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  • #15078

    In reply to: Pirate Related Videos

    Crazy Pirate
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    Why make two topics?

    • Topics: 82
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    Here is the long awaited episode 3! It’s not really news oriented and more youtube channel oriented (especially in the video description) but I hope you guys still enjoy!

    NOTE TO ALL THE ANNOYING DONKEY PLAYERS ON THE SERVER!!: Don’t ask me for free mentions on the news. These episodes are supposed to be funny (especially the featured stories) but they are still supposed to have actual server information worked in to the episodes! Stop asking me to mention your empire or yourself in an episode! If you want to get in an episode, go put yourself out there on the server and make some notable dent that is actually news!

    ~High (#420) Admiral of the BE Navy and retired News Anchor of the Piratecraft Survival Server~

    • Topics: 35
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    Gods we can still make gold farms in the nether for you too stop this you would have to end pigzombies from spawning


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

    • Topics: 66
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    Hello everyone I don’t know if this has been done before or not but I thought I could possibly shed some light onto this topic and how I have set up a small Empire in about a month.


    First of all make sure you have some decent gear, have some people to join (ideally friends you have in real life for now) and at least have cadet rank.


    Second Choose where your going to set up Capital of your Empire.

    Is it going to be inland so most of your battles for it are land based and ships cannot get you from mounted cannons?

    Or are you going to be on the coast with large land mass to your back and to your front open sea, where you can get hit by ships that cannot go behind you or get attacked from the back but not by sea?

    Or what about an Island in the middle of the sea, surrounded by ocean and many ships but for those who want a ‘land’ battle they first have to get on your island?


    Third set up a base and some storage.

    Ideally make this in the ground to hide it from live map and to make it more defensive.



    Make a mine.

    Once you have this you can gather many raw materials and this can then possibly be traded, crafted or sold.


    (If on a Island or Coast).

    Make a dock area or ‘tunnel’ dock (which is basically a hole in the island or land with water inside which your boats can go in and be protected) and set up a small fleet.

    (If on a Landmass or Coast).

    Make a castle or fort and put cannons on it (if your a cadet rank you can make harming cannons which can only shoot cobble stone ‘shrapnel’) to help defend your base (recommend also doing this on ships or Islands too).



    Once you have around about 3 or 4 people (you know) in your small Empire, start recruiting people you don’t know.

    I recommend one person at a time and I usually go for Deckhands as they are more likely to stick with you as you’ve got experience and this can make the almost go ‘I might one to stay with this one’ and because they will contribute to you they are less likely to leave after work they have done.

    Also if you were to go with someone else on the server who might of played for a while be careful about letting them in, ask about them on the server to find out what their history is.

    If it’s a well working member of a team who strives to achieve their goal = Get them.

    If it’s a Person who will most likely stab you in the back, tp people to your base without your permission or will steal from you = I wouldn’t give them a chance.

    (Last 3 Paragraphs up contributed by Mr Dork)




    Get this new deckhand an Island, Hill, Mountain, Beach whatever nearby and help him set up a small base.

    Give him supplies, tips and help them build the place.

    BINGO you’ve got your first colonisation and you’ve become an Empire WOOOZA.




    Also set them a goal.

    For example, to build a successful mine, get a certain amount of wood, an impressive farm or something you might need or will need if you expand and also gives them something to do after building their base and this could also include a rank for them in the Empire too such as a Lumberjack, Miner, Farmer, Builder something like that.

    (This Part by CrazyPirate)



    So there is my guide to it.

    I have sort of also been in a rush writing this up so please don’t judge any ‘shabbiness’ ok?

    If you think I’ve missed anything out, need to expand on something I will be happy to edit this as long as it’s relative and not a something you could do later on.

    This is also not a guide on how to run an Empire, keep an Empire, win an Empire or whatever.

    Its a simple how to make an Empire from making the Capital or Centre to making your expansion to another place.

    Thank you for reading and your time.




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    I would be more open to the idea of no tps if sailing in ships were a lot easier. The ships right now are too buggy to be a reliable way of travel. Using my ship more often to travel/fight in would be my top wish for this server. Upgrading the ships in Piratecraft would allow for more roleplay to happen.

    If the ships would be improved no TPs (but still home) ever would be very fun! Sea fights could and would be AMAZING!!

    I love playing on Piratecraft and only wish for the server to become better! (:

    Love Rustayy!


    • Topics: 66
    • Replies: 1044
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    • ★★★★★★★

    I recently did /warp cannons and went into the cannon shop.

    In both of these I noticed something which wasn’t in the Cannon’s guide.

    Rusty Cannons

    Aiming with a clock

    Dual Cannons

    You can reverse the way you point a Cannon by Crouching

    and that Mortars need an Iron pressure plate not a stone one


    I wanted to bring up the fact that the guide has missed some of these important things.


    Rusty Cannon.

    I know barely anything about these other than they need a sign and grey wool.

    They can only fire Cobblestone which aren’t actually cobblestone cannon balls but a previously un-known projectile (to me and possibly quite a few of you) Shrapnel.

