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  • #25163
    • Topics: 67
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    Elex, I know that you may think that living in a pirate world means everyone could wreck havoc.. That’s not the case in the real pirate world, so stop stating that just because it is a pirate server, then that means all chaos is ok, because pirate.. Pirates where hunted, they often only attacked merchant vessels in remote locations, I’ve never heard of an incident where a pirate has just walked into a populated city and started a killing spree, where do you get it from?? Pirates of the Caribbean?

    I also don’t say BAN pvp, I say jetty is continuously harassing me and then running into siege proofness.. just like you do actually, Elex, so funny thing you would come here to stand up for him, I’m not surprised.

    And No koi, I will not close the warp, sorry.. If some people wish to ruin my warp then go right ahead, but don’t expect me to just stand around and let it happen, that’s why this post. I’ve always fought for the trade zones, back in the earlier times I even defended several of them with much success, but i cannot stand against all the donators that have recently risen to power with little intentions of peace on the server.. All I hear about is war, cutting each others throats and murdering for no reason.. Just keep the trouble out of the trade zones? they are not arenas, they are not battle grounds, only thing is that newbs, who doesn’t know better(i understand this) and cowards like jetty and elex go there to get free easy kills.. which sucks, because it scares people away, not the customers, but the shop owners, because they get targeted alot and they really don’t deserve to be targeted, they should be able to run their shop in the trade zones peacefully. I constantly get complaints from shop owners in my town, who cannot build on their shops or restock, because they get killed every time they go there – how is that fair for them?

    I know some players want to do more here than just PVP, it’s just not worth taking the leap if all you get is a constant supply of pvp crazed pirate boys lined up at your shop window, waiting to kill you..

    Founder of Port Hope

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    Bislo I would like to say I agree with you that some players are quiet over doing it and I hate the whole idea of tping in and insta tping out and as a warp killer I would like to say that you need people to protect your warps decause the current system isn’t working at all I’d love for this ideal town you have in mind where traders are and we all role play happily and bandits only live outside of the wall but sadly that cant happen the best thing to do is stop with warps as only bad things come from them to make a warp a safe place is extremely hard especially in the way pirate craft is right now with death and chaos being a popular way to live

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
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    I understand where you’re all coming from, and what you’re saying does make sense. I’ll respect your perspective and honor and try to refrain from speaking in such a manner in the future. I can see how it can be irritating to hear someone say you’re defeated when you’re still lively and doing things. My apologies to anyone I’ve offended, (CrazyPirate1, etc.). Back to the topic at hand. Who’s next?

    I appreciate that, although we aren’t PVP orientated, we are very much an active community crew 🙂

    Means a lot for you to apologise, I respect that, I’m also sorry for being rude, Paul and Bis are far better at articulating their points than me 🙂

    • Topics: 2
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    I understand where you’re all coming from, and what you’re saying does make sense. I’ll respect your perspective and honor and try to refrain from speaking in such a manner in the future. I can see how it can be irritating to hear someone say you’re defeated when you’re still lively and doing things. My apologies to anyone I’ve offended, (CrazyPirate1, etc.).

    Back to the topic at hand. Who’s next?

    I'm just a sweet ol' grandma tryna understand wtf I just read.

    • Topics: 2
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    Uhh gods there was a bit of an issue with players. There is anither forums post on this

    What? so this already failed?

    Unfortunately ya

    • Topics: 133
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    A crew can never be truly “defeated” unless they

    A) accept defeat or
    B) get so completely destroyed or destabilised that their crew collapses.

    This has applied to 0utlaws, Black Flag and Lotus in the past. The Elves have accepted defeat in this war. But they have won most conflicts they’ve been in. Does this mean they are utterly defeated? Think again.

    As for claims that BE is the strongest crew around, I don’t know who’s been spouting that garbage during the past months but it’s definitely no one from our crew. We are the biggest organisation in PirateCraft in terms of size. No more, no less. So I’d like to kindly ask people to stop regurgitating nonsense that doesn’t stem from our mouths. We’ve never even tried to be the most OP crew around – our member base came together for community, not war. There’s much more to our values than just PVP, PVP, PVP all day long. But try explaining that to players who only play to collect pixel riches and cause grief.

