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  • #17697

    In reply to: We need this!

    • Topics: 18
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    • ★★★★

    I think if we used an item for a gun texture, it should be a golden axe, because in vanilla it looks more like a gun than a pickaxe, and not everyone is going to use the pack.

    Also, I think Conquest would be better for a server pack.

    On the topic of re-texturing, I think we should replace the golden shovel and golden hoe with things that make more sense. Maybe for the shovel we could use some wooden stake, and for the hoe a sextant or compass.


    In reply to: We need this!

    • Topics: 66
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    • ★★★★★★★


    Reminds me I need to do a request topic for another idea of mine involving something I told you about Crazy… 😉


    In reply to: Server done Or banned?

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
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    crazypirate that makes no sense That is all i can say -_- —————————————— -Cap’n HardTimez

    “CrazyPirate, that makes no sense, that’s all I can say”

    I think you’ll find, it does.

    Someone saying that they raid someone so often, and then saying that it would be disappointing and hard to stop that raiding, implies they are doing it frequently, and that they enjoy it. Even the person who states that, Charlee, claims that they raid this new player “too much”. In his own words, he has claimed he raids a new player too much. Is that  not evidence enough?

    Furthermore, the “we” means that he does this as part of a group, suggesting that:

    A) He likes to pick on smaller players in larger groups

    B) He cannot defeat such a player

    C) Doing this makes him feel better, hence the fact he does it

    D) Other people are involved, possibly you/0utlaws, as the victim has stated.



    In reply to: Ban Request

    • Topics: 3
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    • Total: 14

    1. I was not harassing him. He had gear when I first encountered him and that’s when I killed him. He quickly spawned in due to his home being there and with the little amount of pvp protection you have he grabbed a hold of stone bricks and blocked up my escape (as you can see to my right in the picture above).
    2. He was constantly attacking me so I had no choice but to continue killing him.
    3. He had a wolf there so the damage was doubled along with the fact that I cannot kill his wolf.
    4. This same person I’m reporting has been harassing my crew and Lego’s crew for two days now and constantly comes back to our castle. So, we kill him and tell him to leave, but he insists on staying and fighting, causing us to be jailed for killing him.
    5. I was told by numerous people that is can get someone banned, that’s the only reason I’m reporting the person. By word of top players like Lego who have said this and other players who’ve been here longer than I.


    In reply to: KingKarim

    • Topics: 35
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    • ★★★★★★★

    oprime are you bylinguaL? have you ever studid a language by you’re self with no one too help? do you know 4 diferent languages? no? then shut grammar isnt bad becuase i’m too young or becuase i dint study hard inove my grammar is bad becuase just a 9 months ago my new english teacher who actually teached english at a 10th grade lvl told me about it.i studid english when i was 4 and finised when i was 5 and i’m perfectly good at speaking but i live in a place were you never ever write it so theses last 9 months i was looking for a minecraft server so i could train myself in the arts of grammar (becuase why not. i learned english from cartoons. then why cant i learn english grammar from piratecraft…).its hard becuase i had to stop my studies in japanese to perfect my english :/ and i get spanish and japanese grammar mixed up with english. now i got that out of the way i’ll tell you why you need to go back too school to learn how to read. i clearly said that i was gonna write what hardtimez said but with out the erros.Why on earth did you think i said that on my name?!


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece


    In reply to: KingKarim

    King Karim
    • Topics: 4
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    • Total: 15

    Well, oprime I didn’t send ham to kill you for the reason you mentioned above, I told ham to kill you because you were getting in my business and wouldn’t stay out of it, another part of that was because you are with InventorJohn and the 0utlaws have been raiding him recently so you are apart of his team therefore an enemy and you pushed it by not staying out of my business I was on team-speak with smokey yesterday when this happened and I’m pretty sure smokey says something when she sees something so does all the other staff if they’re online. I wish for this topic to be closed for it’s only bringing more drama.

    The cycle of life continues, we will live, you will die.
    The Red Lotus rules.


    In reply to: KingKarim

    • Topics: 9
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    Your comment made very little sense and once again, before you attempt to correct me, learn basic grammar and English. The only reason I corrected you was because you made an attempt to correct HardTimez when your grammar and spelling isn’t much better. Commas are used in alot of different situations by the way. Oh, and I’ve never been called a “dear” by a male before. Is that a common thing now?

    But shall we continue on? If what you  said after “For example” is your attempt to do some sort of correction again on my grammar and spelling, then you failed miserably. I have never claim to have perfect grammar or spelling, and usually I don’t bother with correcting (I find Rubihude to be highly annoying when he does it.), but if you really were trying to make corrections on my grammar, you failed miserably. But thank you for the few things you did successfully correct but you did however make even more grammar and spelling mistakes. When you call someone by a title and then use a name afterwards, you need to capitalize the first letter of the title as well as then name. So “mr Einstein” should be “Mr. Einstein”. I won’t go into much detail about the rest of your mistakes besides maybe your use of “your”…it should be “you’re” and the word “ignorant” does NOT mean “rude”. It means to have a lack of knowledge, so try attempting to use it properly next time. Oh, and if you actually do successfully correct me on my grammar and spelling mistakes, then go ahead. I welcome those that properly teach me my mistakes so I can learn. However, you may want to improve yours before you can be taken seriously on this subject.


