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  • #14308

    In reply to: Look out for videos!

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    @ChaileyOfficial you are pooper don’t think for one moment that I don’t want to be a part of one of these videos >:D

    ~High (#420) Admiral of the BE Navy and retired News Anchor of the Piratecraft Survival Server~


    In reply to: Look out for videos!

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    Anyone can do anything. Chailey will be the one who decides what video guides I make.


    In reply to: Ban Appeal

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    1. Calm down, your tone is disgusting for someone that is asking to be unbanned, being rude, not listening AND ignoring what you have done wrong is bang out of order, @ChaileyOfficial is 100% right you tried to advertise your own server to another player on PirateCraft.
    2. The ban was automated, No member of staff issued it, this is to stop people that come onto servers to advertise their own server via chat, it does not matter if it was PM or global IT IS STILL ADVERTISING.
    3. Read rule 6

    Im utterly shocked at both advertising & this response @Cirqu, I have had nothing but great conversations with you in-game, your building style is fantastic! Alas I cannot have this drama fuelled anger here, and I have a no-advertising rule for a reason. Sorry.

    How was it advertising? Both of them are friends, _Spyder01_ and I are building a map for another server and we want to do it on Cirq’s server, he asked for the IP, after that I’m not sure what happened, for this you would need to either check the logs or ask Spyder as well.

    Could you give me a few good reasons why this is advertising? There are many people on your server that may not know each other out of the server and can only contact each other via the server, therefore if they want to go on a different server or work on something such as a build they would need to send the IP via PM. No one else can view their PM’s unless they look in console, in this case they were building together on Cirq’s server and Spyder needed the IP, I’m not sure if the IP was sent but the server we met each other on allows you to send IP’s via PM, and I’m sure most servers allow this unless it is someone just randomly sending you a PM containing an IP, which would most likely be spam as well as advertising.

    Note: This was not intended to be rude, if you take it the wrong way at least you’ll know it wasn’t intend.

    Hope you take this into consideration. 😉



    In reply to: Ban Appeal

    • Topics: 794
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    1. Calm down, your tone is disgusting for someone that is asking to be unbanned, being rude, not listening AND ignoring what you have done wrong is bang out of order, @ChaileyOfficial is 100% right you tried to advertise your own server to another player on PirateCraft.
    2. The ban was automated, No member of staff issued it, this is to stop people that come onto servers to advertise their own server via chat, it does not matter if it was PM or global IT IS STILL ADVERTISING.
    3. Read rule 6

    Im utterly shocked at both advertising & this response @Cirqu, I have had nothing but great conversations with you in-game, your building style is fantastic!

    Alas I cannot have this drama fuelled anger here, and I have a no-advertising rule for a reason.


    The Queen
    • Topics: 132
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    Voting Election Results
    I did not vote for anyone yet I let the server and elve empire vote but everyone is to stay anonymous thank you for voting and campaigning Enjoy!
    Congratulations, it is in my best honor to say welcome King Saraphim of the Elven Empire, may the empire shine with your glory, may the empire shine with you grace and may the empire see there leader one they look up to and stand as an image of hope and prosperity to the empire!

    Commander of all Armed Forces:
    Congratulations chailey! Head commander of the EESO and head general of the Elven empire forces, may our empire shine as the shine of your sword may the Black Strips of your vest be as black of our cannons of our navy and may the force of your mind be the mighty strength to protect, honor, and defend your homeland.

    Royal Advisor: @captaindeadbeard
    Congratulations! May the grace of our Royal family be watched and protected by you may the decisions me or the King makes be thought of and gone over by you and may the protection of the Princess be watched and cared for by you!

    Congratulations Ambassador may the mighty power of our nation be represented by you, may the hope and support of our nation be supported by you, may all of our international problems be solved and handled by you and I’m glad to see you getting places!

    Congratulations Admiral, may the reign of your might shine as a blue insignia on our cadets uniforms! May the grace and constant Bright personality keep our moral up and never ending love for one our most known Koi0001!

