammar. Full stops, commas, apostrophes, capital letters, speech marks, etc. However, Timpealger (or however you spell it) is a nasty piece of work. I can understand why you would want to get in with him to steal back your stuff, although I can’t help but wonder that if you’d just stayed at home, you could have made it all back.

    • Topics: 10
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    i know you can set permissions to use buttons, open containers, and build in claims.

    but is there anyway to set up a system that stops players /sethome in other peoples claims, kind of getting tired of players setting home in unwelcome places just so they can kill people over and over.


    In reply to: Carpenter Rank

    • Topics: 16
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    Yes. Topic closed.


    In reply to: Unban

    • Topics: 794
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    • Total: 4138
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    I closed the first “Report“.

    1. You admit you are in the wrong for breaking rules.
    2. You are reporting a moderator for YOUR bad behaviour on the server, this is ridiculous.
    3. You have a completely different username on the website to your in-game account.

    Since that posts closed, let me recap:

    From what I gather, you were muted for 1 hour for spamming chat, Arguing and swearing, a simple mute, So you just had to play for 1 hour and nothing else would have happened, that’s it.

    You decided to: Bypass the mute by using the map and ignore a staffs decision.

    Which lead to a 2 hour ban, again giving you ANOTHER chance to stop acting stupid, so all you had to do was nothing and this would have been the end.

    You decided to then: Use an alt account, to bypass the ban, bypass the mute, ignore the staffs decision again and proceed to antagonise.

    Ma_c_hi acted perfectly, I don’t understand the mentality in your decisions to keep pushing and pushing and pushing, its like you were asking to be banned, this entire situation is making me annoyed, You only had to be quiet for an hour.



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    In reply to: Report

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    Edit: player made another forum post.


    In reply to: Website Activity

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    Yeah definitely, I need to Re-organise the menu, and have some starter Buttons on the homepage.

    I wanted to re-design the entire website, but that’s fallen way to the back of the que at present.

    We can start with a more organised menu, I think the information dropdown is way too big and theres still pages I want to add!

    I was thinking about Removing “Blog” from the menu and replacing with with “Guides” to seperate some of that information menu, Have links to Ships, Cannons, Portcullis,Claiming land, And Retractable bridge, we also need a quick start page that this could link to.

    Like a mix up of /howtoplay and /welcome and a rough overview of piratecraft.

    Then maybe under “map” having another dropdown to a list of all “settlements” which are the groups, and “towns” so we can can an official list of towns, and then if we have areas etc, they can also have a page, but again it takes hours at a time to write content and present it well.

    I would love to find someone thats a really professional writer that wouldnt mind writing some content.


    In reply to: bountys

    • Topics: 19
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    As I told in the other topic, this suggestion would need a plugin allowing it and I couldn’t find one at the moment (and it would need testong, approval of gods, …) so that’s just a suggestion, not something that may happen soon.

    The current jail system disable any command and item use and respawn you in the jail as long as you didn’t do your time. After the jailtime, you’re teleported where you were standing before being jailed.
    There’s multiple jails around the server (The Cove, Spawn area, Spawn ship).

    Last thing: allowing any new player to place a bounty and to potentially jail a random player for some time is something to avoid. That’s why, in my initial suggestion, I was only considerint jail time could be added to high bounties (£100 and above).

    • Topics: 10
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    Huh so that’s what he was doing..
    He tried to attack me at the free spawner in CTS, but I was behind an iron door and despite seiging he couldn’t break it (or stopped trying to), and I couldn’t get out to attack him.

    This is irrelevant, I called for aid and he was killed; but notable he DID repeatedly log out and back in, I guess to try and make himself invulnerable?

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