    On that note, we also aren’t anywhere near “defeat”. Our forums are more active than they’ve been for ages and we’ve learnt to deal with the everyday pains of war. The BE has lots of opportunities on offer to those who are looking for fun and want to leave a positive mark on the world! 🙂

    Also, please make a wiki page, CoV and Delta! You are notable crews and should take the time to enrich our community websites.

    Edit: Ha! @Bislo1 got in before me! I’m glad we’re on the same wavelength. 😛

    • Topics: 67
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    I think I need to clear some things up here.. BE did not enter this war, as the current Prime Minister(michty), haven’t stated anything. According to BE law, he is the only one who can declare wars on other nations, crews, pirates or whatever.. Vice prime minister can also declare in his absence as well as a government vote can result in a war.

    There has been made attempts to contact him, but they have failed and while there might have been uncertainty, NO formal declaration has been declared by him. All I know is that our Vice Prime Minister had interest in joining the elves, yet there wasn’t any official declaration. The rest of the government initiated a vote, whether to join or not, but it was inconclusive(It didn’t finish before the wars was already ended).

    So, BE never joined this war. We want to back up our allies when we can, but we are by no means a warmongering crew, we’re a democracy where we have to reach agreement on the actions we want to take. So, sorry to the Elves for asking about help that you didn’t get to retrieve, but BE did in fact NEVER get to join this war, so to state that we’re all of a sudden defeated is a bit off.

    We strive for peace on the server and to protect our own, so all the BS about BE being the strongest crew on the server is very old news, that’s simply a fact during the formation of BE and during the early periods before and after the hardtimez war. Lately BE has seen a decline in power, yes, as it seems like all the Pvp focused crews had the intentions to bring BE down, while we are not a crew focused around Pvp, but rather the community and building, the success of these crews has been moderate and BE lost a lot of influence over the server, but we do still exist and might I add that we in no way see ourselves defeated. Our crew numbers still range in the top of the list.

    I want to stress the fact that we are not claiming to be the strongest empire on the server, we simply stand for peace and to protect our own – Why crews like yours(CoV) think otherwise, I cannot understand. We’ve said it so many many times now.

    Founder of Port Hope

    • Topics: 19
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    Can I make my stand here? Lets not get ahead of ourselves. Delta was never defeated ( wtf? ). Who told you that? I respect you as a friend but I can’t stand it when someone declares false

    facts.Delta was never defeated, Ventura and Dan agreed to a truce. Both sides pounded each other hard… So Enigma please get your facts right. And as crazy wrote ;  I’m not saying we are the

    strongest, I’m just telling you to humble up and stop making up figures and facts ‘

    <span style=”color: #555555; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 22.4px;”> </span>

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
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    Jesus, can you stop saying the BE is defeated? You’re talking out your arse, I have no idea why you are so obsessed with saying it, it’s like if you repeat it often enough, it will come true.

    If you can show me that the BE can handle CoV, I will gladly stop stating that simple fact. As in, if you can beat us, you can redeem yourself. Otherwise, suck up the many losses your prideful “empire” has sustained from multiple forces, and shut the hell up In the future, feel free to pm me your rants about how BE is still the strongest crew due to its high number of inactive players. Do not clutter threads with your irrelevancy because you disagree with my points. Thank you.

    Use correct formatting, and actually state some truths, rather than making outlandish and unsubstantiated claims. I’m not saying we are the strongest, I’m just telling you to humble up and stop making up figures and facts.

    • Topics: 2
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    Jesus, can you stop saying the BE is defeated? You’re talking out your arse, I have no idea why you are so obsessed with saying it, it’s like if you repeat it often enough, it will come true.