    Defense and Coast Guard Commander:
    You know dork I have seen you grow a lot.. From a pirate to becoming a gentleman though you have much to learn it makes me happy to see how you try and always improve though you cause trouble at times and constant threats lol I know one day you will become something great! May the reign of your power and might protect and serve all cities and settlements through the empire

    It is in my power to now say this is our strong and mighty leaders will repsent and show the Elven empire bringing us into a new era of peace and prosperity!

    Congratulations to you all

    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

    • Topics: 794
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    Thanks for the report @ChaileyOfficial, all this amazing wordplay in his 1m 14 seconds playtime:

    Opped Inflamed_Pen15.


    • Topics: 794
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    I wish I got screenshots from before, We have had the most amazing server-project in a while tonight. So many people have worked together to start fixing up Evermoor for its future purpose which is still Un-decided.

    It was all hands on deck and we did SO much tonight, people are still building as I go off to bed! This is the current trustlist!

    zackbacon, name_change, Lucky77746, Sharknado321, DynamiteDrip61, FTB_player123, DirectorAnivian, Chailey, Deadking289, Firestar40001, saraphim7, KetoneLeone, WilsonManzer, Silverstone47, BaconblockpigLM, CallieMav, Dark_Tody, Sargent_Snubby, Ma_c_hi, shadowx2q2, QueenRep, smokeyriver, PresidentRS, vapecloudbear, browe454, captainvenoms, Markusi13

    I don’t think I have ever had that many people on a trust before! What an awesome build from everyone, lets keep it going!

    Im up for any ideas, just jump in, an fix it up! Make it amazing!

    Anyone that wants to start on its Wiki Page:


    Warp: /warp city

    Can I ask people not to loot/PVP in this area, as we have had such amazing progression, assholes will be dealt with!

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    • Topics: 794
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    @aniviankevinlu @ChaileyOfficial

    This thread is for Talking about the getting started guide on the Wiki, we can have a separate forum thread about video tutorials.


    In reply to: Wiki re-release

    • Topics: 794
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    @Azuries @ChaileyOfficial I didn’t even think about setting up the email servers, thank you! This is why its good to test things first!

    Right, I have enabled the proper SMTP servers, so it should send email properly now, maybe that’s why im not getting emails for when things are edited! Derp.

    Looking at the form, it says Optional next to the email, and it defaults to false so people dont need an email to create an account, this is a massive security hole, so im going to enable that now! I tested it out creating a new account and it sent me an email.. to my spam folder! 🙁 When I registered it gave me this:

    A confirmation code was sent to your email address. This code is not required to log in, but you will need to provide it before enabling any email-based features in the wiki.

    Your account has been created. You can change your PirateCraft preferences if you wish.

    Return to Main Page.

    Maybe the checks didn’t work as it couldn’t send you an email? Anyway it should be fixed for new accounts now, I have no idea how you would resend a conformation email? can you find it? If you cant gain access to your accounts I can delete the accounts so you may re-create them.

    Now I have to figure out why its sending it to spam inbox, otherwise nobody will be able to join!


    In reply to: thief investigation

    • Topics: 133
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    Paul, did you not see my update in the BE group?

    I have now, Chailey!


    In reply to: thief investigation

    • Topics: 133
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    Our rules are clear. If you attack someone when not in defence of yourself or a fellow citizen, you’ve got to handle the situation on your own. You might also be expelled from the Empire depending on the severity of your action. The British Empire will never attack a player who hasn’t committed some crime.

    We are therefore grateful for any reports on these “ghost” BE citizens who plague the server. If in doubt, inform any Governor of the Empire (CrazyPirate, Michal Tyrlik, Chailey, Bislo, Director Anivian and many others) about rogue players so we can put a stop to their activities.

    • Topics: 67
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    As the title says, this will be the future place to make me aware of your interest in renting a shop in my town. I have in the past handled this matter while beig online, but seing as more and more people are interested at times where i was busy i think it is only fair to create this thread, so people can apply at all times and not only when i have time to talk to them about it.

