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  • #26294
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    @aerodelusionz stop lying if me and galaxy are not both put back to our original spots you will be fighting 2 wars with no allies. I want to say it was not a misunderstanding it was a revolt and they will be lucky if they can even stay in the crew.

    • Topics: 18
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    Wow that is really long. I just couldn’t read all of it. So when people talk about the economy and deflation, inflation ect… I normally picture a country taking out a loan from another country but obviously that doesn’t happen here. I mean if the economy fails or whatever it just means that perhaps shop owners can’t restock their shops but if your could get money from /sellclaimblocks then perhaps all the money can begin their.

    Also deflation is basically an non-existant problem like I guess technically that I am unemployed on this server and I still get by and if prices for everything go higher or lower then that rather benefits the consumer or the seller. And with that money the seller can now use to restock stuff.

    And the locked up money thing I kinda understand that, all that money wasted, it servers no purpose now. But how do you propose we solve this (You may have explained this but I couldn’t read the whole thing). We can’t just give out excess amounts of money to people nor merchants, if a warp owner got that much they may just close down since they got all the money they could need. (I might be wrong idk)

    But I hear the server economy topic a lot within game and I have never understood it so could someone explain this idea 😛


    Leader of the Verussian Empire and the country Verussia.

    • Topics: 5
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    So from time to time forums posts have arisen with people complaining about the state of the economy on the server with  solutions given but they font have the proper affect for a number of reasons so I just wanna toss my hat into the mix with a different approach. Immediately everyone assumes that the economy does not function properly because of the fact that most warps are bandit havens and that stops players from buying goods but I am going to refute that point and state a new one. What pirate craft has allowed us to see is an economic model at work. Because of the structure of this economic model and the fact that we are playing on a server in a video game certain restrictions and reservations apply to how we view the server economy in action. This economic model on this server resembles the macroeconomic system of “laizze-faire” capitalism otherwise known as trickle down economics. I will use this term loosely as the server has plenty of other types of trading by the nature of the game so before people start thinking “what about bartering etc” let me get my points in. In the following paragraphs I will attempt to dissect what the underlying problems are plaguing the economy and attempt to leave some form of a outline to how each may be resolved.

    1. Locked up balances

    This server has hundreds of active and inactive/banned members which balances range greatly in size so the exact number for currency in circulation can never be truly known. With that point being made what are “locked up balances” if you look at the server behemoths money wise on the top 10 list what is the most striking besides the sums of money? that  four out of ten of the top balances on the server are inactive. Too add on to that sentiment two of the top ten are banned and as I will state later in my case only one person( conservatively) possibly two contribute their money to the server economy. Lets look at the bans first, Saraphim7 and Kingkarim after being banned from the server left a sum of money equaling 479,826. That is a huge some of money that is locked up and will in the forceable future not be reinvested back into the economy. What is the problem with that? the problem lies within the fact that that was money spent by players for resources that is not being reinvested because of the ban leaving the server with a net loss of income into the economy. Out of the rest of the players on the top ten list four out of ten have been inactive long enough so that there presence is not relevant beyond the fact that there combined balances are 252,968. That is less than the banned behemoths but is still an extremely large chunk of the server currency in limbo. This leaves two more players that I have marked as “holding” meaning there balance is not going to be used in the forceable future for economic repair but it will be used with a total worth of 118,433. What that leaves us with is two players that have shown an attempt to help the economy in there varying ways with a combined balance of 287,929. Now what do we do with these raw numbers? This shows us that the combined amount of server cash locked up is 851,227. This is money that will most likely never be used again and in some cases cant. The fact that these balances were allowed to swell to these sizes means that if the server is following the path of trickle down economics is that these balances kept by these individuals would be reinvested. Without this reinvestment we get stagnation as the combined inactivity with the holed up cash leaves to prices that dont reflect the need of the market. The fact of the matter is that this 851,227 is a roadblock on the path to move the economy forward because and shows us very clearly where the money on the server is being sucked in and stuck. Every future trade has to move around this number making it harder for the economy to pick up pace because the damage has already been done.

