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  • #19838
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    The 3 warning rule is a perfect design. It keeps it simple, you mess up 3 times youre outta here.(unless you do something atrocious) Its not our problem that you feel on edge after breaking rules and having strikes to your name. As with a lot of cases, the story goes much deeper than this, next time maybe actually state all your actions, instead if glamourising the story to your benefit. As with all the other banned donators, they sit in the same category as you, you took advantage. You break the rules we’ll break you (metaphorically). Ban is staying put. 3 strikes. Enough said.

    The system isn’t completely perfect. Although in Ben’s case? Yeah, it seems the guy keeps impulsively breaking the rules, but the design is not perfect. Why? Well, it doesn’t take into account that people change and after months to years, warnings should be taken off if the player has had good behavior for a long time. In my opinion, if good behavior has been shown (and for a long time, not just for a short duration), then perhaps the warnings should be “taken away”, but still be taken into consideration if the player’s bad behavior starts again.

    If the player has started to behave, there is no reason to take away a warning unless they would get into trouble again.

    • Topics: 63
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    Okay, before you all start having a go at me, please hear me out.

    I remember a time not too long ago in the grand scheme of things, in which the PirateCraft community was (for the vast majority of people) mature. Over time, however, that community has declined, leaving the mature community to be overwhelmed by the number of noobs on here who are not only extremely immature, but also infuriatingly annoying, and I’ve decided that I cannot put up with it any more.

    As such, I have decided that this server, though it was once by far the best server out there for me, and I’m sure it is for the vast majority of people, I cannot play on here any more without some irritating noob /msging me constantly asking excruciatingly simple questions, to which the answer is publically available.

    I have decided to stop playing on this server, due to the fact that I cannot get anything done without getting annoyed at two or three people, which, unfortunately for me, has ruined the overall community. The few ruining it for the many, as it is for many communities and cultures throughout the world.

    As a result, and as one last act of kindness, over the next few days at varying times, I will be auctioning everything I own. I have started this process, and will continue until I have either sold or destroyed everything within my possession. If I get reliable word at some point that the community has matured up, I will definitely be returning to this server as a regular player. This server will always have a soft spot in my heart, and I hope that you all remember me for the best of reasons, even if I did raid you…

    Thank you for giving me a few minutes of your time to read this post which I know will sadden and/or annoy some of you, but that’s sometimes what happens in life, and you need to learn to deal with it, though if you are one of those people, I would like to apologise sincerely. If you want to keep in contact, feel free to pm me your Skypes/email addresses, as I want to keep in contact with the many awesome people that made up the once-fantastic community of this server.


    • Topics: 18
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    As long as you read the rules. You should be able to abide by them.

    However I think some rules like the ‘common sense’ rule needs some re-think. Players follow the rules exactly but are still banned; asking whether a mod is allowed or not.

    But I’ve been able to raid and siege without getting banned because I have self control. I know when I”ve killed enough, what stops everyone else from doing this?


    Leader of the Verussian Empire and the country Verussia.

    • Topics: 10
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    I like the whole system and all and this is kind of on topic but I feel like I am bound too get three warnings at some point because over time the warning will just pile up is there like a way too get warnings off because I think if I played long enough (two years maybe things happen) I will get banned for loosing my temper or being took out of context with screenshots about a joke or somthing

    • Topics: 16
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    Case solved ingame.

    Topic closed.

    • Topics: 19
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    Ben go ahead post em most people online will claim that u pick on lower ranks and myself cause i was a noob . But now i have grown stronger…

    just yesterday u killed a new player whilst he was telling u to stop. i will get back with his name

    • Topics: 8
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    More… just stop reporting me for nothing , as i say its just more attempts to get me banned as you hate me.

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    • Topics: 8
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    Look, i have said this so many times. You are just constantly trying to get me banned ,i have not declared war on you, you declared war on me.and i have not been using /back ever since i was banned and since i have learnt my lesson, there is no proof of anything here and anything i do you are just bringing up on the forums, just stop. please.

    I havent even killed yo u lately infact you have killed me. i have evidence for this. i never spammed you with tps at all.

    Also in one of these there is just pointless griefing of land. when you started raiding my base .

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    In reply to: Reporting PinkedHD

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    Sorted out.

    Topic closed.

    • Topics: 66
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    Wow great idea!

    You pay for it!

    Stop moaning and just live with it.

    • Topics: 66
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    The stadium should be able at least 3 games can be performed but not all have to be in there.

