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  • #1205
    Crazy Pirate
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    Well, I went on, and suddenly the house where we test the commands has gone, theres a castle sign saying Tim and Adzy, and spawn has a tent. So, with no more home/base, is our job done? And is the sever close, or are there anymore plugins that need testing? But if its nearing completion…


    Just wanted to get it out there…. 🙂

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    I had a cleanup ready for release, Our list is infinite, but I think were getting ready to open the doors for this weekend, Its taken much longer than expected, The castle Sign was a test for Adding more layers into dynmap, hover over on the left and a new selection “pirates” is there, Ideas for future plans!

    Im hoping I can get Boats working tonight and to add cannons back in ready for siege’in people!

    Had to give up with stats, Ive wasted so much time waiting on developers and their poorly made plugins.

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
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    Well, all I can say is job well done, I hope the server gets off to a great start! If you want some help testing plugins, like the Boats or cannons one, then I’m happy to help!

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