Wont be on Piratecraft for some days

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  • #3539
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    Hey Guys my computer broke, and it could take some days to fix it.

    So i will see you all in some days! 😉

    Crazy Pirate
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    Mod down, Mod down! Things will go haywire without you mark! Hope you computer is fixed soon, and it isn’t too costly!

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    guess my coal supplier is gone for a few days i mean wut

    Lucky you will be missed 🙁

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    Can I have the color of your name for a few days then?



    (I hope you get your computer fixed. Gonna miss youuuu :P)

    ~High (#420) Admiral of the BE Navy and retired News Anchor of the Piratecraft Survival Server~

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    Oh no! Whats wrong with it Markus? I might be able to help 🙂

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    Haha thanks guys will miss you too :p

    Godsy it like doesnt even let me start it, when i click the start button on the computer it doesnt do anything.

    But today is comming someone to take a look at it 😉

    Will tell you what was/is wrong with it, if that guy will find it xD

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    Oh wow …

    Broke my laptop now too xD must reinstall windows 7 on it now.

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