    The stadium and the other venues for events (if there are) should be able to hold up to just over 50 persons if more that is fine.
    At the start of the Olympics there must be an opening ceremony and closing ceremony both consisting of the parts of when the Olympic Cauldron is concerned; the lighting and extinguishing of it.
    Also the rings should be presented in someway during the ceremonies, they do not have to be the Olympic colours but it must make sense to make them not.
    i.e. The Rings in the London opening ceremony were rusty brown due to the industrial revolution being hinted then.
    As well as this the ceremony should have some sort of the host’s culture which could be economy based, a part of a war they might of played, flagship, history (maybe how they were founded), certain job that it mainly does which is it’s economy, or maybe a hobby or event or activity which is known to have originated or come from the host.
    They could have a sort of performance which contains some of these as well.
    Also the host needs to be able to provide a Gold ingot, Iron ingot and Clay brick as medals of which each need to be renamed 1st, 2nd & 3rd which also need the name of the event after that part too including the host’s nation/empire name on it and year of the games if this can fit or its abbreviation (BE if the British Empire was hosting it).
    A podium will have to be built too at each venue or at the stadium.
    The Officially Declared Olympic Events
    (at least 5 out of the 10 must beheld but more can be)
    1. Boxing or Fist Fight.
    2 Athletes compete in a ‘ring/stage’ which is not to be too large but small enough to allow one block of space from the edge when knockback happens.
    No jumping or sprinting is aloud in the ring and if it happens the offender has 2 more chances and both get a restore of health.
    No extra potion effects aloud either or other weapons or armour or hacks.
    The one who still stands at the end or hasn’t been disqualified can continue going up the levels.
    2. Horse Racing
    The arena or venue has to be large enough to have at least 5 starting points (wide) with a red stone current to open the gates to let the horses race out.
    A track has to be in a oval shape or a layout or route.
    Obstacles should be implemented, viewing areas, walls to stop horses and riders running out and a finish line.
    Hacks, Potion Effects, attacking of any kind, jumping to increase distance but only to jump over obstacles.
    Athletes cannot bring their own horses due to different breeds competing better than others, the hosts need to provide the horses or have a provider for this event.
    3. Sailing (PirateCraft boats)
    Each team or athlete has to be provided a Dhow and their colours should be implemented onto it’s sail/s.
    A route should be made and the boats can all be in one race against each other or a route should be made and each should be timed with them put against each other to compete for the fastest time.
    No hacks can be used, you cannot jump to another boat, no crashing either into other boats, no attacking others, no breaking other boats etc.
    4. Pig Riding
    Each competitor has a pig to ride, a long straight should be made in front of them with at least one curve and then the finish line.
    It can also be a timed race with the fastest time winning.
    There needs to be starting gates which must all open at once.
    No hacks again, no attacking others, no potion effects, no getting off the pig ( if so immediately disqualified ).
    5. Vanilla Boat sprint
    Each team or competitor has a boat in a two wide lane.
    They need to go as fast as they can without crashing into the sides and breaking their boat which immediately disqualifies them.
    Each boat is timed during the sprint and there should be no turns and the minimum distance of the sprint should be 150 blocks.
    No hacks, no potion effects, no breaking others boats ( which shouldn’t happen as there is only one boat at a time in one lane ), no attacking others.
    6. Archery
    A shooting range should be made up of 3 different targets which need to be red stone lamp with a button on it.
    3 arrows each for every competitor.
    There should be a shooting area and each target should be at different distances but the competitor needs to be able to hit it or see it. ( but if the render is the problem it’s their own fault ).
    The competitor needs to hit the lamp or its button, if it hits one of the circles round the sides its 1 point, if it hits one of the 4 lines going to the centre 2 points and the button and the red stone needs to light up to get 3 points.
    The competitors keep going until there is a competitor with the highest amount of points each round ( the points are reset after every round ) and the last one is the winner.
    No hacks ( especially those who take the arrow where you want it ), no potion effects, no moving from the point of fire, no “just on the edge arrow”- the lamp needs to ignite, no jumping either.
    7. Snow ball shot put.
    The Snow ball needs to be thrown as far as it can and the furthest one wins.
    A throwing arena needs to be made, a distance indicator needs to be made to show how far it when and points need to be awarded for the distance the snow ball has made. ( I know this is complex just ask and I’ll try to show you )
    The distance indicator will need to be able to seen to the competitor ( but not if they have a short render ).
    No hacks, no jumping, no potion effects, no moving from the potion area.
    8. Parkour/”Acrobatics”
    Each parkour route if it’s a race should be the same and surrounded with glass so viewers can see them inside competing.
    Or a parkour surrounded by glass but each competitor is timed with the fastest winning.
    The course should include a mix of different jumps, sprint ups etc.
    Each competitor has  5 lives the one who can get the furthest up wins.
    The course should also be long enough and have some hard jumps to try and shake out those who are “lucky”.
    No hacks, No potion effects.
    9. Fencing
    2 competitors seek out to kill their opponent first with their sword but have to stick to the rules.
    Blocking is aloud but only the total of 5 blocks are aloud and if gone over the offender is disqualified.
    No jumping or sprinting either.
    The platform must be long enough and wide enough to stop knock back possibly knocking a competitor off.
    There needs to be 3 zones, 2 each on either ends and one in the middle.
    The one on either ends is their retreat zone after attacking once by going into the mid zone they must return to their retreat zone immediately or face disqualification, once back in they can go back into the mid and attack again.
    This will keep happening, it depends on when blocking is used and the fastness of returning an attack after WALKING back to their retreat zone and then to the mid.
    No hacking, no potion effects, no block hitting, no enchanted swords, the minimum of leather armour and an iron helmet for protection (the leather can be dyed to correspond to the competitors nation’s colours), no attacking while returning to the safe zone.
    10. Swimming (up hill)
    ( is hard to describe SO WATCH THIS USEFUL VIDEO 😀 )

