Hydra, Extra Information

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    Hello Its Nahadoth,

    I saw that there was apparently some issues with what Hydra has and hasn’t done. Below I have included several screenshots from 3/26/2018. We discussed in it, the fact that Hydra stalks online players and tries to find out where they live and any personal information they can. This has already been proven, and confirmed by Great_Man_7 a member of Hydra which you will see in the chat. For staff, Smokeyriver already knows that they were stalking players, and gave them a last warning that anything else would be a perm ban for all of them. The issue with Hydra stalking mystic’s Mom Facebook, and seeing that his dog has died is true. This was also discussed in the conversation bellow and confirmed when Great_Man_7 said yes they may have gone too far. What they did was, they named a dog after Mystic’s recently passed dog, in game, and killed it in front of mystic. Its head dropped so they put it on and ran around while laughing at him and making crude jokes. The_Network can confirm this, he was present at the time in game while he was still a moderator. Mystic figured because The_Network was not doing anything against hydra for it, it was okay so he didnt press charges at the time. This is once again confirmed in the chat below I am providing, and I am sure The_Network will confirm that this event did occur. I trust in the staff to be truthful, its why I love the staff here in PMC. This is not to cause more drama but provide evidence for what has truly occurred.


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    I appreciate you providing the screenshots and context; this is not just some random drama but a real issue.

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    I appreciate you providing the Subway Surfers Online screenshots and context; this is not just some random drama but a real issue.

    I hope the staff steps in and does the right thing to ensure that this doesn’t happen again in the future.


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