World expansion poll, Shoud we wait for 1.8 terrain?

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    Today I was talking to Reaper about a world expansion, we’re getting a little cluttered with our ever expanding player base (Woo!) and the restrictions of the current world border make it hard for new players to find a groovy spot to call home.

    At present our world is limited to a 4000 block radius from the spawn, we were thinking about expanding to 7000 now before 1.8, with the 1.7 terrain and then 15000 when 1.8 bukkit drops, There are a few things to take into consideration when bumping the world size, So I think its best to get as many opinions as possible before a decision is made.

    1. The development time to update Bukkit from 1.7 to 1.8 could take months, To add to this the Bukkit team quit and its landed on one developers head from Mojang to update Bukkit (the main server software).
    2. Then we have to wait for all plugins we use to update to the latest 1.8 version of bukkit, This could take a few more weeks.
    3. Terrain generation in 1.8 is completly different, For single player worlds it is completly customizable, im not sure if this follows suit for hosting a server, I dont see why it wouldnt, this would mean we might even be able to choose what type of terrain we have.
    4. If we expanded now to 7000 blocks, anything genreated in that new area will not be updated to 1.8 terrain.
    5. At present at 4000 blocks radius the world download zipped is 1.9GB so 7k would be 3.3GB and 15k would be 7.1GB, Thats an insane size for backing up/restoring/moving server/extracting. The bigger the world the more problems arize.

    So before I make the plunge I want to have a thought out disgussion between the community!

    Minecraft 1.8 has a deployment date of Tuesday, September 2, according to Mojang, Thats about a week away.
    We could wait for this to drop and then see if we can find an ETA on the release of a Bukkit update, then make a decision.

    For now, I would like to collect thoughts via a poll and comments.

    [poll id=”18″]



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    May I suggest, expand another 7k then once 1.8 is out with the new bukkit go straight to 15k on a brand new smashing map. Also in 1.8 in SP one can change the spawn rate of some blocks and all ores, ranging from the height they spawn to how big a vein you want them to spawn.

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    A new map is not an option yet I think xD

    The landscape on which abandoned noob buildings stand could be restored to how it used to be quite easily.

    Crazy Pirate
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    No new map. That would kill me.

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    A new map isnt an option, Im not resetting the world, im talking about expanding it!

    Reaper spent 12 hours not long ago regenerating old noob terrain back to its glorious self.

    The idea is, once the world is bigger, we have new spawns built at each NESW point, and alternate spawn for new players, to spread them out a bit.

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    you should keep in mind, that option 1 includes all people who want to expand map right now, while options 2 and 3 split the other category in half, which makes it little uneven. Sum of those should be considered before you decide to expand right now…

    Prime Minister of the British Empire
    Governor of the Province of Canada

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    haha yeah definitally @michty 2 & 3 are being added together for a total score for “Not now”, But I needed to add in another option for a gradually, im sure I’ve missed out a few other options too.

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    if you look at the dynmap you see, that map is not that populated yet. Jump to 15k would give everybody change to spread too far away, and raiding would become very hard. Even now you can find unpopulated areas, and yet whole map is still within reach of boat.

    Prime Minister of the British Empire
    Governor of the Province of Canada

    Crazy Pirate
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    Yeah! Im back! A flipping 12 hour journey, sucks! But I have decent wifi, which means that I can put in a decent reply! Expanding the map should wait until 1.8 drops, as we can wait. The map is plenty good enough as it is, and 1.8 will make it better, but we should save all this enlargement until then.  So not now would be the winner for me!

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    the problem in what you said, michael is that if we don’t expand it soon then people will settle too close to each other and the people who settled in that position first wont be able to expand, which is the one thing I dislike about the claiming system.

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    personally i wouldn’t mined a total map and inv reset, ik many ppl would be against this but take it from me, uni and i have everything we will ever need and at this point i dont think we will ever lose our stuff. it would level everyone out again and make it fun to start out.

    I'm chaotic neutral, don't question me

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    Edit: nvm

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    This should be gradual, once there is a stable release gradually expand the map. As for people building close together, surely you can team up? Create a cool town or make some sort if deal. It’ll be great to see awesome settlements made by a group than seeingn a few towns opposite ends of the map.

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    The Bigger You make it makes it harder for ship battles,crew sieges etc. but i think you should mabey add 2000 more blocks or 1000 not to much ik 1.8 has alot of people excited but to much space could possible lead to bad things but its not my option its whats best for the server but in all honesty i dont really care im fine were i am 😀 -MrMehHehHeh Your Average Player

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    personly i think the map is great as it is, the only thing i would suggest is removing the protection from building, where the owner hasn’t logged in, in a while. would give great oppertunity for looting and give new and old players, opportunity to move in.

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