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  • #28250

    In reply to: My friend _Dr_Dre__

    • Topics: 60
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    • Total: 857
    • ★★★★★★

    Dr Dre? I knew he was after me for a long time but I didn’t think he had such a history with warnings. I liked him. He does sound a bit like a bad person now. But he wasn’t always like that. I wonder what happened… Dr Dre it was nice battling with u :)

    He got all these warnings within 2 weeks I believe

    @block you would figure.


    • Topics: 14
    • Replies: 86
    • Total: 100
    • ★★★★

    Hello everybody. I’ve been away from Piratecraft for a long time and decided it was time to come back, at least partially. My computer has become unplayably laggy due to age, I’ve had it for nearly seven years, so I won’t be on the server often. I really miss Piratecraft and hopefully I can play again soon. When I do get back I’ll start on a clean slate, probably going to make a crew, and stop trying to murder the Skull crew, that is if they still exist.  But for now I’ll be on the forums. Also, hey Prankcalls!!! (Typed this on my ps3, so if it looks weird that’s why.)



    Topic: to SPACE

    • Topics: 17
    • Replies: 42
    • Total: 59
    • ★★★

    to day was a great day for pirates server because of the madness or science that happened   with cysteen, artificialdemon, rexstrafes, Cmav, javainvader, astrobolt2014, silver47Ag and me (sorry if i missed anyone) the science was sending people into space (or over a boa) The highest launch in my opinion goes to silver who cleared the boat by a good ten blocks and for accuracy champion a lot of people made it on but i didn’t see them all so the only people that i saw that made it onto the top of the mast were me and csyteen (if you made it on please tell me in the)  there were only 3 deaths good job team (if you have any photos or screenshots please post them on this page)

    i find a way or i make a way wether you like it or not

    baron of the travasen land

    • Topics: 794
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    This is off topic, but we are looking for a server photographer who can run shaders.

    Im in need of a server photographer ready for 2016!


    In reply to: Ashikagan Corps

    • Topics: 63
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    • Total: 241
    • ★★★★

    Lads, new speech is out!

    Paramount Leader of G.U.C.S and founder of Colrainism
    I can't stand vinegar

    Smokey River
    • Topics: 22
    • Replies: 269
    • Total: 291
    • ★★★★★


    The reason I banned you is because you IP flagged as another player not the current ones listed under this IP. There for I am curious of how that changed :-). I have also had a report of you asking about old players in the server which makes me wonder how new you actually might be. Currently to me the story isn’t adding up and I am having to put on waders to trudge through the bull. At this point my ban is staying put.



    topic closed


    I solemnly swear I am up to no good.


    -Founder of Crew Savage-
    -Rear Admiral or Super Mod-
    *depends on how you want to view my super powers*


    In reply to: Kicked for flying

    • Topics: 50
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    • Total: 404
    • ★★★★★

    I’ve had similar problems, sometimes you’re moving so fast in a boat the server registers it as flying, you have to just keep coming back until it stops,%20First%20Emperor.
    Ω Former Consulate and Emperor of the New Romans Ω
    Vivat Rei Republicae

    ▲ ▲

    • Topics: 50
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    woops, disregard, thought this was a new topic, false alarm,%20First%20Emperor.
    Ω Former Consulate and Emperor of the New Romans Ω
    Vivat Rei Republicae

    ▲ ▲

    • Topics: 21
    • Replies: 380
    • Total: 401
    • ★★★★★

    I think this is an old topic @astrobolt2014

    • Topics: 9
    • Replies: 208
    • Total: 217
    • ★★★★

    1st ; stop following me and making rude comments after very word I say 2st ; this is not your decision So please leave me alone! Do not start an argue here please. -Thanks @GodsDead please tell him to stop


    Witcher has a point though…you’re no longer a part of this server. Accept it and move on.


    In reply to: Custom Server Potions

    • Topics: 60
    • Replies: 797
    • Total: 857
    • ★★★★★★

    I don’t refrain from using capital letters no matter how stupid they are and how is talking about capital letters not off topic? Anyway I figured my potion names should sound and be more colonial based.


    The “Smoke Bomb”

    I think you should throw it and then you get a ghost face of @SmokeyRiver (idk why) and then the person you threw it at gets blindness and slowness, so it’s an ultimate coward potion.

    The “Straggler Cocktail”

    You get nausea and drunk. But you get swiftness and leaping II.

    The “Mushed Spidet”

    You can climb walls.

    The “I ate a musket”

    you get randomly damaged.

    The “Loony Lumberjack”

    You get haste and strength.

    The “Jolly Jiggler”

    Your character has 30 strafes around then gets nausea to even out how dumb you are for drinking it.






    In reply to: Custom Server Potions

    • Topics: 6
    • Replies: 105
    • Total: 111
    • ★★★★

    MY BOX, ISNT A BOX URGHHHHH! ITS CALLED BEING PROFFESIONAL, YOU CANT GET IN IT BUT I CAN GET OUT BY USING A SMART DOUBLE TRAP DOOR TO MAKE SURE NO INTRUDERS GET IN! ? your house is dumb. My house is smart. I have a city now anyway. It’ll be a cool city soon, full of cool people.

    What does all this crap you’ve posted in your two recent replies anything to do with the custom potions?Refrain from posting something if it’s totally out of topic, and stop with the random upper letter case words.

    JDM Cars are the best


    In reply to: Disregard to Privilege

    • Topics: 6
    • Replies: 105
    • Total: 111
    • ★★★★

    Hmm there is a lot of flame in this post. Dang near singed a few pixels out of my screen. So I’m gonna keep it short. While i think being able to close off your warp for maintenance is all well and good having a cannon pointed at the…lets call it a “Lobby” makes it a trap. Fine block off your warp and run around the Lobby in circles taunting them all day but call it what it is. It’s a trap…made by one of the servers most renown trap makers _Lego_. Also because i know it will come up that they can just do /trapped while invisible go ahead and build a redstone alert system in the cage that will make a ding go off around the port when someone enters.

    Stop making irrelevant posts all over the forum.

    JDM Cars are the best

    • Topics: 21
    • Replies: 380
    • Total: 401
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    I have revived this topic because I believe it is an important one. I was wondering if this has been looked into or worked on by staff at all. You guys all as a team work so hard to make this server the great place it is and on behalf of the entire community, I thank you for your persistent dedication and time put towards us. I believe implementing a plugin off sorts that allowed muskets onto the server would be the best. It would add a new edge to PvP, as well as another way for strategy needing to be used. The muskets would be slower to fire than bows, yet more powerful. This topic has so much potential and I just wanted to shed some light on it after a few months in the dark. Thanks gain for everything staff. I know myself and the rest of the server would enjoy blasting each other in the face with a new weapon 😀

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
    • Replies: 1997
    • Total: 2107
    • ★★★★★★★

    Oh, dear god, shut up with this random crap on the forums. And seriously, stop with the random caps.

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