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  • #11284
    • Topics: 794
    • Replies: 3344
    • Total: 4138
    • ★★★★★★★★

    I updated the PVP system on PirateCraft, It acts a bit differently to the previous one, Here is its features:

    • Prevent PvP Log
    • Anti PVP free area Hiding, once a player is tagged in PVP they cant run to a pvp free zone. (Currently not working)
    • Anti Kill Abuse, Stopping of killing a player over and over.
    • Respawn Protection, Works for most teleports.

    Other Features

    • Blood animation on hit
    • Player’s name changes color when in combat
    • Tag message tells who tagged you
    • Topics: 16
    • Replies: 347
    • Total: 363
    • ★★★★★

    Sorted out.

    Topic closed.


    In reply to: Declaration Of War

    • Topics: 133
    • Replies: 1221
    • Total: 1354
    • ★★★★★★★

    Hmm, I recommend creating a permanent “Lothlorien War Status Update” topic. I’ve lost count of how many times war has been declared and undeclared during the past couple of weeks…

    Also, what the heck has Andy to do with this? He’s neither an elf or a British citizen.

    We remain open to discussing and solving this problem in a sensible manner.


    In reply to: Declaration Of War

    • Topics: 35
    • Replies: 1374
    • Total: 1409
    • ★★★★★★★

    I see you’re as low tolerant as ever.
    Lest check the list

    U attack my home in British Empire calming it was yours…

    U placed a fort next to Port Royal

    And we dint declare war on u because we seek peace

    And then u attacked a town of ours on the west for pixel “being a jerk?”

    And we still were debating to attack u or not and one simple mistake off are prime minister and u go crazy and want war. Stop the BS Admit it u just wanted war


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece


    In reply to: how?

    • Topics: 794
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    What the hell is wrong with people not being able to suck up TEMPORARY BANS.

    You do realize being aggressive and rude on the forums in public will only persuade me to permanently ban you.

    You were temp banned because I wanted you top stop causing destruction, you completely and utterly screwed up the website.

    My host was having issues and performing maintenance, I was completely locked out of everything.

    There was a few minutes where the website displayed the initial install script, you decided to fill this out, not reading anything at all, this wiped over the old databases, you should not have done this.

    It is 95% on the hosts head for not using a maintenance page for their fixes and 5% you being a moron and not reading what you were doing, so you are temp banned. This made the website stay down for an extra hour for everyone, Wasting everyone’s time.



    • Topics: 10
    • Replies: 228
    • Total: 238
    • ★★★★

    Ok so I was thinking long and hard both about how to protect people working on botm and to encourage more people to build.


    First off, prizes:

    The botm diamond toolkit isn’t exactly… Very pro? It would be to new players; but most donators have a slew of dia tools. Fortune comes on every pick you enchant with 30 levels now; so perhaps since its a new year, it’s time to upgrade the prizes? If even one of the items was silk touched, people would compete like crazy!

    For entries that didn’t win, what about a consolation prize? Could be something cool, but fairly worthless like a colored name item (but the item is something silly like a fish or food or something). This would give players a desire to compete, knowing that even though they might lose they will still be able to ‘collect’ that months item just for competing!

    You could even make it so that every year is different, or so that its the same item but a different colored name every month; so that people have a need to ‘collect’ every month and all your builders who have half finished but gorgious builds will have an excuse to finish it, just to be able to enter that month.




    I think the rules on keeping builds safe from grief and seige is absolutely fantastic! It will protect the build, but what about the builder?

    Like for instance, atm I have several builds I am trying to complete; but when I go to work on them I get killed for my materials. I basically have to limit my building time to late night, when no one is on, just so I can build without someone stealing all the blocks for the build.

    So, I’m not sure perhaps a rule that you cannot kill/steal from someone mid build. I am speaking strictly when they are on the build, working on it. This would not include trips to shops etc, and would not cover people who initiate pvp with their building mats in their inventory.



    Also; topic bumps! Super is asking you guys how he can make this competition better; I know I’m not the only one with suggestions!

    • Topics: 10
    • Replies: 228
    • Total: 238
    • ★★★★

    Yes @Godsdead, 3×3 would be ideal because that is the size you need to make 1 block wide railway tunnel with sides claimed so nobody can break in. I can assure you that there will be thousands and thousands of blocks long railways all over the server. I know multiple people who kind of stopped their projects because 3k blocks long rail would take 24k claim blocks…

    Michael you can actually see one, if you go to /warp nether up top theres an unfinished rail simply because i didn’t have the claim space to work on the project. Not for an 8×8 claim, anyways.

    • Topics: 33
    • Replies: 285
    • Total: 318
    • ★★★★★

    Yes @Godsdead, 3×3 would be ideal because that is the size you need to make 1 block wide railway tunnel with sides claimed so nobody can break in. I can assure you that there will be thousands and thousands of blocks long railways all over the server. I know multiple people who kind of stopped their projects because 3k blocks long rail would take 24k claim blocks…

    Prime Minister of the British Empire
    Governor of the Province of Canada

    • Topics: 16
    • Replies: 347
    • Total: 363
    • ★★★★★

    Sorted out.

    Topic closed.

    • Topics: 16
    • Replies: 347
    • Total: 363
    • ★★★★★

    The player is banned now, he dont want such scumbags on our server.

    Topic closed.

    • Topics: 16
    • Replies: 347
    • Total: 363
    • ★★★★★

    Had to delete the last screenshot.

    The player is banned now, he dont want such scumbags on our server.

    Topic closed.

    • Topics: 14
    • Replies: 90
    • Total: 104
    • ★★★★

    And advertisement to top it off.

    Owner of Port Laconia (warp market)
    British Empire Chief of Police

    • Topics: 3
    • Replies: 1
    • Total: 4

    You are correct, I have broken rules 2 and 13. I have not received the correct punishment for either of these. You claim this is not a democracy, and I am not saying it is. I’m saying the way it’s going, we’re going to need a new monarch. I did in fact look for the report post, and failed to find it anywhere. If you could please link me to it, I would appreciate it. I indeed received a warning kick from Ma_c_hi yesterday, and afterwards he actually thanked me for doing my best to replace my swearing with much more age appropriate alternatives such as “flop”. Indeed other players have warned me, with in-game threats. That does not equate to; I’m going to report you if you don’t stop. When you say the entire server is fed up with me, not only is that incorrect, but those who do not wish to deal with my extravagant, narcissistic, and somewhat piratical behavior, seem to have forgotten they could have easily requested I speak to them not as an equal, but as if I were a peasant and they were a lord. Thank you once again for your slightly less probable than I anticipated cooperation.

    • Topics: 18
    • Replies: 58
    • Total: 76
    • ★★★

    See that was uncalled for, all i did was ask of everyone and he cusses me out? There should at least be something done about it, specially since eh also spams chat every 10-15 mins with the same message over and over. And when asked to stop he didn’t he kept at it saying he wasn’t, then replayed the same message.


    • Topics: 42
    • Replies: 420
    • Total: 462
    • ★★★★★

    Stop spamming the forums.

    Lucky you will be missed 🙁

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