Demoted 352 Inactive crew leaders, Reduced locker coins, Removed Xmas world
January 22, 2019 11:12 am in Changelogs, Survival. 4 Comments

I seem to be playing catch-up with changelogs again! This should roughly be most recent changes.
- PirateAuction /auc fixed losing items over reboot – Thanks Creeprr
- Reduced locker coins from needing 5 to only needing 3 now, this will allow us to put more people in the locker more often
- Removed Xmas world
- Doubled starting food and gave leather armour to deckhands, they seem to be getting more sensitive and quitting from an early death, lets see if this helps
- Demoted 352 inactive crew leaders, criteria was being offline for a year or more this should hopefully allow crews to not be stuck because of someone that has gone offline, if you want a leader removed please create a forum thread. There was a slight bug doing this, single person crews do not update their “last online”, why would it need too? you are the only one in it! Which means when performing the query for people offline over a year, a few of these leaders came up, so if you were a crew leader of a 1 man crew, you may have been demoted! Please ping me on discord and I will fix you. Google spreadsheet of all crew leaders demoted from leader to member.
- Added 100 items to the auction

- Fixed 2 icons from Menu
- Added avatar to mobile logged in hamburger menu, so mobile users can tell if they are logged in or without
- Added grayscale to avatars in nav bar
- Changed avatar from being minecraft linked direct, to using the avatar in wordpress as some people upload custom avatars.
- Mass clean-up of not used or unnecessary channels
- Added emoji icons to channels, if this is too much do tell me.
Thanks a bunch for all the updates.
However, maybe check on the avatars… first it showed your icon as my avatar and after uploading a new one it shows a broken image (like it’s not set).
Yup, they were screwed 3rd time lucky? See if they are fixed now.
What’s the texturepack in the gif?
Dokucraft light!