    In reply to: How to animate scences

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    did you research? becuase its a pretty easy thing too find.i’m personaly agisnt you animating but heres a video that got me starting on animating.but before you wtach i just want you too know that you have to have a good com puter with lots of memorie,and the two main animating software are mine-imator and blender (they are the free ones but the proffetional ones cost like 250 bucks if you wanna go for that i’ll include a page bellow the vid)but i’m still agaisnt you animating -.-,d.cWw


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece


    In reply to: Looking for Writers.

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    I think i could do this. I am in top set english at gcse level and also have been a well known blogger on a website before it was shut down. So i have some experience and i speak in good queens english

    Founder and Senator of the Luteus Republic
    Writer of Pirate Craft Articles
    Luteus Republic
    The servers first founded and working Republic

    • Topics: 17
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    MCMonkeyGMx, I appreciate your comment, however I must ask that players please refrain from passing judgement on the thread that has been closed.  This thread is specifically about updating the wording of the rules.  Continuing to discuss a closed thread will get my topic closed.

    • Topics: 17
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    This post is in response to a player being banned recently over asking if a particular mod is allowed.  Here is a link to the thread in question :

    Let me stress, this is not a request to unban that player.  I do not know the player, and I do not disagree with staff’s reasons for banning him.  I merely suggest we clarify the rules so it doesn’t cause confusion in the future.

    Currently, rule 3 states that players must not use hacks, glitches, or exploits.  If a player can be banned for using a client modification in single player, the rules should explicitly reflect that.  Mojang actively encourages the development and use of client mods, and though admitting to using hacks in single player could imply a player is willing to use them on the server, it is not definitive proof of hacking the server.  It is not intuitive for our rules to affect Mojang approved gameplay in single player, so if they do, it should probably be stated explicitly in the rules.

    My other suggestion is to clarify rule 9.  The player who was banned was also cited for breaking rule 9 for not using common sense.  However, rule 9 also states to ask a staff member in the event you are unsure.  By the exact wording of the rules, the player did what he was instructed to do by asking a staff member if something was allowed.  If there are cases where doing such is a bannable offense (which I have no problem with), the rules should probably reflect that.

    The biggest issue I have with the whole scenario is that if a potential new player comes to the server and reads a thread like that, it could give the impression that someone was banned regardless of the rules, even though that is not what actually happened.  To a brand new player on the server, it could look like staff decisions are inconsistent with the rules.  That’s potential for bad PR.

    Now, I and most other long-time players understand that there was a discussion beforehand, and the player was not banned on a whim.  It was done because he actually posed a legitimate threat.  It’s not the staff’s decision that was wrong.  It’s just the rules could be clearer.

    The bottom line is that there is an easy fix, and it’s simply to add a clause at the end of each rule to explain in more detail.

    For example:

    3. No hacking, cheating or exploiting glitches. No client mod(s).

    Do not hack, cheat or use glitches.

    Do not use a modified minecraft client (apart from Optifine).  If you connect to PirateCraft with a modified client, even if you do not intend to use the mods in PirateCraft gameplay, you will be considered a risk to the server.

    If you find an exploitable glitch, contact a staff member.

    9. Use common sense.

    The Rules aren’t exhaustive.

    If something doesn’t appear in these rules but seems like it should be forbidden, then it probably is!

    Ask staff members if in doubt, but read the rules first.  If your question proves you have broken a rule, you will not be spared discipline for ignorance. 


    Once again, I am not requesting for the player to be unbanned, nor am I saying staff was wrong to ban the player for posing a threat in the first place.  However, I think the wording of the rules should be updated to prevent confusion.

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