What needs to go in the bible?

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  • #6354
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    Ok, Bible needs an update, some things I think I need to put in:

    • /rank & /track
    • Entities are limited to 50 per chunk.

    What else needs to be added?

    What commands need to go in?

    Remember its the essentials for the server.

    Crazy Pirate
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    Make sure that bad mouthing the server isn’t allowed: loads come on, and troll. Just make it a rule. Maybe, tell them at the start, their is a key hidden on each page, and if they read it all, and find the keys (special letters in colours) at the end, it gives them a special command for diamonds. The command then kills them, but, it means they read trough the book, and makes for some laughs.

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    Erm, Maybe we wont be trolling new players.

    But I may need to look at the /rules to make sure their is some chat etiquette.

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    I known this has been suggested a mole times but I still wanna bring it again, I think we should have a quiz thing when they start or at least an optional quiz that gives you something when you finish it, but I think if we make them do it it would thin out the crowd of trollers by ~60% (random math stuff FTW!).

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    Thing is, once the answer is known, people will just say in chat “type in this for this”..

    Now, You can make links and commands run from inside a bible, this could be used somehow.

    Alex Lazescu
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    I need to start patenting my ideas… they’re getting thrown around without any recognition! 😛

    Anyways, Gods, I played on a server once that had chat disabled for new players. So maybe: when a person logs on they’re rank is not Deckhand, but just “Sea Dog” (Idk something Creative, “Noob” sounds too offensive) and their chat is turned off, except for /helpop. This solves the problem of old players cheating through the new. This could be a achieved by maybe they’ll be muted by a command block once they log in, and the quiz spawn is on a Pressure plate that activates the block? Idk. They quiz will have to tell them they are muted so they do not panic, and inform them that they have to finish the quiz to enter the world. When they finish the quiz succesfully they will be lead to another pressure plate which links to a command block which unmutes them and sends them to the spawn boat, AND gives them the gravel block mentioned below? 😀

    Now, to get out of the rank “Sea Dog”, they finish the quiz, and once they finish the quiz successfully they get a piece of gravel in their inventory, (Maybe; depending on how highly they scored on the start quiz, they could get better rewards? A iron sword for 100%, a black-colored leather tunic and helm for 90%? Idk if this is possible.) Now seeing how the poll for the Auto Rank requirements of Carpenter has the option, “Something Specific in the Inventory”, I know this is possible and it could work.

    This will thin the crowds of those who aren’t really interested in the server and just want to hack or troll or etc. However if our new player net gain drops too low we can always just remove the quiz. We can peak starting player interest by designing a beautiful quiz room built in the development server with creative, and then maybe copy’d and pasted into the real world? Or inserted as a schematic?

    Thanks for your consideration! <3 Happy Holidays!

    Retired Pirate 6/25/14 -- 6/15/15

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    Now were getting somewhere, we can do location based rewards, I think a lot of servers make you read the signs, so you have to click on a warp sign to leave the tutorial, but that would just put off any new players, I want people to just walk and play, no messing around.

    Using your idea for location based rewards for reading the bible, we could have coordinates written in the book, this doubles up as a Pirate themed “treasure hunt”, I will have to find a way to make this a one-time event, so people cant abuse it, but this also made me think about the starting tools.

    We still need to write up signs at the spawn, there’s hardly any there at all, maybe some regenerating chests to go with it.

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    I really, really think the bible needs a link back to the website. I also highly support a quiz of sorts. Anyone who really wants to join a server wouldn’t mind spending a few minutes reading the rules. [One of my peeves about new servers is not having them posted somewhere! Either in a wall or book, etc]

    As a side-note: I appreciate how small Spawn is. So sick of needing to run over 1000 laggy blocks just to get out of spawn and then starving immediately after.

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    On a side note from the bible, I think a kit with a golden shovel and a golden hoe would be really useful. I use several kits regularly and it would be incredibly convenient over having to go craft.

    Alex Lazescu
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    I think you get a golden hoe once you rank up to Cadet as part of the rewards for ranking, and I don’t see why a Deckhand would need a golden hoe because they can’t pilot any ships

    Retired Pirate 6/25/14 -- 6/15/15

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    I recently saw a server where there was a quiz. It wasnt text based but it ported you to rooms, with signs, and you walked into a yes or no area. Such as:

    Is it ok to PVP in shop areas, or harrass other players by repeatedly killing them?


    Then at the end of the series of rooms; you’d get a basic kit. It stated at the beginning that you’d get a reward; so maybe we could have a quiz that, if finished, you got your golden shovel.



    Also I think the bible needs to have an alert for various lag causing things. Have it state that animals/mobs are limited to 50 a chunk, and that a chunk is 15 squares which they can access locations of by looking at the (C) number in F3.

    In addition, there should be a page on Redstone. Many don’t know, the more redstone things a server has in operation constantly, the more lag is caused. The bible would detail helpful tips like leaving auto devices off when logging out, making railways work on detector rail instead of constantly powered with torches; etc etc

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    In addition, there should be a page on Redstone. Many don’t know, the more redstone things a server has in operation constantly, the more lag is caused. The bible would detail helpful tips like leaving auto devices off when logging out, making railways work on detector rail instead of constantly powered with torches; etc etc

    It’s the block update that may cause problem with redstone (fast clock, lots of pistons, …).
    Rails aren’t really cpu-consuming and even if it was, a constantly powered rail with redstone (constant state, no block update) should cause less cpu/bandwith usage than a detector rail (detection, update to adjacent rail, tick count, second update to adjacent rail to disable it).

    Alex Lazescu
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    Mebbe a link to some badass ships for inspiration!


    Retired Pirate 6/25/14 -- 6/15/15

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