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  • #23442
    • Topics: 94
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    • ★★★★★★

    Well… this has taken and interesting turn to when i last left it, to say the least. I guess i have some explaining to do on my part.

    Firstly, sorry if i sounded too… harsh towards the Elves. You have to see this from my perspective: I saw craters, i saw a mortar with your name on it, we later found tnt… i added 1 and 1 together and… yeah. I have seen similar destruction to Vivenheim, i was the one who took 11 hours to rebuild it. Thats why i also added “I also don’t know if you mistakened the base for a VE base”. Sorry.

    Secondly, i do not intend to get between you and your ‘VE business’, that’s your… mess.

    Thirdly, i am in no position what so ever to criticize Elven war tactics, but could you not have double checked who owns this base, and to which empire it belonged before doing that (not saying it was all your fault)? Kingkobra is the only other leader in my crew, and i have no idea what so ever who is in this ‘German Nazi party’, or why they were at my base. But then again, i take a little blame for not informing you as well.

    Anyway, fourthly, i put this on the forum to gain information, that’s all. I find it too slow to just send private messages, furthermore, i was given useful information by witnesses (thanks ken). Rep, you and I come on at very different times, sending private messages would probably make this drag on 2-3 days after it happened. Once again, sorry.

    Lastly, which seems to be the biggest misunderstanding, which i am to blame for. I don’t want a war Rep. I never did. That mail was send literally within minutes of me joining the server and seeing the destruction, BEFORE i wrote the forum post. I was pretty annoyed , Kingkobra was pissed, i simply forwarded a message from him to you (sort of). Just ignore it and any other mails that come in from crew members regarding this war nonsense. Also, sorry for wording the mail badly, at the time i simply wished to end our peace treaty, that was by far not a declaration of war. If you wanted a war, then we surrender, we are in no state to start a war with the Elves, that was the last thing i wanted.

    Anyway, thanks for all the info, and sorry for the stress. I was not able to answer sooner to these posts so i came in for quite a shock this morning.

    For future reference, i will add a screenshot of the livemap of XE bases (red, and the capitol in a thick red), XE territory (in a brown/maroon), and VE territory so we avoid conflicts in the future (sorry its so badly drawn, i did that with the snip tool). Although you don’t really need it, you have my permission to build wherever you want on my land, however it is getting a little claustrophobic here.

    Thank you to all, sorry again to Rep. I will send a private mail with the damage report, i think a few stacks of stone brick should do it – we patched quite a bit last night with my own stone.

    P.S You guys are bl**dy good at destroying bases. Ill remember that.

    End of topic.

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    « Build Team leader »
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    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia

    • Topics: 794
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    I turned off PVP at /warp Halloween temporarily to allow for a pleasant experience, time for the pleasantry to stop. PVP is active again at /warp Halloween for the duration of the event before we decide to close it.

    To go with this, I have posted a blog post about the event, if you have any screenshots to add to it please post them in here and Ill add them to the blog post

    Swashbuckler Season


    In reply to: Server Down?

    • Topics: 82
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    If we do think about changing hosts (finally) could you check out ? They seem to be a pretty good. Plus MumboJumbo got a free server from them and he gives a 25% coupon for one of CubedHost’s servers in one of his videos. We could try doing some nudging for a free server with our esteemed status as one of the top Minecraft servers with a PirateCraft theme if you catch me drift? 😛

    ~High (#420) Admiral of the BE Navy and retired News Anchor of the Piratecraft Survival Server~

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
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    Donate $500+ : Triple of EVERYTHING! (1 of 1) But, triple 100, 50, 10 and 1 is 483, which means if someone goes for the last one, they’ve lost £17…

    Well, bislo, you also get all the tiers above it, so you’re getting over a $700 value for donation 500

    Okay, so 483 plus everything above it, is 644. So, its everything above it 4 times, not the 3. And its not to the value of £700. And, erm, its Crazy…

    • Topics: 67
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    Donate $500+ : Triple of EVERYTHING! (1 of 1) But, triple 100, 50, 10 and 1 is 483, which means if someone goes for the last one, they’ve lost £17…

    Well, bislo, you also get all the tiers above it, so you’re getting over a $700 value for donation 500


    Well, I think you meant to say Crazypirate .. 🙂


    But, to be honest.. I don’t get your system either really – what is the (2 of 4) and (17 of 20) thingy?

    Founder of Port Hope

    • Topics: 794
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    We started this a long time ago.

