food depleting very quickly

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  • #15092
    • Topics: 2
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    So earlier today someone complained of their food depleting very quickly and I just joked of it, assuming that they had been sprinting. But then later as I was standing in place fishing, I nearly starved as my food had depleted as fast as if I had been sprinting. When I started my food was full but then I paid attention later again as it started depleting noticeably.

    Delete this profile please

    Crazy Pirate
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    This is not going to be a server error.

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    You don’t lose hunger standing in place though. That’s the issue

    Grand-Overseer of Vault-Tec, and overseer of Vault 121.
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    This is default behavior from minecraft this is not a bug or glitch, this is a ridiculous post.

    Read what @CrazyPirate1 sent you.

    The servers on hard.


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