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  • #66033
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    @SizzleMcGrizzle stop trying to defend these people (who you are one of) they are toxic because they are assholes not because they are annoyed at stuff (which isnt bad btw). And god forbid people want to help players and remind people to be decent human beings. And @Cotij accusing us of only doing this to be staff and again with sizzle accusing us of being suckups are just proving our point. Unlike people like you we want this server to not have toxicity and to be fun for all.

    The Clown (on leave until further notice)

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    There’s been a few bugs and glitches I have found regarding /top and /back. I have a come across these glitches a few times now so it hasn’t just happened once. It can definitely be used to get into someones base so keep an eye out.Regarding /top has been having issues with not taking me to the block directly above me, but taking me to the next open area. This has occurred by /topping under a cave which the /top will take me into the cave rather then on the surface or the highest block above my head. This has happened to me multiple times.

    /back has been interesting lately with constantly asking me to /tpbypass even if I was standing in a completely safe area. /back has turned into a 2 command process for me honestly bc I have to type /back then /tpbypass .LEGO quickly helped me by giving access to even using /tpbypass earlier today, thank you LEGO./back has also been teleporting me into the wrong areas. an example;  I was standing on top of someones base when I /homed then I wanted to go back so I /backed and it teleported me into their base. First time ive ever done that but it can definitely be used against someone) its as easy as standing on someones base leaving and then /backing. I really love this command so Im hoping it doesnt get completely removed.

    seen it all, ive been here since 06/06/2014

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    Yeah this has been a huge problem lately with certain players. Ive seen just in the last few days Smokey and Vape mute the chat MANY times. Theres been alot of traffic on the server lately so these problems have been more frequent. It doesnt seem as its targeted towards players but targeted directly  to staff . Staff has been pretty much on it though. This is off topic but Bazurka is goin crazy with banning new xrayers so good job to him! Vape and Smokey mentioned something cool tonight, its that we are allowed and invited to play this server by the owner. Do not come onto the server and start acting out. Alot of us spend most our day on this server and use it for PvPing, building, and even the community. Please respect that and dont type toxic messages in chat.

    seen it all, ive been here since 06/06/2014


    In reply to: Unban request

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    Mojake, just stop trying,

    The image is clearly not faked, it looks exactly like an instagram dm sent to someone. Without Photoshop (which you said you didn’t have in dms, see the first attachment), it would be quite difficult to fake it. You would have to make the background, the chat bubbles, the words in the correct font, perfect image formatting, etc. That is very difficult without good software like photoshop.

    Please provide some sort of proof that the image was faked. You are making a claim here with zero evidence, we already talked about this in our dms on discord: you tried to defend it with “innocent until proven guilty” and then when I did prove you guilty by visual evidence, you failed to come up with a response (see 2nd attachment) and claimed you had to go eat dinner. Don’t pull that “innocent until proven guilty” card because it doesn’t apply here, that is meant for defendants in a court case, and is not a loophole to make a claim without providing evidence or proof.

    Besides, when you doxxed President_B, you caused the same amount of damage as a “real” image would (assuming that you are telling the truth here, which you are obviously not). President_B told me and a few other Romans that he was legitimately scared to go back to school because of what you did.

    Serve your time, think about your actions and their effect on President_B, and maybe staff will let you appeal in a year or so.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Dragonlord of the Valyrian Freehold (VAL)
    Former High Capal of Military and Conquest in ROME
    fucking no life loser


    In reply to: I want my docks.

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    First off i did not mean to double post that was an accident but there is no delete button for posts that I can find. Second you are the ones who brought the thread off topic. You brought up in your first response about me harrasing people and then nitro went and wrote his essay about everything to bring it even more off topic. And you cant just say that im being toxic when I kill a sailor when the one time you did manage to kill me you were toxic to me.

    Pls unban me


    In reply to: I want my docks.

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    No need to double post the same thing mojake, I am sure all of the people reading this thread get the point, and also are confused at how off topic this thread became.

    Another thing, as you can see by my previous replies, I was trying to act reasonable and mature about this, but you spiraled this thread into “lets see how much dirt we can get on the other person” thread, which again, has NOTHING to do with the original post about claims. After trying many times to negotiate, I have had enough with this entire thing, you keep taunting me in private messages in game, your toxicity when you kill a sailor with basically nothing on them, among other things. Your immaturity here is very clear, and I am fed up with having to argue with you about this nonsense.

    Perhaps I went a bit overkill on the personal attacks, I apologize for that, at that point I was quite frustrated with having to argue with you, but I should not have brought that up, again, I’m sorry.

    Again, thank you for what you did for us while you were in Rome, you are a good shipbuilder and we are very much grateful for your service to the Roman Navy and our crew.
    Good luck out there on PMC, and try not to be as immature.

    Dragonlord of the Valyrian Freehold (VAL)
    Former High Capal of Military and Conquest in ROME
    fucking no life loser


    In reply to: I want my docks.

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    Mojake’s excessive toxicity and terrible behavior to our crewmate is one of the reasons that I kicked him from the crew.

    On a different note, can we all stop adding things to this conversation that are COMPLETELY irrelevant to the New arie claims, can we keep it on topic?

    Dragonlord of the Valyrian Freehold (VAL)
    Former High Capal of Military and Conquest in ROME
    fucking no life loser


    In reply to: I want my docks.

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    Also nice repost of the screenshot to attempt to invalidate the argument posted and further dodge the points you were handed, As I said stop trying to post fake screens and just own up to your illegal use of homes and remove homes and claims from the area instead of exploding this to a victim card tale that further adds to the servers drama. As stated above if you are not able to provide evidence that is flawed and showing your extreme lack off attention and showing a attempt at hiding your lies and deception, you need to calm down and think about this rationally so you can see you are in the wrong.

