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  • #18024
    • Topics: 1
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    It’s all good now after a long a conversation we decided to stop although he took it a bit far yes I was being rude however it went out of hand but we’re done here and we are no longer enemies and we have taken back our threats

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    Hello I Need Help Soon  a player named secondeath is threatening me to make my life a “Living Hell” and said he won’t stop killing me till I quit the server simply because I used to be in his crew but I decided I didn’t want to be a part of it so I joined another one and I told them his location because it turned out he was their worst enemy and they found him and killed him now he won’t stop hunting me down and setting his spawn at my spawn and is always watching me on the map and threatend me he will “Gut Me Like A Pig” please help!

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    In reply to: Custom Map Icons

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    Hi again! @godsdead Will this do?

    Rep READ the god damn first post, it literally states as No 1:

    1. Transparent PNG


    I will not be adding your icon.


    In reply to: cannons

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    This is a known problem. Godsy has announced that it’s on his to-do-list.

    Updated Server & Plugins

    You can get the gunpowder to work by renaming it to “gunpowder” on an anvil.


    In reply to: The New World

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    shut up guys lest just pretened some magic is at work here XD. wait what if the leaf’s o top of the tree were in GREAT number and made of a special bio-glass,the light would have to pass like this

    View post on

    and  lest say that the leafs are even in the nano lvl?  so the light is obligated to take this path so it can get to the ground (in the procces the trees would absorbe most of the lights energy  making the gruond look like it was night 100% of the time but with a glowing moon :/) also captain you a wow fan too huh XD


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece


    In reply to: [Report] Elexandre

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    Elexandre you can stop lying as while I was on yesterday, you kept on managing to do /home and appear within 15 blocks of Canada. You were harassing the people at Canada nearly the entire day and now you have the audacity to try and lie your way out of this?

    You also made a MAJOR mistake in using portals to access a vault.

    ~High (#420) Admiral of the BE Navy and retired News Anchor of the Piratecraft Survival Server~


    In reply to: [Report] Elexandre

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    Dr.Solid it’s not the first time.

    My friends Superkbc2 and Fiver555 use to play on this server until Elexandre made a very large base near them.

    They then put signs up asking him to leave but they didn’t, but then again I have nothing against the BE in this next part but their old base atop that hill.

    Is actually the Frostfang place which the BE owns.

    So it’s not just him and Elex is a nice guy just doesn’t listen to signs which ask him politely to leave XD

    Also Elex I have nothing against you either these are friends of mine and not close relations.

    The Queen
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    Palm that has nothing to do with the forum.. Lol


    You know what.. I haven’t even seen a single thank you to gods from any post so far.

    Lol lets stop talking about faults and ect and thank the man who keeps helping us time after time after time lol.

    Lets just say thank you to gods and nothing else because if you had not even noticed he is pissed because he fixes the server and the  doesn’t get 1 simple thank you.

    Now that’s all I gotta say i just mean come on guys.

    Thank you gods for bringing back online 🙂


    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire


    In reply to: Server done Or banned?

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    @CrazyPirate1 I have no idea how that is anything at all to do with this thread, You need to stop spamming staff on the forums for every single thing you say.

    The server had an outage of 4 hours 48 mins from the date of this thread posted, I put up a forum thread explaining the issue:



    In reply to: kthxbye

    • Topics: 17
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    Of the dozens of crews on this server, there are are a just a few who it seems have recently decided it is their sole purpose to harass others and cause as much grief as physically possible within the extent of the rules.  I assure you that the majority of the community is quite fed up with the behaviors of such players, and would be more than willing to help you stand up to those who harass you.  Ask in-game about joining one of our crews of peaceful players, who prefer nonviolence, but are skilled defenders and look out for their own.

    The piratecraft community is full of truly wonderful people, and if you choose to give us a second chance, I’m sure you will make great friends with many players!


    A message to the those who ruthlessly attack helpless new players,

    I’ve historically tried to stay out of these conflicts due to hardware issues hampering my PvP abilities, but the issues have been resolved.  I’m getting really tired of the recent drama.  You are hurting the server’s reputation.  Until it stops, I will be devoting my entire resource base to the defense of innocent players.  If you harass others, whether they be my crew, allies, or simply new players, I will pursue you without mercy.

    The wrath of Ephrygian has begun.    Congratulations! You have unleashed my unrelenting fury.

    • Topics: 794
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    Hey everyone, Off topic from minecraft here, Every now and then I get asked “How do I send this big file to you”, my responce every time is Dropbox I’ve used it for years over multiple computers, its the easiest way to sync data between machines/mobile devices too, if you haven’t I highly recommend creating a dropbox account and downloading their software.

    Now this is also selfish post, as im going to say use this link to sign up that way we both gain an extra 500mb on our accounts!



    In reply to: Grand Tournament

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    they could have atlist asked me.the only condition i would have said was for them to place me in there history as the first sultan….and lego as the second. is that too much to ask? but isnted of asking me the call me a “pretender” and ignore all i have to say.(btw crazy lego told me you told him to ignore me…… -.-).i’m willing to let it go if they just stop with the “pretender” thing and place me as the first sultan and lego as the decendent (kinda like me dying and he bein the air to the throne)


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

    • Topics: 18
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    Crazy Pirate
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    @calliemav can someone deal with this, and and

    They have evidently been breaking the rules, blackmailing and continuously raiding new players, and they have even confessed to it.


    In reply to: Grand Tournament

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    i did not give it up 5 seconds later 2 months past and a hacker called 3kaj none-stop raided me for the area after i finaly gave up (3 week war lost it all. he was a hacker) i was going to start again  in another area but then dork started chaising me down at warps and i count get anything to build so i gave up and went to the BE. after 1 month 3kaj finaly got banned for hacking and harrasment.also no one wanted him in the server….. i’m not some pretender i made a great city with great people there (exept for keto) and it was all going well until 3kaj and dorkito ganed up on me. if you would have asked if you would have actually said “hey dr_solid could we plz have the ootman empire” or something i would have giving the empire up gladly but this is just a form of disrespect!


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

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