    2. Monopolies and warps

    Within the server there are _ warps that are owned by players on the server. They are supposed to be places of commerce and can still be with the idea that “pirating” causes a loss of business being a side effect of a larger issue that is not being resolved. Out of a total of five player owned warps on the server two are almost completely inactive while another two are getting close leaving two more shops that function. Now the problem here lies on a bed of simplicity that is not being resolved. These shops need new owners that are more active. Now how this will go about im not sure and I will not go into on this post but the problem exists and the solution is clear. The active warps have owners that look at the economy and attempt to meet its demands. Kelly Yore is a prime example of someone who honestly checks the value of items to change his prices close to daily. That is good and all but that is one person and one warp. The problem would be easier to solve if the players owning these warps didn’t also fall into the locked up balances but this is not a coincidence. The owners of warp wolf, market and the collaboration of cts have not in any sort of way updated there shops to meet consumer demands. Market does still have some active shop keepers but very little and “piracy” has been used as the scapegoat for these issues. These warps are littered with out of stock signs and signs that have been not updated to see consumer demand. This inactivity combined with the locked up balances leads to piracy because these warps become useless. Why is there little to no killing at shop and food? because they are valuable warps and the active owners still have sway when it comes to people adhering to the player made rules. I haven’t mentioned trade up until this point but it still falls under the earlier sphere. Bislo has attempted to make the warp relevant again( buying up resources changing some sell signs) but it is unsustainable as most of the rest of the warp is dead which leaves them as nothing more but bandit territory. If these warps held valuable trades worth protecting then they would be protected. This isnt a crazy concept but people want to overlook it and just say player attacks are the leading problem. This failed system of inactive players combined with their inactive warps is what leads to economic decline and increased piracy. The solution to this problem is tough and im not gonna try and create a coherent one now but people seem to not understand the underlying factors in what causes economic decay.

    3. trickle down and macro economics

    Since the server took the route of trickle down by the nature of the game theoretically anyone can become just as rich with enough labor, but with that idea what is the point of an economy then? the economy is there for alternative routes than just mining or grinding and the lack there off leads to a more fractured system. Its hard to not advocate for a stable server shop with shifting prices but that is what my inclination is. Without proper “regulation” and adjustment to the way assets and warps are handled this can never change. My over arching point is, is that trickle down economics does not function in this type of environment. We cant change the fact that diamonds now go for 15-25 dollars a peice and frankly ideas such as iamthereapers of just leaving up high prices isn’t solving any problem. The nature of the game is that anyone can collect these resources and that has to be taken into consideration when setting prices but it hasn’t. In a twist of irony the fact that the server has such an unregulated and open economy has left the it as the second option to bartering and direct trading. The point of this bullet is to show the need for a shift from “laisse faire” to a more Keynesian form of economics in which the staff stimulates economic growth for the larger segment of the player base.

    4. The difficulty of the solutions

    When looking at these problems the solutions can seem easy “lets just throw money at players and give the warps new owners” seems to be the general consensus but that cant help in the slightest. I want to make it clear that the distribution of wealth is not a solution that works long term. The problem to a real solution lies in the fact that its gonna take a helluva lot of work to get the economy going again that is a daunting task for anyone. The staff already has enough on their plates and adding more isnt going to help but this issue needs to be addressed. These locked up assets need to be looked at, warps have to find a way to keep being updated, because the natural stagnation that comes with a fluid player base leads to this kind of slow down and sluggishness. The best possible solution that can minimize this problem but has been disregarded because of the basis of the idea is a server run shop. Now people usually stop at that idea and start thinking “pay to win” “unfair” “broken” but the solid argument hasnt been made against it. Look at real world examples, in the United States alone produce are bought by the government en bulk allowing for more production and subsidies are given to continue this growth. A server shop that is kept within reason and that can be updates by our fairly active and definitely engaged staff could allow players to bypass these dead warps until an actual solution is devised. I am not advocating a completely server side economy but something is needed until this benign mass of cash and warps are fixed.


    Solving a problem on this scale is no where close to going to be solved easily. I understand that the staff have wanted to deal with this problem and probably know information I dont but the point is is that a majority of the player base dont seem to comprehend where the problems lie. I just hope that this post can help enlighten some aspects of the servers economic problems that haven’t been discussed openly before. Im not leaving a solid solution in place partially because frankly I dont think one can be made over night and I want an active discussion in the comments made about how to solve this problem. This post does not address all the problems in the economy because I simply cant think of them all! so please comment I want to know what else I should take into consideration!

    (side note, sorry about any missing information ill try to write a more concise piece at a later date)

    Punching baby seals since before it was fun.


