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  • #40292

    In reply to: Goodbye… (For now)

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    @captaincrackerz I will be the new grammar hero. cya soon chailey

    Leader of the Narwhal Syndicate
    Former Official Bitchnugget of the Asylum
    King of the Elves, 2016-2017 (Rumoured)

    Crew History:
    United States Empire
    The Asylum
    Phantom Pirates
    The British Empire
    The Coalition
    Dealer's Deck
    House Indoril


    In reply to: Goodbye… (For now)

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    chailey noh the server needs a hero… a Grammar hero…


    hope rl sorts itself out for u 🙂



    In reply to: Goodbye… (For now)

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    *poors rainbows on Chailey*

    please come back, if you leave we’ll all spell like Astrobolt.



    In reply to: Goodbye… (For now)

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    Chailey never let go like that bastard Jack in Titanic ;-;. Remember, Good bye, hope you are doing well in the future!

    Founder of the Coalition


    In reply to: Goodbye… (For now)

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    I hope things go well for you in real life chailey and come back to us soon!

    Proud member of the British Empire.
    Also known as Salty_Shay 🙂

    • Topics: 63
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    How to start…? Well… At the beginning, I suppose…

    Recently, I’ve had a lot happening in my life, most of it not great (don’t ask… I don’t want to talk about it… But seriously pretty awful stuff). As such, I will be retiring from the server for an unspecified amount of time… No-one is more disappointed than I, especially with how Build of the Month was getting reintroduced and I felt would actually have momentum…

    So… You will most likely not see me around on the server… And I also won’t be doing any blogging for the server in my time off. I do plan to come back, when I’m happy to restart Build of the Month and all. I just don’t know how long I’ll need.

    Regarding Build of the Month when I come back… Do you guys think I should start afresh and get some brand new builds, or should I carry on with the entries we’ve received for this month’s (September 2016) competition?

    I want to thank each and every single one of you for participating and being active members of the PirateCraft community. I genuinely believe that it is you that make this server so fun to play on. If you want to keep in contact, feel free to send me a private message on here and I’ll respond as soon as I can, or you could ask me for my Skype.

    Happy looting, all. I’m gonna miss you.

    Love you all <3 – Chailey


    In reply to: Hydra Recruitment 2016

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    I take back what I said. This is a pathetic excuse for a crew. A mini Templar if anything. You’re saying your CoV sleeper agent joined Templars? So that would be Chailey. Chailey FOUNDED the crew you idiot XD this is gonna be hilarious to watch these guys die in a few months

    Dear lord was I cringey when I was 14

    • Topics: 25
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    @Chailey Just checking to see if you are still recruiting Media Team members?

    - Solo player -


    In reply to: [Declaration of war]

    Crazy Pirate
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    Wow, paul beat me to the post with that excellent reply.

    this isn’t a stab at you, but just making a point here. I’m not going to bother contesting this decision, but I think the community needs to know the following.

    Most of the reasons listed by Templar are rubbish. Alli, for example, thinks a just reason for war is because of the way we recruit people, and because we have a large member count. Browe thinks that a large god battle is fun, and so as we are one of the few crews with many members, and much god, that we should be at war. But most importantly, they all think that a good reason for declaring war is because it will be fun.

    Now, all I can ask is this. If a reason for declaring war was because it was something fun that you wanted to do, did you really do everything to avoid it?

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    In reply to: [Declaration of war]

    Crazy Pirate
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    It is with great sorrow?

    Justification of this decision lies with Grand Masters Chailey and Browe_, and is as follows:

    Followed by some reasons you didn’t speak to us about.

    Then f0llowed by:

    We aren’t super salty, but a war will be hella fun 🙂

    And what Browe_ said ^

    You are seriously going to war with us because it’s fun? What the hell. If that’s the real reason, as I suspect it is, don’t us BS excuses. Just announce that you want to be the new asshole crew, and be done with it. Considering a lot of you are former BE, and a darn sight more are close friends with our members, this is pretty much a stab in the back.

    We fought with you against Apple, I’ve been in your vault many times, you guys have been in mine, we’ve worked together, we’ve fought together. The simple fact is, you declared war for the hell of it, and I’m pretty disappointed.


    Topic: [Declaration of war]

    in group forum Templar Embassy
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    It is with great sorrow that, due to recent events, the Templars (TMPLR) are now declaring themselves as in a state of war against the British Empire (BE). Justification of this decision lies with Grand Masters Chailey and Browe_, and is as follows:

    • Knight Commander IceKnight_ and Grand Master Browe_ were attacked by British Empire members for nothing more than their bounties.
    • Knight Commander Galaxy219 and Grand Master Browe_ were abandoned by British Empire member Shay_ during an assault against a mutual enemy.
    • Knight Commander IceKnight_ was assaulted and killed by British Empire members NadomaticGamer and Shay_.
    • Squire XBoy123 was attacked and killed a total of 31 times by British Empire members, including Vice Prime Minister CaptainCrackerz and Shay_.
    • Knight Toravan’s land has been griefed by NadomaticGamer.
    • Knight Commander IceKnight_ has been attacked by British Empire member WolfGamer03.

    In reply to: Video Bounty Time

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    @Chailey Could you clarify me the second part of your comment, please? I could have misunderstood something. If you defend their lives from someone willing to revenge for a morally low action, aren’t you approving that action and helping the one who committed it to escape his fate? The fact that every member’s action is on their own but you all stick togheter is also another point which I didn’t really understand. The Templars as crew cannot be blamed for the actions of an individual, but if the individual is still kept in the group, then can I say, for example, that a “Templar” committed a specific low act towards somebody? Am I not using the “Templar” status for a man who did bad moves? Doesn’t the Templar status represent the Templars crew? Could I expect, then, that sometimes somedody, a random member of the Templars could show low behaviour in an encounter, considering the fact that in this case the one who did it remained stable and safe in it’s position?

    Thank you

    Ic3y ;]
    • Topics: 36
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    Dang, chailey I forgot to name my Build what its called. (spoon)

    If its Legal can u change it to “Port Vengeance” Thanks!


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    Lol. I was gonna reply he does have proof… I saw Chailey’s post I thought and hold up lair

    Founder of the Coalition

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    I first looked at this and was like, hey, maybe he needs to get unbanned. But chailey’s comment made me look at that screen again 😛

    Leader of the Narwhal Syndicate
    Former Official Bitchnugget of the Asylum
    King of the Elves, 2016-2017 (Rumoured)

    Crew History:
    United States Empire
    The Asylum
    Phantom Pirates
    The British Empire
    The Coalition
    Dealer's Deck
    House Indoril

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