June 2023 Build of The Month; Entries and Winners!

August 3, 2023 2:51 pm Published by in , , . Leave a Comment

Ahoy you Landlubbers and Pirates! Welcome back to Build Of The Month! Now let’s look at all this hot blocky Mess! Make sure to leave a comment for the hard work of these pirates! 

Screenshots taken by LordArth and MrLimeWise.

June’s winning survival builders!

First PlaceSecond PlaceThird Place
Taulov Lullaby93Jpcello
Captain RankCaptain RankLieutenant Rank
10000 Claimblocks7500 Claimblocks5000 Claimblocks
1st Place Trophy2nd Place Trophy3rd Place Trophy
A set of special BOTM ToolsA set of special BOTM ToolsA set of special BOTM Tools
Painting in /warp botmPainting in /warp botmPainting in /warp botm

1st Place

Taulov’s Vault

by Taulov

Deep down in the caves near Malkbork Castle, is many secrets. One of those secrets is the hidden vault of Taulov. 
Enjoy a rare insigt into this vault.

2nd Place

Italian Garden

by Lullaby13

After months of work I’m glad to present yall the better version of the Garden of Babylon. A marvelous place where i can chill in peace have fun with friends (well at least those still unbanned). CSN on top, never stop. 

3rd Place

Chess Arena

by Jpcello

The Working Chess Arena. Challenge Jp to a Game We dare Ya!

Wow those builds are breathtaking! Make sure to congratulate the winning pirates! And while you’re here, why don’t you submit your build for next month Competiotion?

Full list of entries for June 2023!

We had many Spendarific entries this June Month, so feel free take a look also at the rest of the builds!

Pirate safeplace

by HugeThalis

This build features a safe place for any pirate to rest, before heading out into more adventure.

Rosenbridge Castle

By Calendil_

I built a city on top of a bridge over a canal and I built a castle at one end. The bridge is tall enough and deep enough that most ships on the server can sail through. Just watch for the TnT dispensers. Rosenbridge Castle looms over the canal and dominates the land. Bristling with cannons and a wither rose moat, this castle is my weapon. The working drawbridge and portcullis are left wide open… suspicious? I love visitors 😀 The alternate entrance to the castle is protected by “The Withering Hallows,” a lethal wither rose maze few could ever solve. Below the castle, is a cave big enough to dock our crew’s flag ship. Inside the castle we have all facilities necessary to be a worthy crew home and house IronAR’s magnificent throne. Around the castle we will build the greatest city on the server just for deckhands, and we already have two active deckhands living on the bridge. Feel free to siege us anytime

New Rust Town Hall

By RazorWave22

The center of law and a building for The officers, offices for the newest area of AR.


The Great Pyramid of Pjeturr


By theSourPatchKing

Cathedral by Akka

By Vedel

The Cathedral by Akka is a cathedral which is built in a “catholic” style. By that I mean, which confessional boxes, wings to worship idols/saints and an alter to make any alter bad about itself. 
The cathedral is a big “1:1 cathedral”. That means, that it’s a church with one main wing, with 4 minor wings made for different purposes. Tho, the cathedral is massive, and will make any player walking in there, as the doors are always open, even when I’m not online, feeling a sense of calm. 
The pictures will show that it stands out in the landscape, dominates it and in all is a cathedral that is worthy of its title; a cathedral.

Thank you all for submitting and congrats to everyone! until August Well see you again!! Good Luck and Get Building!!!


“I got a jar of dirt, I got a jar of dirt”

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