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  • #33609
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    I don’t want to open a new topic and I am sorry if somebody already asked this somewhere else:
    The siege information page on the site says that “WOOD” is breakable during attacks. Does that refer to wooden planks or also to logs? Are logs destroyable in siege mode?

    Ic3y ;]
    • Topics: 36
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    This might explain why my cocoa bean farm has stopped, its to do with the ticks and bone meal effect and piston timings.

    Thanks for the Update- I will adapt my farms  😀



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    Ahoy! Day 2 of Optimizations.

    I guess there are a few pitfalls when using a bleeding edge server, there have been a few console errors, and we had a crash last night even though we had ample resources available.

    So I have decided to re-look at all our main config files that run the core of the mechanics to see if we can suck as much performance out as possible.

    Hopefully you will not notice any difference in gameplay, I won’t go over all specifics as I want to see if you actually notice any difference, opposed to reading what has changed and assuming there will be issues without actually playing, plus I can tell if anyone’s talking crap because; as I’m the only one that knows exactly what has changed (Nothing PVP related! getting that in before someone thinks about making this thread off topic, I know you pirates are trouble makers).

    Remember if you are seeing redstone issues, this will most probably be because we are on very poor performance and TPS drops with this god awful 1.9.2, once TPS drops below 20, that means everything runs slower, this induces redstone.

    TLDR, tell me what changed… hoppers changed, but still should work the same.

    Hoppers changed, the majority of our issues when moving to 1.9.2 are because there is an issue with the hopper code in the minecraft server software, this is up to mojang to sort out, and then for spigot to optimize. I have taken the first step which was putting us on a bleeding edge server software that allows me to control hoppers.

    Before I explain what I changed you have to understand that the server runs on ticks. 20 ticks is 1 second of server time, which makes 1 tick 0.05 seconds (50ms) Hoppers by default do 2 things, they run a check every 8 ticks and they do a transfer every 8 ticks, so every 8 ticks every active hopper is checked and it will move 1 item. That’s a hell of a lot of checks, the more hoppers the more checks. Now I found out I have the option to set the amount of items sent per transfer/check tick rate, so what I am trialling; is making hoppers check & transfer 3 times slower but moving 3 times more items. Hopefully this should give us a bit of breathing room with this insane hopper lag we are having. This will break redstone clocks dependant on hopper time.

    So theoretically hoppers should still work the same, they work slower but send more items (fires every 24 ticks), but in the process breaking hopper clocks. This isn’t a permanent solution, but with the amount of lag caused by peoples insane sized farms, its a no brainier to try this out, its untested and we are testing this live, so if you see any other issues that impact gameplay then please do address it in this thread sensibly, anyone that replies with just anger will be removed.

    Now lets answer this, because its inevitable someone will star crying.

    But I cant use my machine! This is unfair boohoo

    1. This is temporary until Mojang sort it out, cross your fingers for 1.9.3 fixing hoppers & entity lag issues (85% of all resources are entity, 40% of that is hoppers alone!)
    2. BUT I WANT TO USE MY REDSTONE CLOCK MACHINE! And I want to allow everyone to enjoy the server without lag, this is why I moved us to a dedicated server after all! (I hope it bloody works)

    What else?

    • You may see more monsters, tell me about the monsters.
    • I changed a lot of small core mechanics, grass may grow a tiny bit slower..Shouldn’t break any gameplay?
    • Ocelots shouldn’t sit on chests, we were wasting processing power letting every chest check for ocelots all the time.. I don’t think this is a necessary gameplay mechanic to waste CPU is it? Tell me otherwise if it is.
    • I turned on an explosions optimizer, I have no idea what this does, its suppose to optimize explosions by using a different algorithm, hopefully the developer didn’t change how they are registered in game, please check to make sure claims can not be damaged, if so report to me asap and ill reward you.
    • Turned on queueing light updates, so there is a que system for lighting changes instead of it just taking resources willy nilly, see how much of a difference this makes, it might mean if were running low on resources it takes time for lighting to catch up.
    • A bunch of other miscellaneous things I don’t think anyone will notice, do you see issues with something else all of a sudden?



    • Topics: 794
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    Planned maintenance

    Some minor Grief-prevention changes.

    • updated Java
    • updated PaperSpigot (changelog)
    • updated bungee (changelog)
    • updated GriefPrevention
      • Better point+click behavior in snowy areas.
      • Dropped /AccessTrust requirement to board a boat in someone’s land claim.
      • Added /Trust requirement to place a boat in someone’s land claim.
      • Fixed new boat types being placeable anywhere without permission.
      • Fixed shulkers and some other monsters being protected in land claims
      • New player “chest” claims now require claim creation permission.
      • Fire protection is back on for everyone all the time.
      • Players who have build permission can now trample crops. Monsters and animals still can’t.
      • Stopped leaving ‘freed’ abandoned pets untameable (bug fix).
      • Fixed villagers being killed by creeper explosions (zombies can still kill them).
    • updated chat plugin
    • updated admin tools

    In reply to: Claim removal

    • Topics: 46
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    Follow this link:

    Leader of the Narwhal Syndicate
    Former Official Bitchnugget of the Asylum
    King of the Elves, 2016-2017 (Rumoured)

    Crew History:
    United States Empire
    The Asylum
    Phantom Pirates
    The British Empire
    The Coalition
    Dealer's Deck
    House Indoril

    • Topics: 60
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    Did you hear about the mathematician who hated negative numbers?