    Also the fact this can be created from the rank Cadets (and up) also surprises me not knowing this and thinking only Gunner could use, make and fire cannons.


    Aiming with a clock.

    This is one topic I haven’t tried but I would like to know more about as it also says the possibility that multiple cannons could be fired at once all in the same direction.

    This one also being talked about in the cannon shop doesn’t provide much information on how to use it.


    Dual Cannons

    Again this I don’t know too much about as I saw this in the Cannon shop which could offer the chance of ‘rapid fire’ cannons maybe as one loads and the other fires maybe but I don’t know as I haven’t tried this either.

    Lack of information in shop too.


    Cannons to be reverse fired by crouching.

    I don’t know if others just found this out naturally or whatever but this really is quite important as I have always tried to build boats in a way you can aim a cannon on all sides but since I found out if you crouch and do it, it goes the opposite direction.

    So no more 3×3 walls with a cannon in the middle with grooves to go under it and blocks to see over it.

    But again this is lacking from the guide but not the cannon shop.


    Mortars need an Iron pressure plate not a stone one.

    I don’t know if this is true or not but I was online listening to some people talk about Mortars and one guy put a stone pressure plate on top of his ‘Mortar’ which he was quickly corrected by people telling him it’s and Iron one- not stone.

    He then replied ‘this is what the website says to do though.”

    I do not know if this worked or not but if it does the website needs changing/editing.


    Thank you for reading this and if any of this can be explained, fixed or edited, this would help me and many other people having trouble with cannons, need tips or are just learning about them.



    p.s. please post any information below I might of missed or may not know about, this will be news to me and if it isn’t on the guide it should be as well.

    p.p.s Try not to post anything related to any other responses unless if you provide more information on the subject of that item, got tips on how to use it or your correcting someone else or me.

    • Topics: 66
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    • ★★★★★★★

    No it would need the distance limit to stop people abandoning the original sub all together.

    The distance limit is the con to stop the larger Submarine from becoming rare and obsolete so Midget Subs need this to even out their strengths.

    • Topics: 82
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    • ★★★★★

    Today, I was with @bislo1 and @michal_tyrlik at a nicely built galleon. The server had a major lag spike while we were sailing it and after the lag disappeared, the ship randomly began to sink even though no damage was done to it at all…
    This is also extremely weird not only because the ship randomly sunk when no damage was done to it. But it was also weird because it did not sink properly like other ships… Parts of the ship sunk to the ocean floor while other parts sank 3 blocks and then stayed floating in mid air.
    I have no clue what happened but @michal_tyrlik said that he had seen this occur before with a movecraft airship. Apparently, blocks like wood, wool, and clay have trouble maintaining their sub-IDS when moving on movecraft ships (so different colored wool blocks would change colors at some points while moving). This change in blocks would result in the ship thinking that its missing a lot of required blocks then causing it to sink.

    is this truly a problem? I’m not sure what other explanations there are for the ship randomly sinking when it was moving just fine earlier and no damage had been done to it. If this is the problem, it would make sense since the ship had a colored clay ring that only sank a few blocks before stopping in mid air.
    Also, why aren’t people in other ranks allowed to make “Cruise: OFF” signs anymore? Was this a problem because of that Movecraft change where perms were all set under one group?

    ~High (#420) Admiral of the BE Navy and retired News Anchor of the Piratecraft Survival Server~

    Smokey River
    • Topics: 22
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    Dang this thread Blew UP like some ships will that weekend! Ok I love the idea like and all the Ideas Gods, Reaper, and Ani have. My only concern is the economy for TP Charge. This could be avoided if the warps were left available for teleport, admin and non-admin(possibly). I have already prepared for the TP free weekend whether it comes or not (secretly hoping it does). Even though I started on the server with TP enabled and there would be an utter meltdown by some if it disappeared I wouldn’t cry. I have grown pretty lazy with some of the TP powers but my laziness is why I donated a second time :-). That being said I think leaving some with a few tp powers such as donators might be beneficial to the server (more people donating to be lazy). But y’all know what is best on that aspect. I sail the high seas pretty frequently when not in the midst of other projects.


    So everyone please stop freaking out over a 2-day event. It will be a challenge and a change which isn’t bad. It’s called put your grown up pants on and face it.


    Yours Truly,

    Smokey <3


    I solemnly swear I am up to no good.


    -Founder of Crew Savage-
    -Rear Admiral or Super Mod-
    *depends on how you want to view my super powers*

    • Topics: 66
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    Well I was thinking the other day about new ships and I came up with about 2 new types.

    1. Dreadnaught

    This would have to be powered by a couple of furnaces I think one for each size and all need to be burning at the same time.

    It would also need to have 2 ‘paddles’ on the side with 4 ‘sticky outy bits’ which would be like some stairs which the minimum size would be 2 stairs long.

    If one was bigger than the other every couple of blocks it might move a little bit so if it kept going at cruise it would end up going in a circle



    minimum size

    maximum of blocks: 250-500

    To work needs minimum of 2 stair long paddles on either side of the ship.

    and 1 Furnace


    medium size

    maximum of blocks: 500-750

    To work needs minimum of 4 stair long paddles on either side of the ship.

