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  • #19408
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    you dint give me inove info for me too assume that the island where all in the new dimention -.-. and plz stop haiting on everything and anything I have to say -.-


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

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    Solid… hundreds of islands, not dimensions. Please read carefully before you make a comment. In fact… just stop commenting please.

    CaptainCrackerz I agree, chorus fruit and it’s teleporting abilities would be wayyyy to OP  and it’d be way too easy to get into people’s bases using it.

    Owner of Port Laconia (warp market)
    British Empire Chief of Police


    In reply to: smokey please read

    • Topics: 21
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    You broke rule 9 & 3, read the reply! The fact that you admitted to using the x-ray texture has just secured your ban.

    Regardless if its in singleplayer or not. Just proves that you are willing to use hacks, cheats and glitches to gain.

    Sonething we can not risk.

    Decision has been made, respect it and move on.

    Please do not post anymore threads refarding this topic!

    Smokey River
    • Topics: 22
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    Ok. This was discussed together by all staff. The simple point of asking about anything x-ray in my opinion breaks rule#9 “use common sense” for the simple fact that rule #3 covers no hacks etc. Granted a texture pack is not a hack but anything to deal with x-ray is against the rules on this server and you will be banned. You technically broke a rule asking such a stupid question to begin with.

    No you may not have used it but to even ponder the use of it in any way shape or form we don’t need that on this server.

    Topic closed




    I solemnly swear I am up to no good.


    -Founder of Crew Savage-
    -Rear Admiral or Super Mod-
    *depends on how you want to view my super powers*


    In reply to: Ban request

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    Player has been banned for advertising, he will not bother you again. Im sorry for his actions.

    Topic Closed.

    meats back on the table boyos
    • Topics: 3
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    dude, you completely skipped over the part where you retaliated on the raid on your base by going straight for my base when I had not done anything to you at that point, you can’t sit here and act like the victim when you acted just as bad, also lego had sethome in places including the base, so please stop, you’re only making yourself look bad at this point.

    lez go

    • Topics: 21
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    actually petering, am not with lego anymore. We have had some problems with each other lately. And ben, stop lying, you are always attacking me whenever you see me

    Founder of the Coalition

    • Topics: 11
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    Im gonna make this easy. No. You were banned for having an alt, im sure you were aware of the consequences of having on. Since there has been many a ban.

    Let’s get somthing clear, i am not stupid you dont need to “Make things simple” i understand that this thread has been denied a few times but it gets denied because you wont hear me out. everything you replied i already mentioned in my thread!

    I was only a member of this server for one day and i didn’t know this was a rule so i was not aware.

    If you wanted to stay on the server, why didn’t you just stop using an alt? I didn’t know it was a rule that is why! haven’t i made this clear i didnt know this was a rule when i found out it was a rule i was banned instantly.

    Why spend money when you know you were breaking the rules? Good question, Because i actually did not know i was breaking the rules i remember reading the rules and never saw this rule.

    I took it out on the server because i was banned for something so simple as an alt without knowing it was a rule. of course im going to charge back since i had my donation rank for 4 hours at the max. there was no msg saying that my ban was for one day it said “Banned for having an alt”


    Everything that i just replied i already addressed fully and honestly. i was a member of this server for 1 day plus a few hours the day before when I checked out the server. the day after i checked out the server i donated and actually started playing. so you may be able to understand that i didn’t know about the “many a ban” for having alts.

    • Topics: 21
    • Replies: 202
    • Total: 223
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    Im gonna make this easy.


    You were banned for having an alt, im sure you were aware of the consequences of having on. Since there has been many a ban.

    If you wanted to stay on the server, why didnt you just stop using an alt?

    Then to sink yourself further into davey jone’s locker, you hastily charged back.

    Why spend money when you know you were breaking the rules?

    Why take it out on the server when you were knowingly in the wrong?

    This applies to quite a few people, i find the charge backs utterly disgusting. Be an honest person and take the hit, accept the consequences and cut your losses.

    Do not post a new thread reagarding any form if ban appeal!

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
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    Right, for most of you, this is going to effect you very little, but to others, this may be important, so listen in.

    I have recently become  very busy in real life, as everyone has decided to shower me with opportunity at the same point. This is quiet a hard point in my life, and I am thinking through every decision carefully, because ultimately, whichever avenue I chose will define my future, and that’s something that, to me, matters a lot. I’m not complaining that I have so many paths to chose, but it is slightly overwhelming, and has very much contributed to some of my following choices. I won’t bore you with the details, however.

    I’ll begin by saying that my time as leader of the British Empire is coming to a close, and I am leaving for my 3 week long holiday late Friday night; with the elections for replacement occurring shortly after my return, I am effectively handing power over to Michty, and my successor in that position. Hopefully this will be something that many people contend for, because if I’ve done my job properly, it is a potion that holds a fair bit of power.