    He would stop at nothing to avoid them!


    • Topics: 50
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    @nickmatttombros, well let’s imagine this, Nicky, an admin, one of your friends, and possibly an entire part of the server is upset with you, you’re responsible for starting a joke that could be considered, by the admins, as sexual harassment, and to top it all off if you try to explain yourself you’re worried you will get muted/temp banned, and you want to make amends for all of these things but none of the above would likely let you speak, what would you do?,%20First%20Emperor.
    Ω Former Consulate and Emperor of the New Romans Ω
    Vivat Rei Republicae

    ▲ ▲

    • Topics: 794
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    “Oh No! I can no longer use Gapples and Spam click my mouse button”

    @GodsDead First of all, I just want to point out that gapples are still enabled, they are just completely unnecessary due to how easy it is to survive in 1.9. Second, people arent complaining because they cant spam click, they are complaining about how difficult*, time consuming, and straight up boring pvp has become. While the numbers seem to add up, and it all sounds like a great idea, it simply dosent work with the current setup. If almost the entire community dislikes an update, maybe it’s time to look back and reconsider the update. Keep in mind that this is “The combat update” I dont think a single person from CoV or Solis(The two main pvp crews on the server) likes the changes and re-balances made to pvp. Most of the people who like the changes are the people who didn’t pvp in 1.8, dont plan to pvp in 1.9, and are just happy about the new items blocks introduced in 1.9. *I just want to clarify that when I say “difficult” Im not saying “pvp is hard now, boo hoo” I’m saying that it is nearly impossible for anyone to kill else anyone in god, because of how easy it is to stay alive for a long period of time, then run away at a person’s earliest convenience(If someone starts running and enderpearling there is almost nothing that can be done to stop them).

    So let me get this extremely clear @Minecraftventura since you think you have everything figured out.

    First of all, how dare you take this tone with me, If you do not like how I have spent hours and hours and hours making sure nothing is lost to upgrade the minecraft server up to the latest version which is updated automatically by clients, then you can leave the server immediately. DO NOT come on here and insult me because you don’t like the way MOJANG / Microsoft has updated minecraft, how dare you propose that I am responsible for he changes made in 1.9. I will not tolerate this disgusting behaviour.

    Personally I think the changes are positive, and in the right direction, they need adjustment, but with the disgusting impantiece of these people who refuse to wait for the 1.9.3 updates and future updates, they refuse to recognise the terrible PVP mechanics of minecraft as a whole. The fact you can literally walk through someone and spin around and attack them is beyond me. or Maybe you just don’t understand jokes?

    First of all, I just want to point out that gapples are still enabled

    You need to read the actual 1.9 threads on the forums, there is an actual discussion about the future of gapples.

    maybe it’s time to look back and reconsider the update

    Im sorry, what? you want to roll back to 1.8.8? or are you just talking crap?

    Keep in mind that this is “The combat update”

    Yes, its the combat update, Mojang/Microsoft made this update, this is not a server that is just for the die hard PVP’s is it? Im not going to change how the very basic mechanics of the game work to cater for you and your crews?!? Have you even thought this through? before you started on your rant?  OBVIOUSLY when peoele join a sever they expect it to work similar to the way the actual game has been updated/created, if you change how VERY basic things work, then they get confused or think theres bugs because 1-2 small groups of children that have watched a youtube video saying “1.9 PVP is baddddd” start complaining.

    So you managed to take a small joke and fun banter, and be a muppet, and attack me for the work I put in to push us the the latest verison. good work @Minecraftventura

    Thread closed.

    • Topics: 2
    • Replies: 57
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    “Oh No! I can no longer use Gapples and Spam click my mouse button”


    First of all, I just want to point out that gapples are still enabled, they are just completely unnecessary due to how easy it is to survive in 1.9. Second, people arent complaining because they cant spam click, they are complaining about how difficult*, time consuming, and straight up boring pvp has become. While the numbers seem to add up, and it all sounds like a great idea, it simply dosent work with the current setup. If almost the entire community dislikes an update, maybe it’s time to look back and reconsider the update. Keep in mind that this is “The combat update” I dont think a single person from CoV or Solis(The two main pvp crews on the server) likes the changes and re-balances made to pvp. Most of the people who like the changes are the people who didn’t pvp in 1.8, dont plan to pvp in 1.9, and are just happy about the new items blocks introduced in 1.9.


    *I just want to clarify that when I say “difficult” Im not saying “pvp is hard now, boo hoo” I’m saying that it is nearly impossible for anyone to kill else anyone in god, because of how easy it is to stay alive for a long period of time, then run away at a person’s earliest convenience(If someone starts running and enderpearling there is almost nothing that can be done to stop them).

