Write your own article competition. Finals!

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    Hey guys what an exciting day it is! The final of our competitions. Entry’s have been taken in and judged, they were all really good and they all made me laugh, I wish all of you could compete in the finals but we have to narrow it down to just two contestants. To those who didn’t get in, I am really sorry but the good news is that we will have another competition in a month and a bit 😛

    Those who proceed to the final round will be tasked on writing their own news edition. Now some of you may ask: “But Icanra that’s boring! It’s the same as the last round” well viewer sounding a lot like telex, I have some good news. The challenge of this round is that they have to write a longer news articles – Plus with their own gimmics and in the same format as the news is. Still sound too easy? Thought so, that is why I am not gonna give you a theme 😛 they have to use their imagination.


    Well enough talk! I can reveal that the two winners are:

    Drum roll please!



    What do you mean we don’t have the budget for a drum roll?

    Yea and?

    Well can’t you just bang on a table or something?



    Dammit Carl you had one job!



    Well the two players who proceed to the next round are…






    *making suspense*








    *more suspense*












    *even more suspense*







    Gildor and Wadsworth!


    Well done you two!

    Thank you all for entering and don’t worry if u didn’t win as there is another chance soon!

    As for you two… Get Writing! xD



    Founder and Senator of the Luteus Republic
    Writer of Pirate Craft Articles
    Luteus Republic
    The servers first founded and working Republic

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    GG @Gildor, best of luck

    Ω Former Consulate and Emperor of the New Romans Ω
    Vivat Rei Republicae

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    Well done.

    & Icanra did you not like my entry :>

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