    This swiftly leads me onto my next bit of news. This is arguably more important. I have chosen not to run for re-election, despite all the support, encouragement and the fact that I could control the BE once more. The simple fact is, I don’t want to. Being at the helm of such a large group of people, for such a long time, has worn me down. Often, the drama’s of my members isn’t put to the staff, but instead, I’ve had to act as judge, jury and executioner, dealing with petty and major squabbles alike. For 6 months, for 130 people, this has proved a struggle. And so, I have decided my time is up there.

    That decision to leave was made up long before anyone knew about it, as before this drama began to wear me down, I was busy, and planning many things besides.

    Now, while leaving that role will free up much of my time, I am a firm believer in the fact my legacy will only hamper me; I wish to completely leave leadership, yet I think my reputation won’t permit that. I fear people will still ask me to fix things, both within and out of the BE, and that is something I don’t wish to do anymore. I don’t have commands, I can’t issue set punishments that people abide to, and so I am limited in my ability to issue justice. This isn’t directed at anyone in particular, but in short, that’s me saying that if you have issues, it is no longer me you go to.

    With that newfound free time, I plan on finishing Buckingham palace, although that is likely to take such a long time, the very thought unnerves me a bit. But, I also wish to dedicate that time to my studies, to my family, and my girlfriend. None of whom have been neglected during my stay on this server, however, they are deserving of far more attention. By no means, am  I leaving the server, al least, not until I have done a fair portion of the work I have left; it just means I am likely to become inactive.

    The work I intend to do is varied, but for the sake of saving both time and effort, I shall describe it as such; I hope to fully thank the server, and furthermore, the community, by helping it in any way I can. I will do my upmost to ensure the release of muskets, to guarantee that it isn’t a project put on hold, and that it becomes a key part of the server.

    Piratecraft has changed a lot since I first joined. I’ve made friends, and enemies, I’ve been banned, and rewarded, warned, muted, cheered, the lot, and I never fail to mention this when I get nostalgic. This is all stemming from the fact I visited Nassau today, and the fact that to many of you, such a location has no place in your memories. It makes me feel sad, when  I think of all the people I have known and lost over the years, but at the same time, organisations like the BE, the EE, and well, pirates, have forged some friendships I’ll remember forever.

    But, I do miss so many people, and I ask this of the community; I wish, I truly do, that someone could provide me with a way to talk to them again. Adzybaba, Milky Street, Phantom_doctor_101 (banned), Timhuisman, Sambobington. There are so many people, from the old map, or this one, who have since left the server, as I too must do in the future. I don’t wish to forget them, or what we did together. That is all I ask.

    This isn’t a goodbye as such, it’s more of a warning, that after my 3 weeks away, I won’t spend long on this server. It’s a sorta weird post, with little purpose, other than to inform you  that you are only ever going to see less of me. I wish the new Prime Minister luck, and to all my friends that Ii have made on this server, it’s been a laugh. I’ve got so many great memories, from the beginning, and end, of spleef, to the raiding of adzybaba’s grand southern fleet; the many wars I’ve fought in, the many more I’ve lost (and some, surprisingly, won 🙂 ). There are a lot of things I wish I could’ve said, or done, but when I look at the website, and in game, I’m proud of what I’ve done with your support, the community and its members, old and new. Hopefully I can still add to that, and so I think I’ll end this post with a few of my greatest memories.

    Joining the server, and finding the hand island, and the terrformed grave island.

    Traveling to the first cove, then getting slain by reaper, by his lighthouse. Then, finding my island, and building my secret mountain base. Suggesting adzy become a mod was a mistake, as he shortly raided me, much to my horror. I raided him back, after having a hissy fit on the forums.

    Becoming mates with adzy, and bringing our madness to 1.7.2, and the new map. Reaper finding me in a hole, and all but killing me on the spot. Lol. Living in that derpy little obby hut, “testing” for bugs.

    Getting mentioned in my first blog post. A thanks no less! Then, building the magpie, and getting that pictured in the canons blog. Lol.

    The fall of the Batavian Empire, but the rebirth of Port Royal. Double wammy. The war with Shiphoo ruled.

    All my many wars with uni, and his lads. Great banter.

    Finding this: (actually, not cool, I could break the website with this…maybe later)

    Winning BOTY, and BOTM! And the comp to name a new rank!


    And, well, lots of other things besides. Anyways, I hope you got the message; I won’tbe around for long, so enjoy me while I last!



    In reply to: Ban Appeal

    Smokey River
    • Topics: 22
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    You were banned for a reason even though it has been a long time you will remained banned.