    In reply to: Custom Server Potions

    New Name WyattJetty
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    These sound really awesome but these potions really need to be watched because they could get really OP if you throw all these types of potions on you at once. I have a way to stop this and still keep the potions. There could be a Sickness you could catch if you drink to many potions at once, like weakness,slowness,blindness, ect.

    some thoughts (regen 2-what ever gapples regen is)

    make regen 2, add blaze powder makes idk then add another regen 2 that makes regen 3. Put regen 3 with blaze powder  that makes idk and then add regen 3 again that makes regen 4. Might be a bad idea but what the heck. idk could = some potion called {Harming or what ever.

    Also There should be a molitaz Cocktail potion. I don’t know how to spell that but When you through it It could make a 5 by 5 area a fire! Lighting Strike anyone, there could be a potion that sends down lighting on someone.

    Oh and Thanks Smokey

    Then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all that is in them, saying:

    “To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb
    be praise and honor and glory and power,
    for ever and ever!”


    In reply to: Discipline idea

    New Name WyattJetty
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    stop freaking out calm down

    Then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all that is in them, saying:

    “To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb
    be praise and honor and glory and power,
    for ever and ever!”


    In reply to: Discipline idea

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    jetty, just, stop. u are not getting back on here you had many chances while on the server to change but you didnt, so you earned your ban. all this post is is a ban appeal in disguise.

    L E A V E. 😀



    In reply to: Can I get unbanned

    Smokey River
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    It doesn’t matter if it is 3 different people rep.

    1. Im glad you were honest about not going  to his house, because when I banned you, you showed up on Jetty’s ip.

    2. I am not removing your ban. Best recommendations is to stop flooding forums. For future Minecraft gaming I recommend you purchasing your own account and stop messing around with shady people :-).





    I solemnly swear I am up to no good.


    -Founder of Crew Savage-
    -Rear Admiral or Super Mod-
    *depends on how you want to view my super powers*


    In reply to: Unban Requests

    • Topics: 32
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    “Remembered for the rules they break”, “rules they break”, ie no hacks. Not “no being trash”. If that was a rule you wouldn’t be here.

    Of course you hacked. Did you really think anyone would believe that Xenon isn’t for cheating? All it takes is a quick Google search to figure out what it was, and Jesus that is alot of different things you can do with that thing. Cheating makes you trash.

    I looked up Xenon! It has a walrus blubber load of cheats! Profact: Xenon is also a noble gas on the periodic table, I first got the wikipedia page for that when I googled Xenon. I would think they would name cheating mods after extremely reactive things. Like maybe a halogen?

    • Topics: 10
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    PirateCraft News

    Server vs xLordHerobrinex and Goldieh

    Ok so yesterday a huge battle went on at Goldieh’s base many people of the server came to attack xLordHerobrinex and Goldieh. Why? JaceBade had setup a raid inviting many people from the server, in attacking them, in the hopes of getting his almost god bow back. Cannons were set up, bows were drawn and everyone was ready to take on these 2. Many people crowded the door we needed to shoot at, sadly even after telling them to move, we had to shoot them down. Very clever move from Goldieh to setup a mob killer trap, which was intended to trap people and make it so Goldieh was invincible to be killed, killing those who entered. Siege could not be set as these 2 were still immune to siege, we waited out the fight in hopes to kill them many times with cannons and bows. Later that night, siege was available, we sieged and battle had began. Cannons were fired to destroy the sand and cobblestone under the stone brick layers and make a safe entrance in which xLordHerobrinex and Goldieh died. Many chests were protected with Stone Brick but some weren’t by the time I got in, the loot was gone. Many people stayed after the raid, slaughtering each other. But it was clear, this raid had gone through. Great win on the server! Well done everyone!

    Riverine Reclaimed

    MrJolly had informed me that Lithvather has in fact reclaimed his base, Riverine. Which is great news, an amazing place it sure is.

    Merging of the crew Rohan into VE

    As it seems VE is getting more members than they could ever hope for, the crew of Rohan has now merged with VE creating an even bigger empire to rule their territory!

    DirectorAnivian’s Jingle Bells Notes

    As many of you may or may not have seen. DirectorAnivian has setup and worked on a particular Jingle Bells song using Note Blocks and Redstone, go check it out its on the website!