    The shops are divided into numbers just to make it easier to navigate in the map below:

    View post on

    Following shows the status of each plot:


    1. Currently rented out to Crabriel until; 01-04-15

    2. Currently rented out to Chailey until; 31-04-15      Claim fee-750£/75 diamonds, monthly rent- 100£/ 10 diamonds

    3. Vacant      Claim fee-150£/15 diamonds, monthly rent.30£/ 3 diamonds

    4. Vacant      Claim fee-200£/20 diamonds, monthly rent- 30£/3 diamonds

    5. Vacant      Claim fee-400£/40 diamonds, monthly rent- 60£/6 diamonds

    6. reserved to eph    Claim fee-500£/50 diamonds, monthly rent- 80£/8 diamonds

    7. Vacant     Claim fee-300£/30 diamonds, monthly rent-40£/4 diamonds

    8. Vacant    Claim fee-350£/35 diamonds, Monthly rent-40£/4 diamonds   

    9. Temporarily out of towns possesion

    10. Temporarily out of towns possesion

    11. Vacant    Claim fee 500£/50 diamonds, monthly rent-70£/7 diamonds


    Claim fee – This is a fee i charge at the start of each rental period, this is because of the tedious work i have to do each time anyone doesnt pay their rent, leaves their shop unused and or leaves unused chest signs in the shop, which i cannot remove myself. It’s also a barrier to players who just throws themselves into the business without thinking long term, thus leaving their shop unused two days after purchased, meaning the shop will be empty for a whole month, which is sad.

    Monthly rent – this is the actual rent paid each rental period, which goes 31 days. If the rent is not paid at the end of the month, there will be a one week period where i will prompt you to pay, if the rent is still not paid, you will be evicted without warning and all your possesions may be confiscated.


    I will update the thread occasionally. You will have to apply to this thread. Tell me which number you are interested in and i’ll get back to you.

    For rental rules, visit the town hall.


    Hope it helps you merchants out there 🙂


    Founder of Port Hope

    • Topics: 133
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    This is an official announcement from the British Empire. I have decided to post it here for the record because of all the spam we’re getting in the group section.

    After a lengthy discussion, we have decided to annul the current Prime Minister election vote. The reason for this is that we already have an incredible 133% turnout, which means that a lot of people from outside the British Empire are casting their votes.

    It was too optimistic on our part to expect everyone to use their noggin. To be quite clear: Only full citizens of the British Empire are entitled to vote. No strangers, no allies, no applicants. No discussion. If you want to vote that desperately, you should apply for membership post-haste. We are starting the second round this coming Saturday under more controlled conditions. Anyone who isn’t a full member on our list until then will not be allowed to participate. Currently entitled to vote are:


    The contestant duos remain the same:

    A) CrazyPirate1 & Michal_Tyrlik
    B) Chailey & Bislo

    I shall be opening a new group for voters. You will only be let in if you meet the prerequisites.

    We look forward to an exciting election race! Thank you for your attention.

    Crazy Pirate
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    Right, im gonna make a report here; FTB_player123

    Story is as follows.

    Whenever I say something, he claims its against the rules. This gets really annoying. For example, I ask someone to vote for my BOTY for a reward. He tells me its against the rules, and to shut the f*** up, and spends the next ten minutes telling me how stupid I am. I don’t take screenshots, bearing in mind this was the first time (bout a week ago).

    Then, tonight, I ask chailey to place a livemap icon for me. He claims its against the rules. I ask ma_c_hi this, and he says to the best of his knowledge, it isn’t. So 123 gets in a sulk, and tells me I shouldn’t be acting so inappropriately. So I send him a message asking what did I do to upset him?

    He responds, asking, why do you think that? So I say, its the way you act, to which he replys, well, you can see the screenshot. He then says, out of screenshot, that I’m on his f***ing kill list, and then repeatedly asks me “do you want to die” when I try to calm him down.

    I don’t expect this, especially when I’m simply playing a game. He didn’t need to be rude, he doesn’t need to find fault with what I do. I didn’t bother creating a new forums for this, because I think its a waste of forum space, but I hope someone sees it. @markusi13 @iamthereaper89

    Thanks for reading it.

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    • Topics: 63
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    Build Name: Residency of the Virgin Islands

    Builder: Chailey

    Sub-builder(s): N/A

    Co-ords: -2,114 , 64 , -7027


    Wow I’ve waited a long time to do something like that 😀

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