    Topic Closed


    I solemnly swear I am up to no good.


    -Founder of Crew Savage-
    -Rear Admiral or Super Mod-
    *depends on how you want to view my super powers*

    • Topics: 2
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    I have a few ideas for weapons that could be implemented.

    -First and foremost, the flintlock pistol. Each time it is fired it will remove from your inventory 1 gunpowder, and 1 of whatever the “Shot” is chosen to be (Maybe iron ingots or flint), and will fly straighter but do slightly less damage than an arrow.

    -Second is the Stinkpot. The stench this weapon created was so powerful men would often hurl themselves into the sea to escape it. It would be crafted  with rotten flesh in the middle of  the GUI, an iron ingot on each side and directly below it, and string on top of it as a fuse. When rightclicked, it would throw a splash potion of nausea, which is only available through commands. The Stink Pot could keep the pistol from becoming to OP by making it harder to aim.

    Third and final is the grappling rope. It would be loaded into a cannon, and when it hits a ship, pull it a block closer. This would make it easier to board ships so you can fight the crew and steal the cargo like real pirates. It would have a quite limited range to keep it from becoming too op.


    • Topics: 35
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    nice idea!. it will also stop the tp a bit….but /warp cts is abandoned too (o do players use it to xp farm and even if it where to go off we can still walk there as its very close too /warp cove).

    on a side note: “humble” is and market should never go on the same scentance…..


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

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    Player owned warps are a legacy feature that back when we were young I offered the option to buy a custom warp, at no point were these sold as permanent. Warps are no longer an option to buy as I personally think that they are an extremely overpowered feature for one player to have control over. That being said there are some amazing communities that have been built around /warp trade & /warp market which continue to thrive, Don’t sweat warp owners these will not be removed! But I would like to clarify what happens to old, unused dead warps with players that no longer play on PirateCraft.

    Recently I have disabled 2 inactive warps that were confusing new players with why they exist at all; /warp skyshop and /warp nexus were disabled (Not removed/deleted) On the premise that if the players became active again in their areas that they would be re-enabled.

    Pros of Cleaning up un-used dead warps.

    • Stops Confusing new players to the warps existence, Generally warps are reserved for Server Projects only, not players, New players assume these warps are server projects and they are abandoned and serve no purpose but to confuse.
    • No purpose for them to benefit the community if there empty and nothing is there.
    • Messy name structure.
    • Make players use more traditional transport methods than “Teleporting”.


    I have been asked many times when people will be able to buy a public warp again, at present I don’t want to add any more player owned public warps due to them being overpowered and confusing for new players to understand why they exist, If we were to sell warps again, there would be a few rules I would want to follow, but technically haven’t found a method yet:

    • Buying New Warps work like domain names, you buy the name to reserve it then “renew” it with in-game money (see below).
    • New warps would be taxed per month with in-game money, failing to do this disables the warp until taxes are paid.
    • There are a limited amount of player owned warps
    • There would be 1 <span data-dobid=”hdw”>communal player warp that could be used by different people every few weeks or so, to give the option to non-donators to have the ability to use a public warp.
    • A full description of the warp is available so players understand who owns it, and shows the warps custom rules for that area.

    The need for a public warp has dropped dramatically to those that want to own or run public shops, which is a very small percent of players at PirateCraft. Due to Crews being able to set a crew home each restart.

    Im thinking we could bypass player warps all together and have free server warps where players could build shops, these would not be PVP free areas, this gives a place for shop owners to build shops, but it restricts creative towns as each shop would be different, and someone could create a horrible looking shop.

    Note to Skymanjay and Azuries.

    /warp skyshop – I know your a busy man Skymanjay, when you come back and re-build your shop, get that badboy stocked then ask any member of staff to re-add skyshop.

    /warp nexus – Azuries same for you, If nexus becomes a busy, populated area then the warp will be re-enabled.

    • Topics: 82
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    From my knowledge… Almost none of the information it’s correct and so I’m treating this as what it’s called… A theory.

    For what I know about godsdeads plans, the new world is going to be on a completely different hosted server and will be for hardcore minecraft vanilla survival players. NO the current piratecraft is not being replaced as all these fanposts have confused people into thinking. I also highly doubt the new world is being made an extension of the current map since there is already a amplified testing server set up.


    Lastly on me letting out the frustration of seeing everyone confused..  The new world is still a work in progress!! Stop freaking out like some people (reptaria) going on the server asking questions about the new world ( that is still a while away from being released… Oh wait I emphasized that already) and then DON’T proceed to yell in server chat (like reptaria) “this server is ending as we know it!” because that just confuses people even more and gives veteran players and staff headaches


    ~High (#420) Admiral of the BE Navy and retired News Anchor of the Piratecraft Survival Server~

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