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  • #70824
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    My Username: {CosmicKingSimp}

    Player(s) TulipsAndDeath, SciVibes, Rivvur, Trooper306, P1ndr0p, Spock101, Mr_bumsmell, dpex81, great_man_7, Macro26, rick_Dunhark. Being Reported.
    Username: {username}
    UUID: {uuid} (You can get it from *didn’t work for me tried multiple times*
    Punishment Tracker URL: *url didn’t work*

    Reason for Report (Exessive greifing)
    {breaking rules, cheating, glitching, duping, xraying, exploiting, hacking (Using a hacked client), harassing, griefing}

    To explain shortly, i have been inactive for a while because of traveling and due to me having a full time job with the Army. I came back home tired and glad to see that the Cities i’ve built and loved were intact… until they weren’t. As recently as yesterday 12/22/2020 3 of my great Cities of Verace, Pathere, and Vastere were demolished, by an insider and Hydra. The work of over a year has been deleted. In an instant i lost everything i have worked on, the greifing is exessive, uneccesary, and in many ways should be punishable. I realize that the people who did this are experienced and renown players of this server. However i am too, and even if i wasn’t the cities i have built have provided deckhands a place to live and be happy in. Therefore i humbly request that my cities be rolled back and restored. I am awfully too weak to do much except report and ask. So any kind of help i can get would be much appreciated.

    I hope that whichever staff member that finds and reads this report I hope that you take the time to consider my request, for i am most likely not different than any of  you and i bet if this were to happen to you it would destroy you… it destroyed me and my soul, all my hard work gone in a “bang!” literally, I can’t begin to explain the amount of despair i felt when i saw this. (look at attachments please) Thank you.

    Overview Description of Report

    Detailed Information


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    Governor in Rome.
    Former High_Capal Of TNRR.
    “To give up withought even trying is nothing but laziness”

    • Topics: 25
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    Hello Its Nahadoth,

    I saw that there was apparently some issues with what Hydra has and hasn’t done. Below I have included several screenshots from 3/26/2018. We discussed in it, the fact that Hydra stalks online players and tries to find out where they live and any personal information they can. This has already been proven, and confirmed by Great_Man_7 a member of Hydra which you will see in the chat. For staff, Smokeyriver already knows that they were stalking players, and gave them a last warning that anything else would be a perm ban for all of them. The issue with Hydra stalking mystic’s Mom Facebook, and seeing that his dog has died is true. This was also discussed in the conversation bellow and confirmed when Great_Man_7 said yes they may have gone too far. What they did was, they named a dog after Mystic’s recently passed dog, in game, and killed it in front of mystic. Its head dropped so they put it on and ran around while laughing at him and making crude jokes. The_Network can confirm this, he was present at the time in game while he was still a moderator. Mystic figured because The_Network was not doing anything against hydra for it, it was okay so he didnt press charges at the time. This is once again confirmed in the chat below I am providing, and I am sure The_Network will confirm that this event did occur. I trust in the staff to be truthful, its why I love the staff here in PMC. This is not to cause more drama but provide evidence for what has truly occurred.


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    Here at PirateCraft we truly value the safety of all Pirates, so we have taken action.

    We have created a new staff rank to settle feuds between Pirates and Mobs. We think this will be great at ending a lot of the rivalries on the server. Since things have been so hostile between Pirates.

    Please welcome Hydra Crew as PeaceKeepers.

    Peacekeeping helps prevent piracy on the server.

    Hydra Crew Members picked for PeaceKeepers: dpex81, spock1101, trooper306, chiroptera419, great_man_7, macro2.

    PeaceKeeper ranks have the ability to:

    • /kit pk
      • A beacon every 48h
      • A god set every 36h
      • A custom PK sword with knockback 30 that logs aggressors into a database of trouble makers.
    • Crowd Control tool /kittycannon to move on groups of thugs hanging about the cove streets. (anyone meeting in a group of more than 3 are considered a Gang)
    • Tools we cannot disclose at this time.

    The whole of the PirateCraft team always aims for the safest environment for Pirates to thrive, we will strive to keep the streets clean from vermin with our new peacekeeper force!

