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  • #15661
    • Topics: 111
    • Replies: 670
    • Total: 781
    • ★★★★★★

    Welcome to Piratecraft Cruise Services! As said above, this will be a Piratecraft cruise! We will sail the seven seas and explore lands! It might be a long trip though, so pack food if not then purchase some from room service! We have a dining room, with a menu for food. We also have fishing spaces, Scuba Diving areas, Stop and looks (Stop cruise and explore), and a small room for stay!

    Here is what these all cost

    -Boarding Pass = $4

    – Scuba Diving = $3 per person

    – Fishing = free

    – Fishing Pole = $0.50

    – Exploring = 2.00 every 3 people

    – Room Service = 2.00 every time



    If anyone steals, kills, raids, etc the ship and its properties, they will recieve a kick from the cruise and their items confiscated.


    <span style=”text-decoration: underline;”>Terms and Conditions</span>

    I hereby state the terms and conditions of the cruise service


    The Piratecraft Cruise Services (PCS) are NOT responsible for lost items. You bring whats neccessary and if its stolen you will NOT get a refund on what you spent. Once you spend the money there is ABSOLUTELY NO REFUNDS. If someone fights and you are dragged in and get killed by another cruiser we aren’t responsible for lost items. HOWEVER, we are responsible for killing that person and giving the belonging of him to you. All crusaders will have inventory and chests checked before we set sail. If you die, we will teleport you back. If there is no tps, then tough luck. If you die from drowning while scuba diving, tough luck. Deaths are not returned by a set of new stuff. If you die, you find your stuff. We will offer a protective system, such as body guarding, but you must supply the armor.

    What is LEGAL to bring.


    -Healing Potions

    -Fishing Rods

    -Blocks, any type of non-explosive or hurting block


    What is ILLEGAL to bring

    -Any weapon

    -Any pickaxes/axes

    -TNT, flint and steel, etc.

    -Any block used for hurting and such.


    Happy Sailing!



    In reply to: Spawn Killing

    • Topics: 21
    • Replies: 202
    • Total: 223
    • ★★★★

    Take the hit and all of you stop being pettt. What happened to being mature.

    Everyone knows how annoying spawn killing is. Simply do not do it.


    The Queen
    • Topics: 132
    • Replies: 839
    • Total: 971
    • ★★★★★★

    Hey guys so I was thinking this morning while sitting in my tower, a lot of people have crews and everyone msg you hey are you allied to this person or are you enemies with this person it gets tiring of responding and repeating yourself over and over again of who your allied and not allied to.

    So I was thinking of this as an idea:


    Reptaria: Hey guys

    CallieMav: Hey Rep!

    Outlaws has just declared an alliance with the Elves

    Reptaria: Thanks hard!!

    Hardtimez: Mhm lol anytime 🙂


    Or this


    Crazypirate1: Hey everyone

    Godsdead: Yo!

    Crazypirate1: How is everyone?

    Godsdead: Good you?

    Hatawii: NOPE! I HATE BE!

    PirateLords are enemies with BE

    CrazyPirate1: May the war begin >:0

    Godsdead: OHHHH!!!!


     It Should look like this when you view a crew


    List members of the crew Verussia

    Leaders: _KingRS_

    Members: blah blah blah blah blah

    Allied: BE, Elves

    Enemies: None

    Truce: Titan

    Neutral: All


    Hope you guys enjoyed the little show there lol but I really think this could help big groups such as the British and Elves and Outlaws and Titans.


    Stop people msging you are you allied with me

    Stop people msging you are we enemies

    And all that jazz


    For my conclusion I think that group diplomatic relations should be thought of because it helps the community and it helps us in roleplay. People can say were allies one minute but then take it back like that. So just think on it, Can we have this added onto crews?




    -The Queen

    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire


    In reply to: Confusion

    • Topics: 794
    • Replies: 3344
    • Total: 4138
    • ★★★★★★★★

    Can I clear up this thread/ban is nothing to do with schematica, the thread went off topic. The IP of a hacker was banned and Athen was banned as a result as this was an alt account he was using to cheat.

    If you look at previous ban history you will see a previous temp 3 day ban for using a hacked client on the 17:43:23 09/08/14, this was a warning shot.

    Athen its extremely sad to see you go, but we can’t have people using hacked clients with alts on the server, it isnt fair to the community.

    I would like to quickly celebrate Athenmos‘s insane Leaderboard statistics, topping nearly all the top statistics of all time.