    Server Road Design & Blueprints

    We have 1 county so far near spawn, all roads are named. But no more roads were created to separate areas.


    In reply to: Serious claim glitch

    • Topics: 794
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    <p style=”text-align: left;”>Yep, that was me. Okay, so lesson learned, I’ll be sure and ask first next time if its not in a standard area. Also, yeah, I didn’t have the chests locked because I thought they would be protected unless I lost a siege or pvp. So, again, lesson learned, but it would be great if there wasn’t that glitch, but I’ll try and fix my chests.</p> <p style=”text-align: left;”></p> <p style=”text-align: left;”>On a side note, if you need people to help build this town at east spawn, then I’d be happy to help.</p> <p style=”text-align: left;”>K.</p>

    If I get a chance, Ill come on and take a look to see if there was another point of entry. Its best to always put a block on top of chests to protect them, Minecraft is buggy by design which allows people to Tp through blocks, anyone caught doing this will be banned, sadly there is no fix as its a bug with minecraft itself.

    • Topics: 794
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    In reply to: Serious claim glitch

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    @Kanube Ahhh so you were the one that built a shop at the spawn exit! I just blocked off the door so nobody could get in.

    I assume someone glitched in and you didn’t have any of your chests protected with blocks on top?



    In reply to: Looking for Writers.

    • Topics: 794
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    I am very interested in writing, I write books in the server, I love all my Honor English Classes. I only am in two honor English classes. I am a very fast typer, and I often can finish work in 3-5 Days given the topic and requirements.

    As above, start writing! We have the Wiki to publish too! Once I can see writing, then I can start with blogging accounts.


    In reply to: Looking for Writers.

    • Topics: 111
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    I am very interested in writing, I write books in the server, I love all my Honor English Classes. I only am in two honor English classes. I am a very fast typer, and I often can finish work in 3-5 Days given the topic and requirements.



    Topic: Map Tilt

    • Topics: 44
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    • Total: 256
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    Ok, so maybe somebody has already talked about this before, but I couldn’t find it, so does anyone one know why the map is on a ~25 – 30 degree tilt to the right?  when one looks at F3 info and travels straight east or west (or north or south) and watch the map, you go go at an angle. Its no big deal and I’m not complaining, just odd that’s all.  Most map convention is to have the north at the top center and east and west line horizontal.  Just makes trying to navigate a bit challenging, but like I said, no big deal.  Kind of odd though. 🙂

    Brother Kanube, head of the Order of St. Ender, Watcher of the Void
    ~~~~~ from the dust of the void all is made, and to the void it returns~~~~~


    In reply to: Off Topic Disscusions

    • Topics: 2
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    I’ll start this off saying im a bit frustrated that my club proposal was only received too late to make it an official club, so I’m sad, but it will be able to become a club possibly next year, but in the meantime it can be an informal group which does all the same stuff. Since you may be wondering it is a 3D printing club proposal, our school only just got a 3D printer(Makerbot) at the end of last year, and I personally have owned a Plastibot printer for over a year now, so this is all good news for me, except that I’m down to a B- in my Spanish class, so oh well. Just wanted to use an off topic area to talk about me. 🙂

    • Topics: 2
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    I figure people need a place to vent their problems, so I figure an off topic discussion area is a good idea, feel free to use it when you wish, if you wish. If this is for some reason not allowed, then an admin can close this topic. Hope some people get a use from this. 🙂


    In reply to: Looking for Writers.

    • Topics: 794
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    @godsdead I am extremely interested about the idea of an “Inspiration” Blog. I am constantly looking for inspiration as well as researching topics to get the creative juices flowing. I am a freshman in high school taking AP classes with juniors and seniors. English as well as History are two of my favorite and more relevant ones. I could post building ideas/tips for concepts such as ships, forts, bridges, gates, towns, farms etc. as well as post some more informational pieces that look into history around the age of pirates. Getting different historical perspectives on maritime, piracy, and civilization proves to be very inspirational for me when it comes to ideas for this server. I could even post blogs that are based of server groups such the British Empire and explain irl British history etc. These topics would range to something very general like a basic overall “time line” or something as specific as the East India Company’s presence in India before it became a British Colony. This would be a great medium for me to share my love of PirateCraft with everyone on the server. If you want, you can pm me a topic and I can write a trial post for you if it helps. Thanks for reading. I hope i can be a part of this experience. :)

    Get me some examples of your work i.e create a wordpress blog, and get an article up for me to view and we can go from there!

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