    I eat crayons with my eyes...
    Never put marbles in ur nose it hurts
    King of Scoryenthea
    Mayor of Crythus


    In reply to: I want my docks.

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    also here is you calling me gay. As a young person who doesn’t know whether they are straight or not I feel very offended by this and it made me cry.

    Ok buddy stop playing the victim card this was back when you and I were friends and we did send messages like this but the thing is this is not offensive to you unless you were inherently homophobic you would take offense to this but there is no proof to concede with that so therefore its invalid not to mention you are clearly lying about being offended as you said this [sure.jpg] its not inspect element as its clearly on my phone also, this is only as a defense to your attack as you are clearly avoiding the fact you ./backed and used homes for raiding and continued to batter deckies with vulgar language and then you dodge the claims by providing lackluster evidence and trying to dodge the main point YOU ARE PLAYING THE VICTIM CARD. Lets stop the debate here and leave it up for staff decision and let them side with who they feel is right.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    I eat crayons with my eyes...
    Never put marbles in ur nose it hurts
    King of Scoryenthea
    Mayor of Crythus


    In reply to: I want my docks.

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    HA! Inspect Element thats the oldest trick in the book whether it be changing subscriber counts or changing online grades to not make your parents mad! thats a fake screenshot. Ok first off my input isnt valid as ROMANS specifically asked me to comment on the matter anyway thats irrelevant as it doesn’t directly correlate with the toxic behavior you have shown today. Also ive changed mojake what Ive done over half a year ago doesnt affect who I am today and many other can vouch I have changed, But yet again this is irrelevant your claims of killing us legally is completely nonsensical as you admit that ./backing after PvP and using sethomes to raid are legal and the constant harassment of new players and saying you will continue to harass them until you get what you want is HARASSMENT and its also morally wrong so you should think before you speak and take some time and stop trying to justify you actions with sneaky tricks and attempt to slander people without definite proof of they situation or reasons to support your claim instead off pointless bickering and laughable attempts to justify your actions and straight out deny the facts stated. You should be referred to smokies butthurt and complaining forum and this topic should be rename to “I am asking staff to help me keep a base for raiding to harrass deckhands into quitting”.

    I eat crayons with my eyes...
    Never put marbles in ur nose it hurts
    King of Scoryenthea
    Mayor of Crythus


    In reply to: I want my docks.

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    Hello again,
    I don’t want to escalate this more than it needs to be, but your request to get the claims removed is based on “i built them so they are mine and the ships that Enderzalt built in them could be mine just because I built the docks around it”. Your logic says: “I built the docks, so they are mine, and therefore your claims should be removed”. You can pull this the other way as well, since I built the ships, they are mine, and therefore YOUR claims should be removed. (I am not trying to get Mojake’s claims removed, if I wanted that I would make another support thread.)

    And by harrasment I don’t mean that one kill, but after that kill, Minepixe said in vc that he wanted to leave the crew because of how much you harrassed him, killed him, and taunted him in voice chat, and, (by Roman Law,) charged you $500, luckily I had the money to pay him at the time so he didn’t leave, but you still almost made him quit the server. This constant targeting of deckhands is NOT tolerated by ROME, and is one of the reasons that I kicked you from the crew.

    For the sake of this not getting too far off topic, my claims in there are completely legitimate and are not breaking any rules set by the PMC Staff, and should not be removed.


    P.S: If you look at your discord dms, I gave you a compromise, I hope we can come to an agreement without getting Staff involved in this business, because it really shouldn’t be their issue, it is a personally thing between you and ROME.

    EDIT: I did not say that deckhands are replaceable, I said that if they die with nothing it doesn’t affect us at all, and no, we are not telling them to get outside with nothing, i was a bit unclear in pms when I said that, they are just going out by themselves, if anything I kept telling them not to.

    Dragonlord of the Valyrian Freehold (VAL)
    Former High Capal of Military and Conquest in ROME
    fucking no life loser

    • Topics: 2
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    Are you sure there weren’t any hoppers in the farm where the sword could have gone?

    100%. I wasn’t actually in the farm, and I tested repeatedly completely away from hoppers and the items kept disappearing.

    Is there any way I can get that sword refunded?

    Quoting this from the server rules “Lost goods will not be replenished, do not beg or ask staff.”

    Hmm. I was under the impression that meant if you lost items in the normal course of play, like if someone kills you or if you fall in lava. The reason I lost my sword was essentially because of a bug, or at least an unintended consequence of a feature. Items aren’t supposed to just disappear when you drop them. Back to the rule against asking for items to be replenished, would staff really not refund items if, say, the chunk your vault was in got corrupted and all the items were gone? Or if you were fighting someone and had video evidence that they were hacking and killed you, would they not return the items you had on you? Or are those cases more like you report what happened but don’t ask for your stuff back, and the staff will give you your stuff back without you for it? Seems like a pretty ridiculous rule if it means in all situations.

    It is understandable that they may not want to refund it given that I don’t have proof that I lost it from this bug and not some other way, though.

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    This is a formal request from BGE’s top officers to form an alliance with BE, as agreed in the Puffbro-Phenyxflame ceasefire agreement.  As agreed, the items have been returned that were looted during an unsuccessful raid on our base.  The agreement had a ceasefire component between BE and BGE, as well as the returning of both items.  This post is a formal request to honor the agreement already formed.

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    I want to point out that over the course of today you sieged/killed Puffbro and ConnorTunnel multiple times, going out of your way to travel to the ATLA crew base (at the edge of the world in the north), and I had to get help from allies to stop you coming over. You can also see in the images you provided that you were being rude to him before he began talking that way.

    It doesn’t excuse his rudeness, but I’m not surprised he said it


    • Topics: 19
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    Butt-hurt and Complaining

    The Clown (on leave until further notice)

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