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  • #22088

    In reply to: Twilight Empire

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    *rep stop bragging!*


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

    • Topics: 10
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    • ★★★★★

    In a normal restart I think all plugins are stopped one by one so if a siege lasts until a restart then it will automatically end I don’t think it kills players just like the way if you pvp at restart and you leave you wont die

    • Topics: 19
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    • ★★★★

    So Today I was just messing around to check wether siege was up or no well I just did /siege Secondeath and it started a siege against me in my own claim I couldn’t use top tp out tp in an suddenly godsdead comes on and Says The Server gonna be offline for 20 mins and I am like wtf stop stop I will die and all but Fortunately there was a chest near me so I deposit all my stuff and got killed during the restart thing and there is no way I can end the siege XD unless I get out of my claim which I cant do unless its Lever operated…


    (there u go godsy I hope its up to the standards)


    In reply to: _PigGuardian_ Is Back!

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    let see what the future holds for you young one, for it shall be the fire withing you that will burn you,weather it makes you stronger or  eventualy defeats you, is up to you. now go! KILL THE GOOD WICH YOU CALL EVIL! FOR IT IS THE TRUE PUPOUSE OF OUR EXISTANCE!


    this random msg was brotude by solid. becuase i care inofe to NEVER STAY ON TOPIC (LIKE EVER!!!). 


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece


    In reply to: ban appeal-

    • Topics: 32
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    THe fact is you advertised a server, whether you were joking about it or not; advertising is is still advertising. FOr being a long term player you should fully well know by now of our rules and how much we stand by them. WE hone down on those who advertise and i know @GodsDead finds it utterly disrespectful. Let me put it in another context; WE get asked ona daily basis by users can we use x-ray and they receive an instant ban, we know no matter we have said they would use it. WE can not take the risk! All jokes aside, i still can not understand why you would pull such a prank! Advertising is one of the BIG no no’s. Whether you were joking or not, if we let you get away with it then whats gonna stop you doing it again? maybe joking with another rule. Can we take the risk? that is the question.


    He didn’t actually advertise a server though, if you read everything he typed.


    In reply to: my head collection

    • Topics: 0
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    no duplicates

    first pic, top row, left side. I call that a duplicate.

    I can also see at least 2 Alex and 3 Steve heads 😛



    In reply to: Space Program

    • Topics: 133
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    • ★★★★★★★

    Haha, Crazy jumped in before me. 😛 Check out his spelling corrections! The post is decent enough once they are corrected. The way CrazyPirate divided your post into paragraphs makes it inviting to read from start to finish, try emulating that in future! 😀

    I don’t think you used too many commas, the ones you placed are sensible. A rule of thumb is that you can usually place a comma wherever you stop to “take a short breath” when speaking. They can be used to separate a long chain of  content matter into logical segments >,< which makes it easier to digest.

    Don’t hesitate to put in a full stop. Lots of little clauses are more readable than a huge snake of a sentence. Keep in mind that you should capitalise words after a full stop! The same applies to question marks and exclamation marks. “I”s are always capitalised as well.

    Let’s change the above sentence to make my point clear:

    A) Don’t hesitate to put in a full stop, lots of little clauses are more readable than a huge snake of a sentence, keep in mind that you should capitalise words after a full stop – the same applies to question marks and exclamation marks – and “I”s are always capitalised as well.

    If you completely leave out commas and capitalisation, the sentence becomes barely readable:

    B) don’t hesitate to put in a full stop lots of little clauses are more readable than a huge snake of a sentence keep in mind that you should capitalise words after a full stop the same applies to question marks and exclamation marks and “i”s are always capitalised as well

    And if the spelling is wrong, it simply leaves people scratching their heads. xD

    C) don’t hesitaete to put in a fulstop lots of litle clouses are more reedable than a hug snake of a sentance keep in mind dat you shood capitillize words after a fulstop the sam applies to quetion marcs and exclemasion marcs and is are allways capitillized as well

    Also, “do” is correctly spelt “though”. 😉 Keep up the practice, Solid, ’tis a good thing! 😀


    In reply to: Ban Appeal

    • Topics: 18
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    Please unban him so we can continue our town and playing together, it would mean a lot, if it helps could X_ToxicGhost_X post a picture on the user where it shows the accounts so you can see only one user is on his laptop.

    I’m sure SpoxOG would own up to having the alt accounts, if he doesn’t wanna get into trouble :-/



    Leader of the Verussian Empire and the country Verussia.


    In reply to: Space Program

    • Topics: 35
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    wait no sorry the minecraft limit is <span style=”color: #222222; font-family: ‘Helvetica Neue’, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px; line-height: 19.5px;”>2,147,483,646 after that it stops registering and if you keep going it kicks you and dosent let you back in that world (uless you ediit the files)</span>


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece


    In reply to: Space Program

    • Topics: 84
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    I will have had many test done in single player before the actual thing is built on the server plus I have a good computer but most of the time I’m on my laptop.

    John Archaius - The Inventor whose machines usually blow up.


    In reply to: Space Program

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    i did it alredy with a red stone machine you cant pass the block limit. so i placed a iron cannon and shot myself wih a diamond idk how fars i went but thats as far as you will get. if you want i can pm you the cords of the lab and you can see the machine on the top of it.



    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

    • Topics: 0
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    Well this just started to happen for me. And I don’t think it’s the amount of entities in an enclosed space. The only animals that behave like this are my three mooshrooms in a 4×5 area (including the fences). The 20 regular cows in about the same space don’t show this behaviour. It happened several times now though I don’t know which of my actions have caused it, it’s seemingly random. I’ll update this if I find any more hints on what could cause it.

    The only idea I would have right now is that there is a tree at one corner which the fence is attaching to. I chopped it down and will report if that stopped it.


    • Topics: 794
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    • Your basement and other underground structures will now be automatically protected by extending a new surface level land claim downward when you create a new claim, provided those structures are built with player block types and connected to other player-type blocks inside the initial land claim at surface level. In other words, fewer “I didn’t realize my land claim didn’t reach all the way to bedrock” complaints.

    I didn’t even know this was an issue. Though I have no idea what’s meant with “player-type blocks” so this whole paragraph didn’t really help me clarifying things xD I assume it means like blocks placed by a player and that the claim automatically extends downwards when you dig down and build there?

    The claim already extended automatically as you built down, whats been added is if someone builds a giant base and dousnt claim it, and then they try to claim it after they have built basements wouldn’t be initially claimed as the claim block depth went down to 5 blocks, until you started to build/dig down again, what this new feature does is check the claim area for tunnels down made out of something like stone brick, anything connected auto gets claimed down.

    This was never an issue on PirateCraft, but it looks like some people are struggling on other servers, I assume they dont have bibles in the starter kit!


    In reply to: i just had too

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    Well elex it was more to show you how the Korean government broadcast america as “evil”. and just wanted to show it by showing this vid :/ (all thought its a fake its pretty dam close to what north koreas shows are about….)

    also @paulonfire stop having good and perfect opinions! like wtf?!!


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece


    In reply to: Brewing Darkbeer Bug

    • Topics: 4
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    • Total: 14

    I’m 100% positive. I tested all the barrels and left them over night. I now have “Fine Beer” that is literally 52 years old, but not a single Darkbeer. I tested oak, spruce, jungle, acacia, and dark oak barrels. All the same.

    For reference, this is where I’m getting the recipes from:

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