    Jingle Bells and Happy holidays from Ani and the "famiree"


    Sanguine Court Is Recruiting!
    ” Freedom gained in death, released from the bonds of life. We rise again, free of Life’s misery and evaded Death’s grasp. Through blood forged a bond stronger than iron, and stand as one. We are the defers of Life and Death, united as family, and bleed as one.” (Contact Lucky_Vincentus for more information)

    The HEE Is Recruiting

    The High Elven Empire are looking for mature players who aren’t playing just for the fact that they can pvp. The HEE want members who are the best at what they do and can be an example of a strong Elven Group to the entire server. (Contact Browe or Xadiez for more information)

    VaultTec Industries Are Recruiting!
    This is the self-same group that made the beautiful vaults featured in the second part of the paper. Vault-Tec is an up and coming crew who are currently recruiting dwellers. Vault-Tec is led by the former military commander of EE. (Contact Rubihube or Lithvather for more information)

    Wielders of Conscience are Recruiting!

    Looking for players willing to work on resolving conflict on all levels. (msg Zeref_Dragneel2 in game or pm on site to join)

    Elven Empire is recruiting!
    We are United, We are Strong, We are the elven Empire-3 Kingdoms
    (msg Reptaria for more information on how to join)

    The Thirteen Colonies is Rercuiting!

    /msg NickyB_123 to join the Thirteen Colonies! They are looking for many more members to join them in their adventures, take a look!

    Warp Advertisements:

    Buy all your basic needs and more from /warp food


    Warp Food, Food is under new management and is being restocked!

    Quote of the Day: As JaceBade once said: “You didn’t believe me when I said I’d bring the storm?”

    The deeper the wound, The deeper the pain.
    Important Member of CoV, Article Writer of PirateCraft News


    In reply to: Please unban me

    • Topics: 9
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    This server doesn’t want you on this server so stop trying to appeal because you won’t get back on this server…this server. You were temporarily banned for harassment, you should of accepted that, not be rude on the forums, that’s where you screwed up. Then to make an alt account…there’s no chance you’ll be let back on. Cya.


    I would like to point out that there was no evidence it seems to prove that he was harassing Bislo for “a year”. The original temp ban should have never happened unless there’s evidence that was never made public knowledge.


    In reply to: Please unban me

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    This server doesn’t want you on this server so stop trying to appeal because you won’t get back on this server…this server.

    You were temporarily banned for harassment, you should of accepted that, not be rude on the forums, that’s where you screwed up. Then to make an alt account…there’s no chance you’ll be let back on. Cya.


    Leader of the Verussian Empire and the country Verussia.

    • Topics: 10
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    PirateCraft News


    Battle in Lathol

    Just yesterday a battle went on between members JavaInvader, PossessedCookie, Witcher_Geralt, koi001, and little_liggo against many Elven Crew members including the Queen and some help from the BE. It was a crazy and fair fight, until JavaInvader’s tp request up onto Lathol walls was accepted, he went on a rampage. Killing everyone in his path and soon after leaving combat tping in all of those who were fighting for him. Reptaria the last fighter standing was on top of one of the highest towers, unreachable by ladder or stairs… Many bow shots were fired until Witcher_Geralt managed to land one in the body killing Reptaria. Some people returned to fight back but it was no use, the attack against the Eleves had gone through. These 5 fighters had managed to take on this battle on their opponent’s territory…

    Riverine Un-Claimed?!

    I went on my own travels to explore the world a bit more and I passed by Riverine (Owned by Lithvather) only to find that the whole place had been unclaimed. Has Lithvather abandoned his base? Who knows. Any info about this topic sent to me will be greatly appreciated and will be put on the News.

    Reptaria and Texter495: No Marriage?

    Reptaria has decided to decline the marriage with Texter495 and move on, Texter will not become to Elven King and will not be married to Reptaria the Queen as we speak. Shortly after this decision Texter was kicked from the Elven Empire. I saw messages in chat that he will be re-invited in a week.

    VE Leader designing a Villager farm

    So ToxicKingRS and Shawn have been designing a Villager Farm for the crew of VE to use and enjoy (Images included below). The build is made out of StoneBrick in a sort of tall apartment building style with windows and a railway. Many Villagers still entering today and many already there, enjoy it members of VE.