    Now my final question which is irrelevant to the above subject: How do I talk rubbish and what do you mean “If that’s the only thing you can do”? I don’t care much for the topic of this thread because it’s mostly nonsense. So what else am I suppose to do in this thread? I merely wanted to point out that you’re attempting to bug HardTimez about something so irrelevant to the topic. Now that I’ve showed you what it’s like, it’s not exactly very pleasurable is it?

    If that’s the only thing you can do Elex that it’s a Shame. Lol solid it’s fine, people are just i ignorant. Oh and Elexandre my dear! It’s: For example: You would need to be talking in a run on sentence to do that comma.. Also your sentence structure is all off I mean wtf. If your gonna try to be mr Einstein then please get your facts straight before you come over here trying to fix anything of mine. I like it how you only picked on 2 tiny misspelled grammar words when half the time you just talk rubbish. Still suprises me how Hardtimez never fixed it lol, but hey if your a pirate what do you expect.


    In reply to: KingKarim

    • Topics: 82
    • Replies: 360
    • Total: 442
    • ★★★★★

    This thread has gone completely off topic. @OPrime2 Staff cannot do anything about KingKarim since there is not adequate proof. Next time, please take screenshots of the server chat and attach it to a forum post so staff can verify the accusations.

    Note for everyone else: Stay on topic please. None of you have great grammar.

    ~High (#420) Admiral of the BE Navy and retired News Anchor of the Piratecraft Survival Server~


    In reply to: Donation Perk Idea

    • Topics: 35
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    NO…..i see how this is a horrible idea but i’ll let staff deside that….

    and dork plz you just made 3 forums 0-0 i know therre all in diferent topics but come on dude…..


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

    • Topics: 111
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    <p style=”text-align: left;”>As many of you know, I started an empire. I recently thought about stopping it because of constant attacks. So, I am starting it up again, I have a 750 claim blocks, so I will be needing some help with the town. If anyone has no empire or plays a little part in there empire and would like to help, please say so in this post. I have a lab, a town rules area, and a storage room. I have a couple of schooners, and I think we have a submarine. Please help me out here.</p>
    <p style=”text-align: left;”></p>
    <p style=”text-align: left;”>-Dorkito101</p>



    In reply to: Unfair Treatment

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
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    • ★★★★★★★

    Charlee mate, as we attacked the outlaw base, what did you, and mandarin panda, do it your heroism? Run away, and stay away, for hours.

    The fact is, the outlaws have, and I hate to swear, pissed of everyone. Staff and players alike hate them, and they are basically struggling to find allies. Everything about you is weak, from your base, to the fact that your entire group hinges on the OP sets of Lew and Hard, bearing in mind one of them always manages to run away from conflict.

    You are a disorganised rabble, who are foul mouthed and abuse any glitch you can, including /back, to get the advantage in combat. As such, you have attracted the scum on this server, of which you are one, and have thereby made all the server’s problems into a large ball of shit. And believe me when I say there are 100s of people willing to take a shot at you guys. So, stop being so brave in the forums, and start going for a morning jog, because it won’t be long until we’re hunting you down again.

    And trust me here, you are going to need to be a hell of a fast runner.


    In reply to: KingKarim

    The Queen
    • Topics: 132
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    This is to karim if I offended you which I did not mean then will publicly say sorry I had no intentions to mean that to you.

    Hardtimez spell correctly it’s Appreciate not Apericate.

    I don’t have time for this much drama I mean stuff like this Ima just stop replying to because I’m working myself up.

    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire


    In reply to: Unfair Treatment

    The Queen
    • Topics: 132
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    This is complete BS!

    First Off: Callie is help trying to end the endless terrorist acts the outlaws and lotus have been doing to the community. The Elves and British and other freedom fighters are helping us trying to fight back to stop this global conflict .

    Second: Ham you have non stoped saying out your big mouth that you would get revenge and fight and raid Callie but then I find it funny when hard and karim and everyone failed after saying they would raid Callie you make this horrid forum post.

    Third: For my conclusion I would like to say callie has done nothing but try to help us end this war one battle at a time.

    I don’t see why staff haven’t shut down this forum yet.

    See you all on the battlefield soon 🙂

    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

    • Topics: 10
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    • Total: 196
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    Or Palmer, we should upload the videos ten minutes later, because then if one tribute or team is resting through the night, ten minutes later it will be day. This way it stops people from cheating and keeps it so that the audience isn’t waiting ages for another episode.

    Also Palmer, could we do both the Hunger Games and the Olympics? But do them six months after eachother. So we do the Hunger Games and then six months later we do the Olympics. JUST to keep the server entertained rather than waiting an entire year only for one event.

    This post that I posted on this post about something is probably useles information.............

    • Topics: 66
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    • ★★★★★★★

    Here are some Events.


    Fencing= Sword fighting

    Archery= Shooting targets

    Running Races but with difficulty= Parkour (without potions)

    Sailing Events= Fastest Dhow or Normal Boat time round a course wins

    Animal Racing Events= Pigs and Horses (equestrian?)

    Basket Ball= (if RS’s idea works.)


    Those could be all i think of right now.

    But in the hunger games we if we upload videos we should make sure to do it about 30 minutes later to stop possible competitors cheating using the video to know where people or places are.


    And Rubihube if you do think these will be mini games well they sort of will be but it will only happen the once.

    Also I think if people were to turn around and say gladiatorial arena what’s the point? /warp pvp…

    Again Rubihube this could benefit you as you could sell goods such as your brews.





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