    2 furnaces


    maximum size

    maximum of blocks: 750-1000

    To work needs paddles 6 stairs long at the minimum

    powered by 3 furnaces


    The Dreadnaughts would also have to be over 25%  Iron on the ship to work and this would have a health rate of two blasts from a cobble stone cannon ball and if the paddles where hit the boat could start going around in circles or might rotate or just stop.

    These ships would bring in a new age to Pirate Craft.. The Industrial age!!

    Their pros

    + Iron acts like armour and has life

    + The boat would cruise

    + Paddle Boat tourist attractions revenue would go through the roof

    Their cons

    – If lots of water got in it’s Iron body would act like stone and it would sink quicker than normal.

    – Its costly

    – If stolen you would get sad :(

    So that’s my Dreadnaught Idea I didn’t really know what speeds but another con could be the fact it’s Iron it goes slower or that could be ‘neutralised’ out because another could be it’s steam powered so it goes faster or something.

    I know it is a bit far ahead in time, but because it’s quite costly I think there being no kit for it to be made would make it good so someone has to make it from scratch and that Captain rank or Commander can only build it.


    2. Midget Submarine.

    This came as a brain child of me wanting quite small submarines.

    They would be powered by Furnace and be made up 50% Iron.

    Can Cruise (don’t know who many blocks they could skip).

    But also they could be used as suicide submarines so they could even be used as torpedoes but I have a con for that.



    Block limitations: 60-200 (50% Iron)

    Speed: Maybe round about 3.0 or 5.5

    Blocks used: 50% Iron (blocks the coder can choose i.e. GodsDead)

    Rank: Boatswain Or Gunner or maybe a new rank like Submariner!?


    + Small and Stealthy

    + Can travel underwater

    + Can cruise

    + Could be packed with explosives and blow up


    – You can only go so far away from it was built i.e. it can only go in about a 500-1000 radius from when it was built.

    – Claustrophobic

    – Gets lonely down their…

    – You might run out of air… eventually

    – Has to have someone driving it or in it


    So yes the con is you can’t go very far that means if it was attached to a submarine/ship the midget submarine would be activated from where that ship leaves and moves from so it would count as a ship in it’s own right and if was attached to a ship/sub someone would have to be in it the entire time for it to move and if not it wouldn’t move.

    So there you have it a midget submarine and a Dreadnaught as well if the midget submarine is accepted an idea for a new rank maybe 😀

    Thank you for reading and taking your time on my ideas, I will be happy to answer any questions or tweak anything if a mod or owner likes the ideas I have listed thanks again.


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    well I use a laptop and have terrible internet connection (for reasons I cannot say) and I will look into the shaders but I will definitely be able to get some texture packs or a texture pack to use on the server.

    yet my build will be small it’s clever and compact and is a boat so i’m sort of in for the small, clever and reliable class?

    I dunno but I need to edit it some bit but yes if its not good enough i’ll make something better but count me in.

    • Topics: 7
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    @MrDork Does this handsome hunk of bartender look like a pirate to you? Stop making assumptions, it’s not good for the health

    It looks like something a sheep barfed up. Bartender? Looks like Bar Waiter.

    <span style=”line-height: 1.5;”>Now thats just rude, Mr executive delivery boy</span>

    Grand-Overseer of Vault-Tec, and overseer of Vault 121.
    Message me about joining Vault-Tec!

    • Topics: 111
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    @MrDork Does this handsome hunk of bartender look like a pirate to you? Stop making assumptions, it’s not good for the health


    It looks like something a sheep barfed up. Bartender? Looks like Bar Waiter.


    • Topics: 794
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    @aniviankevinlu you’re hilarious, Yeah let me just go clean all the oceans, Erm no? how about you clean the paths you want to sail! This is stupid, Because after the event the sea will be littered again!!! so its pointless waste of about the 10-30 hours it would take.

    This will take a lotof setting up, its not like I can just flick a switch or change 1 line or something, It needs to be worth the time spent sorting it out, I may change it to 1 day but then thats not really an event weekend is it? Thats the point, if you have played any other games they do “weekend events” they don’t do “8 hours on a Friday night”, and as for it being a trial THIS IS THE TRIAL! A trial for a permanent world setup like that! im sure Ive said that already.

    .solid Stop spamming me with mentions, as this is my thread I get notified of responses, stop spamming with so many posts, you could have put every single one of your replies into one forum post reply, you have literally replied back to back, there is an edit button.

    As a heads up, this isn’t going to happen soon, this is a forum discussion to gauge peoples reactions to such an event and to gather ideas to improve it, so you all have plenty of time to prepare in whatever way you need to, we will definitely need am incentive! Im thinking trade routes to buy & sell between towns, we can use existing towns to do this, so feel free to post up if you are interested in having an area in your town for this that’s accessible by sea.

    • Topics: 7
    • Replies: 106
    • Total: 113
    • ★★★★


    Does this handsome hunk of bartender look like a pirate to you?

    Stop making assumptions, it’s not good for the health

    Grand-Overseer of Vault-Tec, and overseer of Vault 121.
    Message me about joining Vault-Tec!

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