    • Topics: 11
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    I’ll agree with you about the regen, but leave the attack speed as is. Pre-1.9, combat was literally just about who shelled out more cash for their internet. You had bad internet? You’re gonna get thrown across a room in a melee fight. 1.9 has actually made it moreso about skill than spamming that left-click. On top of that, 1.9 has also made bows actually useful against someone in god armor.

    As for shields breaking fast, just bring a second shield into battle.

    YouTuber and proud former member of the Crusaders.
    "Shoot for the sun. Even if you miss,
    it'll finally be quiet around here."

    • Topics: 66
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    Right, I went to the website & proceeded to download.

    My Microsoft security blocked it (pretty sure I can ‘override’ it but I didn’t, you’ll see why) & I then went to look for another one, but it brought me back to the same one again (this was from a different website), I then went to look at reviews & comments, all of which where either negative or problematic or it had ‘worked’ first time & it was like the most efficient thing possible.

    So I then stopped my search & came back to here.


    So yeah, again, it would be wonderful if someone could produce a wall paper of the Live Map, but without the use of downloadable content which may muck up my or anyone’s PC.

    Thanks again Gods for your help, yet it seems that it wasn’t the safest method to go with.


    In reply to: PirateCraft App

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    Future plan is to update the website so it works smoothly with all mobile devices, I just need a better theme for the website, this ones donkeys years old, then I was going to put together an app once all my other outstanding projects are finished.

    You may have missed this post

    I built a very simple online players list made for mobile devices the other day


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    This is actually quite simple, you can set your wallpaper as any website, im sure this has been doable since 1998, no idea if it works in windows 10

    Another option theres software available to set any website as your background

    • Topics: 66
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    I was wondering this the other day, as I have the PirateCraft world as my wall paper for my laptop, & thought “Why someone should make a Live Map wallpaper! That would be super cool & helpful”.

    It would work like how a downloadable animated wall paper works, but it would show the entire world, but you wouldn’t be able to zoom in mainly because this would annoy you when on your homepage & would require more work to use.

    It wouldn’t need to include a player screen as you could see everyone & there could be a downloadable wall paper for the Overworld, Nether, End & or any new worlds coming soon!

    I surely am not clever enough to do this, but I guess I’m great at generating the ideas!


    Also, on the dedicated wall papers, I know people could copy & paste server posted pictures, but if people went round & took great pictures of well known PirateCraft landmarks & or BOTM (entries or winners, it doesn’t matter) it could look nice.

    Also this includes ‘Fan-art’ possible wallpapers.


    Again, these are only ideas, I wonder if anyone would be willing to make a downloadable live map wallpaper.

    What are other people’s thoughts on this & if so, would you make it?


    In reply to: Competition Time!

    • Topics: 66
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    **BREAK’N NEWS**

    There has been a new Pufferfish discovery! Isn’t it amazing, their little spiny spines penetrate the thinly skinned human players whenever they they are eaten.

    This new pufferfish, is round, yellow, bluish & spiky… this is just another pufferfish…

    *talks to manager* Rupert, I thought this was a new Pufferfish story! *Rupert calls back* Oops, I must have been a silly old bear, mainly because I am the name of an old tv show bear, named Rupert the Bear, I am a duffer.

    *turns back to audience* I am sorry about that, my manager Rupert, is stupid sometimes, I do wonder when he will get divorced to his old coot egg, infact im gonna kick his coot egg away.

    *picks up coot egg* NOO DELIHALA -Rupert

    I’m sorry it has to be this way – me *kicks Delihahaal over the hills* *Rupert runs after delhilalaa*


    Next story is the Baking Competition.


    Hello, today we have 3 baking contestants for the baking competition, is that not exciting.

    We talk to contestant one about what they are cooking.


    Hello I am contestant 1; Ethel the Panda, & I am cooking Bammbyoboo, this is the most scrumptious Bamboiloo in the whole of Piratey craftol, I hope I win with my bambodisious dinner.

    Hallo, ich bin Kandidat Nummer 2, Mein Name in sambischen Hula-Mädchen, das ich einen Turm am Kochen in Mandelmilch bedeckt, von den Mandeln meines toten Goldfisch , bamzooki gemolken, ich möchte auch fragen, wie dieser Server ausgeführt wird… *interrupted* I am sorry but this is an English server… good bye *German Guy*  Schrei!!!!!!!!!!!! *DISAPPEARS*

    (If you want to know what this all is, please copy & paste & read it yourself, not only will you waste your time translating a language, but you will waste your precious time on earth, think your next actions wisely)>

    I am contestant number 3… muahhaahaha… I am cooking you punny little world, I love your punny world, but I will love itm ore in my stomach, no one can stop me now! muahha- *gets hit by delhaialala* *Rupert runs up* DHEHAIlIA, GET BACkin in your EGgo Baox!
    *Delilah proceeds to eat obliterate Rupert with a cot for their ‘baby coot egg’*
    And that’s the end of the news.
    Good Night.



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