    If you can show me that the BE can handle CoV, I will gladly stop stating that simple fact. As in, if you can beat us, you can redeem yourself. Otherwise, suck up the many losses your prideful “empire” has sustained from multiple forces, and shut the hell up

    In the future, feel free to pm me your rants about how BE is still the strongest crew due to its high number of inactive players. Do not clutter threads with your irrelevancy because you disagree with my points. Thank you.

    I'm just a sweet ol' grandma tryna understand wtf I just read.

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
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    Jesus, can you stop saying the BE is defeated? You’re talking out your arse, I have no idea why you are so obsessed with saying it, it’s like if you repeat it often enough, it will come true.

    • Topics: 2
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    Well I don’t like how I tried building a home to being attacked…. I know this war is over before it even started we had no preparation we had no chance of winning, we just wanted to defend ourselves CoV is good at what they do, just go in kill and don’t care, the proclaimed “Pirate Kings” We are really in no form ready for war, The Elven Empire surrenders to CoV. The pirate kings, we were caught of guard and have been beaten down pretty bad and need time to rebuild. We just wanted peace…

    Thank you for your surrender,  and your acknowledge that CoV is, in fact, Pirate Kings of PirateCraft. Unlike BE, you have accepted your defeat honorably and respectfully, and that is commendable. For this public display of honor and honesty, I will return some of the items I took from you when I sieged you before the war.

    Let this be a lesson to every crew out there, dead or alive, inactive or popular; CoV is the top crew and the Pirate Kings of the server. You’ve heard it from the Queen herself. BE is defeated, EE is defeated, Delta is defeated and yet we still stand. The Pirate Kings run this.

    ~A1A (_OPM_)

    I'm just a sweet ol' grandma tryna understand wtf I just read.

    • Topics: 10
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    You are full of so much crap…

    The mirror agrees with you.

    Shots fired…

    • Topics: 2
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    When we embed the destruction of the EE alongside the ruins of the BE,

    Thing is, you’re speaking out your arse mate, last time I checked, the BE still existed. If you wanna sound menacing, go for it, but the thing is, you’re a repeat offender for speaking out of your arse, and so no-one believes you when you say something. Lets be honest, how many times have the BE beaten you? Twice now? Thrice? I’m losing count buddy! Try and use facts or the truth when you’re threatening someone, rather than trying to make yourself seem bigger, because it will ruin what’s left of your reputation when you lose.

    When we embed the destruction of the EE alongside the ruins of the BE,

    Thing is, you’re speaking out your arse mate, last time I checked, the BE still existed. If you wanna sound menacing, go for it, but the thing is, you’re a repeat offender for speaking out of your arse, and so no-one believes you when you say something. Lets be honest, how many times have the BE beaten you? Twice now? Thrice? I’m losing count buddy! Try and use facts or the truth when you’re threatening someone, rather than trying to make yourself seem bigger, because it will ruin what’s left of your reputation when you lose.

    Once again, you prove your biased ignorance. Where anywhere in my post did I say that BE doesn’t exist? It does exist, as weaker, inactive version of what it once was. BE has been attacked, defeated, and dishonored more times than my grandma’s baked cookies. Ryeaka’s crew slaughtered BE, ( no losses ), KingKarim’s Lotus slaughtered you ( one-sided ), Outlaws annihilated you at least 3 times, and I have crushed BE on the battlefield twice. Please remember our last encounter at /warp trade before you brag about being powerless, because pulling bs out your arse isn’t attractive. We beat you and your crew so bad that you posted fake laggy hackusation videos about myself and Chamberlain1. There’s your facts.

    BE is no longer one of the strongest empires because its PVP might is weak of inactivity and lack of skill. CoV and EE are the only crews worth calling an empire, and soon even the elves will join you in the old forgotten bones of dead yet ignorantly prideful crews. Don’t bury your crew’s reputation any deeper than it already is, or Satan’s going to put a restraining order on you.


    I'm just a sweet ol' grandma tryna understand wtf I just read.

    • Topics: 133
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    Could the RL United States be classed as an Empire? Not by name, but by actions?

    The general consensus is yes, the topic is open for debate however:

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