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  • #18427

    In reply to: Suggestion for world

    • Topics: 66
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    • ★★★★★★★

    I don’t know why but I don’t like the sound of this world.

    It sounds stupid but it feels far too complex and hard to compete in I think most people like to see them selves as the best and it seems to be a chance for some to make their own world based on their own ideals and truths.

    I know already things like this happen but I think we need to concentrate on the real things on this server.


    If there was no Co-Operation less than half the server would exist so stop going it should be this and that because it is only taking your side and really this new server is just to make the ships and those who don’t like tpa happy.

    • Topics: 18
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    The VE came to power when rep was there because I had to ask her how to create an empire? and great video maybe next you should make the top 5 famous battles on the server, I’m sure the war torn nation of Verussi will pop up there.


    Leader of the Verussian Empire and the country Verussia.

    • Topics: 66
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    I swear rep is a girl and don’t feel to sad Icanra me too but idc really but the war is on going I believe but it’s slowly ending as _Lego_, CrazyPirate, Rep and all the others including me help each other to invade and defeat any last Outlaws, their allies and supporters or could be threats.

    I am sorry as well to some people though as we have been spawnkilling a little bit it’s hard to remember not to but as soon as I realise I stop and I tell my own to stop as well.


    In reply to: New Cannon Shots?

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    I was thinking of Posting something on smoke screen shot…


    Like a smoke screen shot could be that but you fire it at a block and it brings up a large smoke cloud possibly bigger the more ink sac or gunpowder you use and it can be used as  cover and stop name tags from being shown?

    • Topics: 21
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    • ★★★★

    Please respect the rules and decision made.
    Stop spamming the forums when you know that you’ve already received an answer.

    I will close any further posts from you regarding this matter with no reply.

    Case closed.


    In reply to: Raiding

    • Topics: 23
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    • ★★★★

    Wait cannons are useless? Wow now my bunker-home really is unsiegeable.

    …This is booring.
    Why do we have cannons and shit if we can’t use it?
    I am totally on Karim’s side…and on everyone who is on Karim’s side.
    It just makes the game more interesting and in some degree more realistic.
    Also i want to find out how unsiegeable my base really is…somewhen.

    Although i know it is hard for new players i have to say:
    You are doing something terribly wrong.
    I know it has been easier when i started and stuff.
    But you have to be capable of building your base safer.
    If you get raided while you try to do so find a way to avoid it.
    Maybe go mining build a bunker first and on top of that you build your home.

    I have been on the server for a while and also i have been inactive for a while.
    BUT: if i can go on camping trips in minecraft with a wooltent,fish out enchantment books and not get raided you should b able to build a base.

    Good Luck


    In reply to: Cannons and Siege

    • Topics: 21
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    • ★★★★★

    I believe stone brick shouldn’t be unsiegable even though it could realistically stop a cannonball. Once. Then after another shot is when fortifications begin to crumble and weaken. They should make stone brick siegable using cannons but has to take a decent amount of explosion damage before breaking.  Many factions servers have things like this in place for obsidian to make sure all bases can eventually be raided, just with different difficulty. I say a decent amount of explosion damage because if someone just shot a cluster bomb it has the power of like five TNT. Maybe after three shots of a cluster bomb, a wall would start to break. This is fair because attackers can get into any base and defenders can easily shoot bows and attack people while they are taking time to load and aim cannons. I don’t know? That’s just my opinion.


    In reply to: Cannons and Siege

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    No I think they shouldn’t be able to break stone bricks crazy as they are a hard block if you think about it and really obsidian isn’t and obsidian is volcanic GLASS.

    I think stone bricks has been introduced as a wide spread hard block because it’s easy to produce and to stop mods having many people moaning at them about being raided and such and such.

    The stone brick I have found help full when I was a noob and in starter structures.

    It is the first non-siegeable block one usually remembers and makes first so it may seem annoying to a veteran but for new people, it’s a life saver.


    In reply to: Cannons and Siege

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    Wtf why do you refer to assassin creed?

    You are a plank you don’t even recognise that they used these throughout history too.


    And yes Cannons shouldn’t be able to break hard blocks which the reason for them not being able to is to stop them being op and sea battles do happen and if you want to be more commonly in these I recommend joining the BE or EE or some silly pirate crew which everyone hates and then see the sea faring uses of a cannon instead of it being one of your ‘boat tools’.



    In reply to: Raiding

    • Topics: 9
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    Ah, I remember that picture. Good ol’ Naruto.


    a yes the power of friendship! it can do many good things. piss it off and well…. <iframe id=”imgur-embed-iframe-pub-cbRk9ax” class=”imgur-embed-iframe-pub imgur-embed-iframe-pub-cbRk9ax-true-540″ style=”height: 500px; width: 540px; margin: 10px 0px; padding: 0px;” src=”; scrolling=”no” allowfullscreen=”true”></iframe><script src=”//” async=”” charset=”utf-8″></script>


    In reply to: Good Bye Outlaws

    • Topics: 2
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    • Total: 159
    • ★★★★

    This thread holds the common mis-conception of most players on the server. People are trying to be so historically correct when all players care about is being a Minecraft Pirate. They don’t care that pirates might have only looted or whatever, (which is still a bad thing btw), they just want to play the GAME and be their version of a pirate. The definition of a pirate has also been re-defined in this server.