    Sanguine Court Is Recruiting!
    ” Freedom gained in death, released from the bonds of life. We rise again, free of Life’s misery and evaded Death’s grasp. Through blood forged a bond stronger than iron, and stand as one. We are the defers of Life and Death, united as family, and bleed as one.” (Contact Lucky_Vincentus for more information)

    The HEE Is Recruiting

    The High Elven Empire are looking for mature players who aren’t playing just for the fact that they can pvp. The HEE want members who are the best at what they do and can be an example of a strong Elven Group to the entire server. (Contact Browe or Xadiez for more information)

    VaultTec Industries Are Recruiting!
    This is the self-same group that made the beautiful vaults featured in the second part of the paper. Vault-Tec is an up and coming crew who are currently recruiting dwellers. Vault-Tec is led by the former military commander of EE. (Contact Rubihube or Lithvather for more information)

    Wielders of Conscience are Recruiting!

    Looking for players willing to work on resolving conflict on all levels. (msg Zeref_Dragneel2 in game or pm on site to join)

    Elven Empire is recruiting!
    We are United, We are Strong, We are the elven Empire-3 Kingdoms
    (msg Reptaria for more information on how to join)
    Warp Advertisements:

    Buy all your basic needs and more from /warp food


    Warp Food, Food is under new management and is being restocked!


    Quote of the Day: As MrJolly once said: “If the x-mas plugin wouldn’t have broke… I would have kidnapped Santa” -Jolly 2015

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    The deeper the wound, The deeper the pain.
    Important Member of CoV, Article Writer of PirateCraft News


    Topic: News Edition: 11

    in group forum PirateCraft News
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    PirateCraft News


    Elven Wedding Drama: Part-3

    So with the wedding between Queen Reptaria and the (soon to be) King Texter495 there are rising suspicions within the elven ranks. While Reptaria cannot be any happier to have a true wedding ceremony as soon as Lathol is finished, some levels have different views… This is a message from an elf who for personal reasons asked to be left unknown.


    I do not support Texter as ”king” of the Elves. Several other Elves and I do not like him as he is being rude to us and questioning why we are leaders. He is also immature. If this goes in the news, don’t say my name, just cite me as anonymous.

    This brings new questions to the table as the elves seem to have their own problems within their own organization…


    Thanks For Warp Xmas!

    So while warp xmas got a lot of hate for the lag it caused over the Christmas Eve and Christmas day celebrations I believe we all owe a great thanks to the team that put it together. As you walk through the warp make sure you stop and take a look at all the beautiful scenes! You can see the time and care to the small details made by the team that made it even possible for us players to enjoy the Christmas spectacle!


    More Elven Drama 

    So while Texter495 was still in SeconDeath’s crew (Delta), he lost some god swords to an XE raid against him, and he is still raring to get them back. The press recently got some information from one of their reporters that Texter495 plans to declare war on XE if they do not return his two swords. Another interesting fact was that the swords that were lost are all “Elven” named swords. This begs the question, how and when did Texter495 get these god swords?


    Sanguine Court Is Recruiting!
    ” Freedom gained in death, released from the bonds of life. We rise again, free of Life’s misery and evaded Death’s grasp. Through blood forged a bond stronger than iron, and stand as one. We are the defers of Life and Death, united as family, and bleed as one.” (Contact Lucky_Vincentus for more information)

    The HEE Is Recruiting

    The High Elven Empire are looking for mature players who aren’t playing just for the fact that they can pvp. The HEE want members who are the best at what they do and can be an example of a strong Elven Group to the entire server. (Contact Browe or Xadiez for more information)

    VaultTec Industries Are Recruiting!
    This is the self-same group that made the beautiful vaults featured in the second part of the paper. Vault-Tec is an up and coming crew who are currently recruiting dwellers. Vault-Tec is led by the former military commander of EE. (Contact Rubihube or Lithvather for more information)

    Wielders of Conscience are Recruiting!

    Looking for players willing to work on resolving conflict on all levels. (msg Zeref_Dragneel2 in game or pm on site to join)

    Warp Advertisements:

    Buy all your basic needs and more from /warp food

    Warp Food, Food is under new management and is being restocked!

    Quote of the day: _CaptainD once said:”Art without engineering is dreaming, engineering without art is calculating.” _CaptainD, 2015

    Yours Truly

    Manda the Panda

    "Nec possum tecum vivere, nec sine te."
    -"I can live neither with you, nor without you."- ~ Uta


    In reply to: Good server run shop

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    @Witcher 100% with ya bro!

    I have already written about re-doing eco from scratcg ALREADY from a post Rep made, please stop making me repeat myself and read the god damn forums, its like im stuck on a god damn loop, do you know how infuruating that is? I have a plan, its been planned for 6+ months, be patient, read the exsitnig messages I have already posted, please stop duplicating what has already been asked, I will, I will go mad.


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