    Athenmos Statistics end with:

    • 30d:13h:15m:31s Playtime
    • Ranked 2nd Of all time for items crafted at 23066
    • 4th for Server joins at 2552
    • 5th for damage taken at 471593
    • 5th for times kicked at 192
    • 9th for on fire at 3271
    • No 1! For most words said on the server ever! 512721
    • 10th for commands done on the server at 52524
    • 10th for items picked up at 444774
    • 2nd for items dropped at 146881
    • 1st for arrows shot at 25029
    • 2nd for items crafted at 23066
    Alex Lazescu
    • Topics: 17
    • Replies: 329
    • Total: 346
    • ★★★★★

    Even though I am banned on the main server, hopefully I will be allowed to resume building work on the creative server? If any of you want to stop by and say hullo I’d be happy to chat with you. 🙂

    Retired Pirate 6/25/14 -- 6/15/15

    • Topics: 35
    • Replies: 1374
    • Total: 1409
    • ★★★★★★★

    WTF! why do people keep brining this topic agin and again,this probablt will happen in a few months so stop it people!


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

    • Topics: 35
    • Replies: 1374
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    • ★★★★★★★

    Hey mr.Pandarin why did you bring this up again?! I donk think the monks from pandria Extremely old topics back for no reason…..


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece


    In reply to: Banned For "Cheating"

    • Topics: 21
    • Replies: 202
    • Total: 223
    • ★★★★

    This is just ridiculous. People stop being so immature, why pretend it just gets you banned.


    • Topics: 3
    • Replies: 12
    • Total: 15

    1: I don’t do torches, I can see well enough without them on my screen. 2: It’s common sense to know we can’t use /fly reward to get into a base?? I thought it was common sense to put a roof on a base… I could get in easily without fly using ppl boosting me with a knockback 2 sword over his wall. 3: We aren’t trolling. When we made our base, we had no clue we were trespassing. We were just going along casually when Zoro showed up and said we had to move by the end of the night. We were trying to make a deal where we can stay, but it wasn’t looking so well. I called for help from ben and he helped run them out. Thanks again ben! Anyways, we got off for the night and come back to a raided base the next morning xD GGNORE. We made a new base out of your “territory”. When I was voting, I got the /fly reward and I decided to go to his base and get in. And now I’m leaving me logged there. I don’t find that trolling, harassing, or bullying.

    I just want to say that your whole epidemic in crossing us was unnecessary, and you have been basically harassing me. You’re not the first trespasser, but the only one to make such a huge deal about it. Most large Empires on this server have boundaries, and we all respect them. TUPE, 0utlaws, Elven Empire, PrankCalls’ Crew, and many more have territories like mine, some even larger. You don’t see us walking around inside their territory, especially not building in them. I understood that you had already built there, so I even offered to help. After that you immediately crossed me by sending ben to attack, basically spitting on me for doing absolutely nothing, except defending my own land. And to go even further- it was completely uncalled for you to work on MY canal, then even go so far as to place your claims around mine, so I couldn’t expand them and finish claiming the canal. I had been working on that for a month, only for you to come in and fill it with water (which it was not even the correct depth I wanted, making my job to fix it now even harder) then claim “rights” to it. This is utterly ridiculous why you would go to such lengths to make things more difficult for me, and make such huge disrespect towards me for simply following my own rules.

    Alright, lets get started:
    1: We respect your boundaries. We didn’t know there was a such thing on here but now we do.
    2: You did not offer to help, you said we had by that night to move. So, we took action cause we have been working hard on our base.
    3: After you decided that we had by that night to move out and we sent ben to scare you off, we claimed the canal to be OURS. We can still make a deal with the canal, such as giving us items to remove our claims SINCE you decided to blow up our whole base.

    Let me know if I missed anything.

    • Topics: 12
    • Replies: 215
    • Total: 227
    • ★★★★

    Ok so, the mine you saw there wasnt a x-rayer mine. I have experience with how they look lol. Also if you get the fly reward, you are allowed to fly into peoples bases. And @Cornetheus999, the mod you are using isnt allowed on the server.

    Which mod is he not allowed to use? The damage indactors, minimap, or the hud mod?

    No hacking, cheating or exploiting glitches. No client mod(s)

    Do not hack, cheat or use glitches.

    Do not use any minecraft client modification(Apart from Optifine)

      If you find an exploitable glitch, contact a staff member.
      rule 3 on the rules on information page
    • Topics: 3
    • Replies: 12
    • Total: 15

    1: I don’t do torches, I can see well enough without them on my screen. 2: It’s common sense to know we can’t use /fly reward to get into a base?? I thought it was common sense to put a roof on a base… I could get in easily without fly using ppl boosting me with a knockback 2 sword over his wall. 3: We aren’t trolling. When we made our base, we had no clue we were trespassing. We were just going along casually when Zoro showed up and said we had to move by the end of the night. We were trying to make a deal where we can stay, but it wasn’t looking so well. I called for help from ben and he helped run them out. Thanks again ben! Anyways, we got off for the night and come back to a raided base the next morning xD GGNORE. We made a new base out of your “territory”. When I was voting, I got the /fly reward and I decided to go to his base and get in. And now I’m leaving me logged there. I don’t find that trolling, harassing, or bullying.