    Also, might want to double check your google search on pirate history. They’re not remembered for being honorable warriors of the sea. And the reason why most people under the tight grip of a firm government call rebels such as pirates ‘heroes’ is because they have the guts to defy the control-hungry governments. That doesn’t make someone a hero, so that comment was completely irrelevant.

    Stop trying to make everyone get serious over an online lego video game. If that’s what a pirate is to them, that’s what it is to them. If you’ve got a problem, there’s a thing in Minecraft called a “sword” or “bow”, (mostly used in survival pvp servers….oh wait). Try that for a change.

    I'm just a sweet ol' grandma tryna understand wtf I just read.


    In reply to: Pixel City Creator

    • Topics: 17
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    • Total: 187
    • ★★★★


    This is really cool!  I plan to use it to help plan future builds!


    Dr. Solid,

    I know you don’t mean any harm by it, but please try to stop posting things that are irrelevant to the the thread.  When people post irrelevant things, the entire thread often goes off topic, and the thread dies out before any meaningful discussion was had over the original post.  It’s not just you, lots of people do it.  I’m speaking up now because I think it is better coming from a friend than someone who has become upset with it.


    In reply to: Good Bye Outlaws

    • Topics: 3
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    • Total: 12

    Well where I believe that most of all pirates where considered to be outlaws and criminals at a time. It was very clear that every group of pirates had their own codes and articles That prevented its men from acting in a certain fashion.

    These articles varied from  group to group but they had an overtone .

    1. Never steal from the poor

    2.Never steal from each other within the crew

    3. captain always gets a bigger piece than the crew

    4. Dont put off in your duties (watches, battle even the builders and crew and cooks)

    5. One thing that did stand through every horde of pirate Culture was the Parley.

    this was when someone asked for quarter or mercy in order to discuss terms they where given so. NO MATTER what .

    Now I have heard a dozen or so times when getting killed By HAM my self over and over again spawn killing and of course finding a way to get into anything I had built and even at times extorting me to get into my chests.. I would ask why are you doing this his response was  ” I am A Pirate !”


    So I began a mission to find out what others did in the claim of being a Pirate.  So far I found that most enjoy the act of being a pirate. But really dislike the act of spawn killing  and killing for no reason…


    I have of just as recently joined with the lotus and knowing that they are in ally with the outlaws makes it even more understanding that most enjoy the act of going after someone that has more than them  not less.

    EG…I purposed a plan to both parties one being of high influence and  a leader of a large crew and one that held a position as an outlaw.

    I stated plan as follows….

    I wanted to build a settlement for noobs that are attacked by the outlaws and then give them quarter in this settlement and allow them to collect and gather for the settlement and spend money within the settlement. We would let the outlaws in thisplan that would drive up the number of noobs to the settlement and therefore the cycle continues.

    The response from both parties was shocking…

    The one from high influence would have prospered immensely from this plan said “That’s f’d up and I dont think that is something I want to do….”

    The outlaw was so elated that he couldn’t wait for it to start..

    Now before you get all pissy at me for thinking of this..I put this into motion because I noticed a real lord of the flies process happening here. The above plan had things added to it to test this theory…and it proved useful in finding who was really a pirate and who was just a criminal

    .Noobs come on board…Outlaws ask anyone have any diamonds/or anything for sale”? Noobs say yes…TP happens Noob Dies outlaw kills  again noob screams stop, outlaw kills again, Noob swears vengeance, outlaw kills again maybe even destroys everything noob makes…..

    …..I make plan to make a settlement for noobs to be protected from outlaws……


    Now I know this will probably get me kicked from my crew and also the target of attacks but I got into this game for the adventure to build in a survival pirate setting and thats what I plan to do….

    So let the adventure begin…


    Lt.Maxxell Fairo

    United States Navy


    ~I whip MA Skull Back and Forth


    In reply to: Good Bye Outlaws

    • Topics: 33
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    • ★★★★★

    I did not say forgiveness is not going to be granted, it just takes a lot more time and effort. -_-


    Also, your post mentioned that you will stay close Outlaw crew and that you hope to come back there soon. How does that offer any perspective to anyone? I am sorry, but taking break from piracy just to gain more wealth and come back is not sufficient promise for your enemies to stop conflict that turned into their favor now.


    I would be more then happy to forgive you, (as person, not as BE as that takes more then my word) but your offers of moral fixation are very cheap. You said you want to become pirate again in “no time.” I don’t even see any attempt in that.


    On the other note:

    I believe it is step in good direction for you. But you will have to step further to gain results you expect. But it is doable and I wish you best luck in becoming respected player again. You can do it, but you cant stay in no man’s land (google World War I references to find out what that means) in order to be respected by the other side 🙂 As I said, I am still truly glad you left outlaws, and I will personally try to organize less and less of hostile actions as/if I see you actually trying to fix yourself. Forgiveness and respect are reachable goals and you have my full moral support on your journey to them.

    Prime Minister of the British Empire
    Governor of the Province of Canada


    In reply to: Good Bye Outlaws

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    If you consider “I am glad that you will stop attacking us” a forgiveness, then I am sorry but you must put those pink glasses off. I said that I am happy that you left 0utlaws and decided to stop attacking us, that doesnt mean your actions were forgotten. I also told you that you will most likely stay at KOS of /warp trade, as leaving the pirate group doesnt fix all your actions. If I gave you false hopes, then I am sorry, but I was careful not to suggest anything that could sound like forgiveness.

    Prime Minister of the British Empire
    Governor of the Province of Canada

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