    Yours faithfully


    • Topics: 21
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    Browe_, there is like a 0% great_man_7 did it. Say we rule him out. Let’s see. We were co-leaders in EM, co-leaders in ORE, buisiness partners, he EVEN was trusted at my other (wealthier) base for a long time. That base was targeted even more than my current one. Well the only other trustee is benthebruce, and unless someone glitched my base, he enabled claim explosions. I’m not pointing fingers yet, and I’d like to think benthebruce is trustworthy, I just have a lot of evidence that BE may have been involved.

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    First things first.


    LONG LIVE THE PENGUIN CO.! In response to the events that follow in this article, Penguin Co. will soon open a warp shop shop! Penguin co. is long from being out of buisness, despite the fact that the shop is gone. We can still do warp meet, folks.

    For everything that follows, I have screenshot evidence of the things people said and did, although not of the initial attack. Please tell me if there’s a certain event that you want proven.

    Today I joined at 10:00pm eastern (or thereabouts). I found to my horror that someone blew up (likely with tnt) my shop and *some* of the adjacent farmland. They stole my chests too. I also found that someone had disabled claimexplosion protection.

    First of all, a lot of people have motives to destroy my shop. Some people just plain hate me. But merchants such as BE and Hydra do not like to see me selling so cheaply.

    The only two people who have /trust at this location were online in the past 6 hours.: Great_man_7, and Benthebruce. However, I owe large sums of money to both of them. They would both loose thousands of dollars by committing this crime. BUT- the villager farm which benthebruce was working on at my base (also the reason I owe him 2k still and why I /trusted him) – was not destroyed. That fact goes against benthebruce. This was in a hidden location, but so was my vault, which was attacked. The fact that the vault was hidden goes in BE’s favor, since if he was a crook and he knew about it you would think he would destroy it.

    Great_man_7 has mined hundreds of diamonds and given them over without a second thought for very little money. We’ve known each other since EM was still a thing. It wouldn’t make much sense for him to do it, especially since he’s mined a stack of diamonds just now.

    However, one of my chests, which was robbed during this attack, had the sword “HackFalcon” in it. A few hours before, SmokeyRivers had given me the sword back (it’s a long story). I had put it in one of the chests today. P1ndr0p alleged that a sword of the same name was sold to him, about 30 mins ago, by Benthebruce. This can’t be correct, since benthebruce logged 50 minutes ago at that point. So either p1ndr0p is not correct, or is lying. Then, p1 killed Trooper306 to “prove” it was authentic. First of all, why would trooper volunteer to be killed? He’s got other things to do besides prove to me that a sword was authentic. Secondly, P1ndr0p could’ve easily killed me to prove the same thing. Third, P1 may have named the sword to help frame BE. See, if Benthebruce had sold p1 the sword, it would mean BE members are crooks.

    Browe_ then killed someone with a sword named HackFalcon, likely a different sword, just to “prove” that p1’s hackfalcon could’ve been fake. Again, BE trying to prove they were in the clear.


    Someone obviously knows a lot about this. They know I had a sword with that name. They know how the sword and the trustees and everything fits into the puzzle. They know that someone is trying to frame someone. Both BE and Hydra seem to have a reason to frame the other group, so which do I believe? Hydra has destroyed another base of mine before, but they admitted to that one immediately.


    Both Hydra and BE are merchants who both are affected by the amount and price of what I sell. Who did it? Did both of them collaborate? That would be unlikely. Is there a deep conspiracy on the server? TAS members were being hostile to me too, I wonder if that has anything to do with anything. Of course, several TAS members usually are.

    Finally, my shop was flattened to the GROUND. Whoever did this didnt just want my valuables. They wanted to destroy my business.

    If BE attacked my base, this will be a very deep case.

    So, I’d like to know 3 things:

    1) Could someone from staff come just to confirm the explosion wasn’t using a glitch, or something like that to blow up my base (maybe cannons or something), and possibly tell me some information about what happened

    2) Could someone provide me with more evidence than I already have and

    3) Is there a chance my shop will be rolled back? I’ve heard conflicting things about this. Some people have gotten rollbacks, some haven’t, and there doesn’t seem to be any criteria for it. This was a pretty serious grief, if that counts for anything.


    Finally, I have untrusted everyone and turned claimexplosions off in one of the claims.


    I rest my case, and would appreciate any assistance.


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