    I don’t want to sound rude, but if you can see perfectly well in Minecraft in pitch blackness, you’ve tampered with your settings to a degree where it can be classed as cheating. I can’t even see what’s going on in most of Zoro’s video because it’s basically a black screen. This isn’t definite proof of X-Raying unfortunately, branch mining tunnels can look very similar. And waiting for hours and days in someone’s base or setting a teleport right next to it so you can raid them DOES count as harassment (disrupting daily activities to a degree so that the player can no longer play normally) and has been punished in the past. I recommend you get out of there before anything bad happens.

    I have a laptop where when I tilt the screen in a certain way, it makes a weird effect and allows me to see pretty well in darkness.

    • Topics: 49
    • Replies: 218
    • Total: 267
    • ★★★★★

    It’s a very odd way to mine, but that doesn’t rule out that they were just mining like that. Most people that do mine like that are x-raying, and notice that specific ores were missing in those caves. Traditional miners (honest miners, looking for the most effecient way to mine) usually strip mine, or for a tougher challenge, clear out a certain space from the top all the way to bedrock.

    ✭✭✭Member of the House of Lords of the British Empire✭✭✭

    • Topics: 63
    • Replies: 437
    • Total: 500
    • ★★★★★★

    @LegionaryDuck, there should be an option to edit at the top right, where you also see the options to reply to and quote posts 🙂

    • Topics: 2
    • Replies: 3
    • Total: 5

    When I tried to siege a player I received a prompt saying I was on siege cooldown even though I had never tried to siege them before. This happened again after I tried to siege a player I had siege a whole day before.

    P.S. In response to the response to my food depletion post at, I reviewed the food mechanics and am certain that zero of the food exhaustion level increases apply to standing and fishing, especially enough to cause me to have to refill my food twice in at most five minutes. I’ve been playing on this server for a few days now and am familiar with how fast food is supposed to deplete whilst doing practically nothing with full health. I’ve also been playing Minecraft for about five years now.

    Delete this profile please

    • Topics: 133
    • Replies: 1221
    • Total: 1354
    • ★★★★★★★

    Dracula, Frankenstein, the Mummy, Sherlock Holmes, Mycroft Holmes, Fu Manchu, Lord Summerisle, Scaramanga, Comte de Rochefort, Saruman, Count Dooku, and Willy Wonka’s bleeding father. We can associate all these rolls with one legendary face: That of Sir Christopher Lee. Whether you’re a granny or a kiddo, you’re bound to have seen him on the big screen at least once in your life.

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    Mr Lee has starred in a film every year since 1948 except 1995 and 2006. This is only the tip of the iceberg, however. He’s got a whole list of astounding accomplishments that makes you wonder how one guy could manage so much in one lifespan. (Though it might have something to do with living to the proud age of 93!)

    -o- Mr Lee has been in more films than any other living actor, over 250 in total.
    -o- He was 195 cm (6 feet 5 inches) tall, making him possibly the tallest leading actor in history.
    -o- He served in the precursor of the SAS and in the RAF during WWII. He was also a spy. This was before he even contemplated becoming an actor.
    -o- This experience gave him the ability to correct Peter Jackson on what sound one should make when getting stabbed in the back.
    -o- He was the only member of the LoTR cast who actually met J.R.R. Tolkien in person.
    -o- He also met the people who killed Rasputin. They caused many problems for the production of the eponymous film where Lee starred as the Russian mystic.
    -o- He was related to the famous American civil war General Robert E. Lee as well as the legendary Charlemagne, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. He was also Ian Fleming’s cousin and would have starred as James Bond if Ian had had his way.
    -o- He had way too many medals: Commander of the Order of St. John’s of Jerusalem, a Knight Bachelor of the Order of the British Empire and he once even received a medal from Mikael Gorbachev.
    -o- He could apparently communicate in seven languages.
    -o- He was a talented golf player and can fence like a master, which is why he’s been in more on-screen sword duels than any other actor.
    -o- He’s sung with heavy metal bands such as Manowar and even released his own album at the ripe old age of 88. He entered the charts at the age of 91 and a half.

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    Ol’ man Charlemagne would probably have been proud of Chris. 😛

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