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  • #83165
    • Topics: 12
    • Replies: 109
    • Total: 121
    • ★★★★

    I’d like to say that I have been in contact with Contt via discord over these past few months and he has expressed a lot of regret over his actions on the server as his attempt to make himself concentrate more on his exams, which led to his ban. As I am ungergoing my exams at the moment I know how hard it can be to have to stop yourself from opening up minecraft when you’re bored to enjoy some time with your friends and I think this may have been his way of making it easier for himself… but it went too far.

    I think Contt has changed over the past few months and I do think that change is for the better. He’s offered to help me with many projects that I have planned for the server and I believe he is much more politer now that the stress of his exams are out of the way. Contt is now a character that is much more helpful. He has made mistakes in the past which he shouldn’t have but now, since he knows what it is like to be removed from the community, the server and many of his previous friendships, I think he is unlikely to repeat his actions again.

    I genuinely think Contt has become a much better person over the last 6 months and I think he deserves another chance to set things right with the people he pushed away again. I think it’s quite unlikely that he’ll relapse and pester the staff team like he did before and I think he’d like to prove that to them. Either way, it is up to the staff team to decide.


    In reply to: Contt Unban Appeal

    • Topics: 68
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    • Total: 549
    • ★★★★★★

    Hello Contt

    Looking at your punishment tracker, it is clear you have wasted alot of staff team dealing with you. You have broken countless rules.

    And whenever you did get a punishment you would go on to complain  too as many staff members as posible, or not even waiting for a respond from the first one.

    The countless hours lazy & I have spendt dealing with your ups & downs, you can go from friendly to swearing and call us bad names. Your behavior is toxic & disrepecstfull.

    You once said to me “I hope our pass never cross again”

    Today i will be greanting that wish for you, because you will remained banned, for the countless hours of staff time you have wasted. We have spent enough time dealing with you.

    Please don’t appeal your ban till atleast 02-06-2023, 6 months after your ban was issued. 



    Grandmaster of the Teutonic Order

    Shivendra (ContDJ)
    • Topics: 5
    • Replies: 19
    • Total: 24
    • ★★

    Ahoy thar PirateCrafters, I am Contt, jus’ wanted t’ let everyone know that I am takin’ a break from PMC ‘n Minecraft ’cause o’ somethin’ that’s nah goin’ like ’twas supposed t’ be, I expect t’ be back till March-April 2023, in the meanwhile I will be semi-active on me discord ContDJ#1553, feel free t’ contact me fer anythin’. Thanks t’ everyone ‘n the staff crew fer givin’ me the best experience o’ minecraft till now, Good time awaits


    fair winds t’ ye


    Former Capal & Architect of ROME
    Former member of PAPAL
    Current Citizen of The British Empire

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